Laughter Over Spilled Coffee: An Unlikely Romance
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Laughter Over Spilled Coffee: An Unlikely Romance
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Laughter Over Spilled Coffee: An Unlikely Romance Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: U malom gradiću smještenom uz obalu...
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Story Transcript:
Hr: U malom gradiću smještenom uz obalu mirnog jezera, kafić "Kod Plavog Zvonca" bio je omiljeno mjesto susreta.
En: In a small town nestled along the calm lake shore, the café "At the Blue Bell" was the favorite meeting spot.
Hr: Ogledao se u staklenoj površini jezera, miris kave miješao se s povjetarcem koji je donekle smirivao vrelu ljetnu žegu.
En: It reflected in the glassy surface of the lake, the scent of coffee mixing with the breeze that somewhat relieved the hot summer heat.
Hr: Ivan je pojedinačno uvježbavao mono dijaloge u svojoj glavi, spremajući se na susret s Anom, djevojkom koja mu je već neko vrijeme unosila nemir u misli.
En: Ivan rehearsed monologues in his head, preparing for the meeting with Ana, a girl who had been unsettling his thoughts for some time.
Hr: Imao je plan, ali svi planovi imaju svoju manu - ne predviđaju neplanirano.
En: He had a plan, but all plans have a flaw - they do not foresee the unplanned.
Hr: Ana je stigla noseći novu haljinu, nježno plavu, koja se prelijevala na suncu poput mirne vode na jezeru.
En: Ana arrived wearing a new dress, a delicate blue one that shimmered in the sun like the calm water of the lake.
Hr: Ivan je već bio naručio kavu, previše zauzet time da je izgledao opušteno, nije primijetio kako mu se ruka lagano trese.
En: Ivan had already ordered the coffee, too preoccupied with appearing relaxed to notice his hand shaking slightly.
Hr: "Zdravo, Ana!
En: "Hello, Ana!"
Hr: " pozdravio je s osmijehom koji je pokušavao prikriti njegovu nervozu.
En: he greeted with a smile trying to disguise his nervousness.
Hr: "Zdravo, Ivan," Ana mu je uzvratila osmijehom koji je imao moć da zaustavi vrijeme.
En: "Hello, Ivan," Ana replied with a smile that had the power to stop time.
Hr: Ali u tom zaustavljenom vremenu, sudbina je imala drugačiji plan.
En: But in that frozen time, fate had a different plan.
Hr: Dok je Ivan pokušavao prenijeti kavu na sigurnu udaljenost do stola, klizava šalica previše je naglo reagirala na neodlučan pokret njegove ruke.
En: As Ivan tried to move the coffee to a safe distance to the table, the slippery cup reacted too abruptly to the indecisive movement of his hand.
Hr: Kava je planula, poput talasa, izvan rubova šalice, direktno prema Aninoj novoj haljini.
En: The coffee surged, like waves, beyond the edges of the cup, straight onto Ana's new dress.
Hr: Njegovo srce je zaledilo kad je vidio mrlje koje su bojile Aninu plavu haljinu u tamnije nijanse.
En: His heart froze as he saw the stains coloring Ana's blue dress in darker shades.
Hr: "Oprosti, Ana!
En: "I'm sorry, Ana!"
Hr: " viknuo je, gledajući u katastrofu koju je stvorio.
En: he shouted, looking at the catastrophe he had caused.
Hr: Ana je zastala, kratko pogledala svoju zamrljanu haljinu, a zatim je prsnuo smijeh iz njezinog grla.
En: Ana paused, briefly looked at her stained dress, then burst into laughter.
Hr: "Ivan, nije kraj svijeta," rekla je kroz smijeh.
En: "Ivan, it's not the end of the world," she said through laughter.
Hr: Ivan joj nije mogao vjerovati.
En: Ivan couldn't believe it.
Hr: Bio je spreman za bijes, suze, čak i da ga nikad više ne pogleda.
En: He was prepared for anger, tears, even for her to never look at him again.
Hr: No Ana je bila drugačija.
En: But Ana was different.
Hr: "Hajde, pomozi mi da ovo očistimo," rekla je, uzela ubruse i počela trljati mrlje.
En: "Come on, help me clean this up," she said, taking napkins and starting to rub the stains.
Hr: Taj dan, kafić "Kod Plavog Zvonca" bio je svjedok nečemu posebnom.
En: That day, the café "At the Blue Bell" witnessed something special.
Hr: Nije to bila samo priča o prolijevanju kave, već o tome kako nezgoda može otvoriti vrata nečemu puno ljepšem.
En: It wasn't just a story of spilled coffee, but about how an accident can open the door to something much more beautiful.
Hr: Djeljujući zajedno, Ivan i Ana su se smijali, šalili se i na kraju uspjeli ukloniti veći dio kave s haljine.
En: Working together, Ivan and Ana laughed, joked, and eventually managed to remove most of the coffee from the dress.
Hr: Kava je isprana, a dvoje mladih ljudi sada su bili mnogo bliže nego kad su se za stolom prvi put suočili.
En: The coffee was washed away, and the two young people were now much closer than when they first confronted each other at the table.
Hr: "Hvala ti što si tako razumna," rekao je Ivan, s osjećajem olakšanja.
En: "Thank you for being so understanding," Ivan said, feeling relieved.
Hr: Ana je sada nosila osmijeh koji je otkrivao više od tisuću riječi.
En: Ana now wore a smile that revealed more than a thousand words.
Hr: "Zaboravi na haljinu, Ivan.
En: "Forget about the dress, Ivan.
Hr: Ovo je bio jedan od najsmješnijih susreta u mom životu.
En: This was one of the funniest encounters in my life."
Hr: "I tako su Ivan i Ana nastavili susretati se u kafiću "Kod Plavog Zvonca", a njihova priča postala je jedna od onih zbog koje se osmjehuje svaki gost koji je čuje.
En: And so, Ivan and Ana continued to meet at the café "At the Blue Bell," and their story became one that makes every guest who hears it smile.
Hr: Smijeh i kava – tko bi rekao da je to recept za početak nečeg divnog?
En: Laughter and coffee - who would have thought that was the recipe for the beginning of something wonderful?
Vocabulary Words:
- small: mali
- town: gradić
- nestled: smještenom
- calm: mirnog
- lake: jezera
- shore: obalu
- café: kafić
- favorite: omiljeno
- meeting: susreta
- spot: mjesto
- reflected: ogledao
- glassy: staklenoj
- surface: površini
- scent: miris
- coffee: kave
- mixing: miješao
- breeze: povjetarcem
- somewhat: donekle
- relieved: smirivao
- hot: vrelu
- summer: ljetnu
- heat: žegu
- rehearsed: uvježbavao
- monologues: mono dijaloge
- head: glavi
- preparing: spremajući
- girl: djevojkom
- unsettling: unosila
- thoughts: misli
- time: vrijeme
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Organization | Kameron Kilchrist |
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