
Lost and Found: The Family Heirloom Adventure at Plitvice Lakes

Jun 18, 2024 · 16m 36s
Lost and Found: The Family Heirloom Adventure at Plitvice Lakes

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 2s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Lost and Found: The Family Heirloom Adventure at Plitvice Lakes Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Svjetlucava voda slapova...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Lost and Found: The Family Heirloom Adventure at Plitvice Lakes
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Svjetlucava voda slapova Plitvičkih jezera sijala je kao dragulj na suncu.
En: The glistening water of the Plitvice Lakes waterfalls shone like a jewel in the sun.

Hr: Ana, Luka i Ivan su stigli na početku dana.
En: Ana, Luka, and Ivan had arrived at the beginning of the day.

Hr: Svi su se radovali obiteljskom izletu.
En: Everyone was excited about the family outing.

Hr: Zrak je bio svjež, a miris borova opijao je osjetila.
En: The air was fresh, and the scent of pine intoxicated the senses.

Hr: Ana je nosila svoj mali ruksak.
En: Ana was carrying her small backpack.

Hr: U njemu je čuvala obiteljski dragulj, staru ogrlicu.
En: Inside, she kept the family heirloom, an old necklace.

Hr: Ogrlica je bila iznimno važna.
En: The necklace was extremely important.

Hr: Pripadala je njihovoj prabaki i prenosila se generacijama.
En: It belonged to their great-grandmother and had been passed down through generations.

Hr: Dok su šetali stazom, Ana je uživala u prirodi.
En: As they walked along the trail, Ana enjoyed nature.

Hr: Luka je fotografirao krajolik.
En: Luka was photographing the landscape.

Hr: Ivan je tražio zanimljive kamenčiće.
En: Ivan was searching for interesting stones.

Hr: Dani su prolazili mirno, a njihova sreća bila je očita.
En: The days passed peacefully, and their happiness was evident.

Hr: Oko podneva, sjeli su na travu uz jezero.
En: Around noon, they sat on the grass by the lake.

Hr: Ana je otvorila ruksak kako bi izvadila ručak.
En: Ana opened her backpack to remove lunch.

Hr: No, tada je shvatila nešto strašno.
En: But then she realized something terrible.

Hr: Ogrlica je nestala!
En: The necklace was missing!

Hr: "Ne mogu vjerovati!
En: "I can't believe it!"

Hr: " povikala je Ana.
En: exclaimed Ana.

Hr: "Ogrlica nije ovdje!
En: "The necklace isn't here!"

Hr: "Luka i Ivan su pretražili travu oko njih.
En: Luka and Ivan searched the grass around them.

Hr: Nigdje nije bilo traga ogrlici.
En: There was no trace of the necklace anywhere.

Hr: Svi su bili zabrinuti.
En: Everyone was worried.

Hr: Dan se počeo kratiti, a sunce se polako spuštalo prema horizontu.
En: The day was beginning to shorten, and the sun was slowly descending towards the horizon.

Hr: "Moramo je pronaći prije nego padne mrak," rekao je Luka odlučno.
En: "We have to find it before it gets dark," Luka said determinedly.

Hr: Troje prijatelja krenulo je natrag stazom, promatrajući svaki korak.
En: The three friends started back along the trail, watching every step.

Hr: Svakih nekoliko minuta zastajali su i gledali uokolo.
En: Every few minutes, they stopped and looked around.

Hr: Napetost je rasla.
En: The tension was rising.

Hr: Ivan je počeo gubiti nadu.
En: Ivan began to lose hope.

Hr: "Možda nikada nećemo naći ogrlicu," rekao je Ivan tužno.
En: "Maybe we'll never find the necklace," Ivan said sadly.

Hr: Ali, Ana je odbila odustati.
En: But Ana refused to give up.

Hr: "Moramo je naći!
En: "We have to find it!

Hr: Prabaka ne bi htjela da je izgubimo.
En: Great-grandmother wouldn't want us to lose it."

Hr: "Nakon što su se vratili gotovo do početne točke, Luka je zastao.
En: After they had almost returned to the starting point, Luka stopped.

Hr: Spazivši nešto sjajno među listovima, brzo je sagnuo i podigao ogrlicu.
En: Spotting something shiny among the leaves, he quickly bent down and picked up the necklace.

Hr: "Evo je!
En: "Here it is!"

Hr: " uzviknuo je veselo.
En: he shouted joyfully.

Hr: Ana je bila presretna.
En: Ana was overjoyed.

Hr: "Hvala ti, Luka!
En: "Thank you, Luka!

Hr: Spašena je!
En: It's saved!"

Hr: " Ogrlica je ponovno bila sigurna u njenim rukama.
En: The necklace was safe in her hands once again.

Hr: Trojac se vratio do jezera.
En: The trio returned to the lake.

Hr: Sunce je polako zalazilo, ostavljajući za sobom zlatnu stazu na vodi.
En: The sun was slowly setting, leaving a golden path on the water.

Hr: Sjedili su tiho, promatrajući prirodni spektakl.
En: They sat quietly, watching the natural spectacle.

Hr: Svi su osjećali olakšanje i ponos što su uspješno pronašli dragocjeni predmet.
En: They all felt relief and pride for having successfully found the precious item.

Hr: "Ovo je bio dan kojeg ćemo pamtiti," rekao je Ivan.
En: "This is a day we will remember," said Ivan.

Hr: "Da," složila se Ana, "ali sada znamo koliko je važno čuvati važne stvari.
En: "Yes," agreed Ana, "but now we know how important it is to take care of valuable things.

Hr: Nećemo više praviti iste greške.
En: We won't make the same mistakes again."

Hr: "Dok su se spremali za povratak kući, znali su da ovaj trenutak zbližava obitelj više nego ikada.
En: As they prepared to head home, they knew that this moment brought the family closer than ever.

Hr: Plitvička jezera čuvala su još jednu priču o ljubavi, naporu i sretnom završetku.
En: Plitvice Lakes harbored yet another story of love, effort, and a happy ending.

Vocabulary Words:
  • glistening: svjetlucava
  • waterfalls: slapova
  • jewel: dragulj
  • intoxicated: opijao
  • important: važna
  • heirloom: dragulj
  • passed down: prenosila
  • trail: stazom
  • landscape: krajolik
  • stones: kamenčiće
  • peacefully: mirno
  • evident: očita
  • grass: travu
  • remove: izvadila
  • missing: nestala
  • trace: traga
  • determinedly: odlučno
  • watching: promatrajući
  • tension: napetost
  • hope: nadu
  • sadly: tužno
  • refused: odustati
  • picked up: podigao
  • overjoyed: presretna
  • saved: spašena
  • precious: dragocjeni
  • valuable: važno
  • mistakes: greške
  • moment: trenutak
  • harbored: čuvala
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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