
Lost in La Rambla: An Unexpected Street Performance

Oct 21, 2023 · 13m 21s
Lost in La Rambla: An Unexpected Street Performance

01 · Main Story


02 · Vocabulary Words

9m 50s


Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Lost in La Rambla: An Unexpected Street Performance Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Ca: En una fresca tarda, Jordi...

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Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Lost in La Rambla: An Unexpected Street Performance
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Story Transcript:

Ca: En una fresca tarda, Jordi estava passejant per La Rambla.
En: On a cool afternoon, Jordi was strolling along La Rambla.

Ca: Les olors, els sons i les escenes d’aquest conegut passeig de Barcelona el van encantar.
En: The smells, sounds, and scenes of this well-known Barcelona promenade enchanted him.

Ca: La màgia de la gent, amb les seves rialles, converses i exclamacions, li donava vida a l'ambient.
En: The magic of the people, with their laughter, conversations, and exclamations, brought the atmosphere to life.

Ca: Però, de la mateixa manera, la confusió estava a la volta de cada cantó.
En: But, in the same way, confusion was around every corner.

Ca: Es podia perdre amb facilitat enmig de l'enrenou.
En: One could easily get lost in the hustle and bustle.

Ca: I això és exactament el que li va passar a Jordi.
En: And that's exactly what happened to Jordi.

Ca: Mentre intentava seguir el seu camí, es va desorientar.
En: While trying to follow his path, he became disoriented.

Ca: Sentia que estava girant en cercles.
En: He felt like he was going in circles.

Ca: No havia comptat amb aquest embús de gent i, sense voler-ho, va acabar perdent-se en els concorreguts carrers que es ramificaven de La Rambla.
En: He hadn't counted on this crowd, and unintentionally, he ended up getting lost in the crowded streets that branched off from La Rambla.

Ca: Però per Jordi, aquesta confusió va tenir una sortida sorprenent.
En: But for Jordi, this confusion had a surprising outcome.

Ca: Per atzar, va acabar enmig d'un espectacle de carrer.
En: By chance, he ended up in the middle of a street performance.

Ca: Tot just va poder esquivar una mà d'hommes que volaven cap a ell, allunyant-se just a temps.
En: He narrowly dodged a flying hand from a juggler, moving away just in time.

Ca: Davant l'esglai inicial, animats aplaudiments.
En: Amidst the initial shock, enthusiastic applause followed.

Ca: Jordi estava tan desconcertat com divertit.
En: Jordi was as confused as he was amused.

Ca: Veient el seu gest, el malabarista se'o va mirar amb una àmplia somriure.
En: Seeing his expression, the juggler looked at him with a wide smile.

Ca: I com si fos part del pla, va demanar a Jordi que se li unís a l'escenari.
En: And as if it were part of the plan, he asked Jordi to join him on stage.

Ca: Jordi va mirar al malabarista, i després a la gentada que els envoltava.
En: Jordi looked at the juggler, and then at the crowd surrounding them.

Ca: Estava una mica nerviós, però també entusiasmat.
En: He was a little nervous but also excited.

Ca: Va respirar fonda i decideix acceptar la proposta del malabarista.
En: He took a deep breath and decided to accept the juggler's offer.

Ca: Davanter l'animació del públic, va agafar una de les maces i després d'algun que altre intent fallit, va fer el seu millor per seguir el ritme.
En: In front of the lively audience, he picked up one of the clubs, and after a few failed attempts, he did his best to keep up with the rhythm.

Ca: En aquell moment, tot semblava una gran broma i les rialles de la gent Li deien que anava per bon camí.
En: In that moment, everything seemed like a great joke, and the laughter of the people told him he was on the right track.

Ca: En acabar l'acte improvisat, Jordi va rebre un aplaudiment entusiasta, sentint-se com un veritable artista de carrer.
En: After the impromptu performance ended, Jordi received enthusiastic applause, feeling like a true street artist.

Ca: Finalment, la petita aventura de Jordi en La Rambla va acabar sent una gran experiència.
En: Finally, Jordi's little adventure on La Rambla turned into a great experience.

Ca: El que va començar com un moent de confusió i desorientació, es va convertir en una sorprenent tarda d'entreteniment.
En: What started as a moment of confusion and disorientation became a surprising afternoon of entertainment.

Ca: Per això, ara Jordi sempre recorda aquest dia amb somriures, ja que va apendre que, de vegades, perdre't pot donar llocs als moments més inesperats i divertits de la vida.
En: That's why Jordi now always remembers this day with smiles, as he learned that sometimes, getting lost can lead to the most unexpected and fun moments in life.

Vocabulary Words:
  • On: En
  • a: una
  • cool: fresca
  • afternoon: tarda
  • Jordi: Jordi
  • was: estava
  • strolling: passejant
  • along: per
  • La Rambla: La Rambla
  • The: Les
  • smells: olors
  • sounds: sons
  • and: i
  • scenes: escenes
  • well-known: conegut
  • Barcelona: Barcelona
  • promenade: passeig
  • enchanted: encantar
  • him: el
  • magic: màgia
  • of: de
  • the: la
  • people: gent
  • with: amb
  • their: les
  • laughter: rialles
  • conversations: converses
  • exclamations: exclamacions
  • brought: donava
  • atmosphere: ambient
  • to: a
  • life: vida
  • But: Però
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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