Marek and Zuzana's Summer: Heat, Strategy, Triumph
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Marek and Zuzana's Summer: Heat, Strategy, Triumph
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Marek and Zuzana's Summer: Heat, Strategy, Triumph Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Leto v tréningovom tábore bolo horúce....
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Story Transcript:
Sk: Leto v tréningovom tábore bolo horúce.
En: The summer in the training camp was hot.
Sk: Marek a Zuzana trénovali každý deň.
En: Marek and Zuzana trained every day.
Sk: Stúpenci bežeckých pretekov sa zhromaždili v lese plnom zelene, kde slnko spalovalo zem a prach sa víril pri každom kroku.
En: Running enthusiasts gathered in the forest full of greenery, where the sun scorched the ground, and dust swirled with every step.
Sk: Marek bol odhodlaný vyhrať.
En: Marek was determined to win.
Sk: Cítil, že je najlepší.
En: He felt he was the best.
Sk: Mal rýchle nohy a silnú vôľu.
En: He had quick legs and strong willpower.
Sk: Zuzana bola strategická.
En: Zuzana was strategic.
Sk: Túžila preteky dokončiť úspešne.
En: She longed to finish the race successfully.
Sk: Často sa však cítila v tieni Marekového sebavedomia.
En: However, she often felt overshadowed by Marek’s confidence.
Sk: "Musíme trénovať tvrdšie," povedal Marek.
En: "We need to train harder," said Marek.
Sk: Bežal s dychtivosťou a rýchlosťou.
En: He ran with eagerness and speed.
Sk: Zuzana súhlasila, aj keď sa cítila neistá.
En: Zuzana agreed, even though she felt uncertain.
Sk: “Áno, ale musíme byť múdri,” odpovedala.
En: “Yes, but we need to be smart,” she responded.
Sk: Vedela, že ich čaká tvrdá konkurencia.
En: She knew they faced tough competition.
Sk: Lesné cesty boli náročné.
En: The forest paths were challenging.
Sk: Bežať stúpaniami a dolu kopcami nebolo ľahké.
En: Running uphill and downhill was not easy.
Sk: Marek tlačil na maximum.
En: Marek pushed to the maximum.
Sk: Boli dni, keď Zuzana sotva stíhala.
En: There were days when Zuzana could scarcely keep up.
Sk: "Musíme víťaziť," vravel si Marek.
En: "We must win," Marek kept telling himself.
Sk: Dával zo seba všetko.
En: He gave everything he had.
Sk: Jedného dňa prišlo napätie.
En: One day, tension arose.
Sk: Marek bežal rýchlejšie než kedykoľvek predtým.
En: Marek ran faster than ever before.
Sk: Cítil, že je neporaziteľný.
En: He felt invincible.
Sk: Lenže potom prišla chyba.
En: But then, a mistake happened.
Sk: Marek si zvrtol členok.
En: Marek twisted his ankle.
Sk: Pád bol rýchly a bolestivý.
En: The fall was quick and painful.
Sk: Zuzana bežala tesne za ním.
En: Zuzana was running right behind him.
Sk: Videla jeho pád.
En: She saw his fall.
Sk: Musela sa rozhodnúť.
En: She had to decide.
Sk: Zastaviť a pomôcť mu, alebo pokračovať?
En: Stop and help him, or keep going?
Sk: Rozhodnutie prišlo rýchlo.
En: The decision came quickly.
Sk: Zuzana pokračovala.
En: Zuzana continued.
Sk: "Marek je silný, zvládne to," pomyslela si.
En: "Marek is strong, he can handle it," she thought.
Sk: Bežala ďalej.
En: She kept running.
Sk: Neklesala na mysli.
En: She didn't lose heart.
Sk: Tímy sem tam predbiehali, ale ona pokračovala v rovnom tempe, sústredená na cieľ.
En: Teams occasionally overtook her, but she continued at a steady pace, focused on the goal.
Sk: Cítila sa silnejšia s každým krokom.
En: She felt stronger with every step.
Sk: Na konci pretekov sa Zuzana umiestnila na úctyhodnom mieste.
En: At the end of the race, Zuzana placed respectably.
Sk: Bola unavená, ale šťastná.
En: She was tired but happy.
Sk: Dokázala to.
En: She had made it.
Sk: Marek nakoniec dobehol, aj keď s bolesťou.
En: Eventually, Marek finished as well, albeit in pain.
Sk: Uvedomil si, že sebavedomie ho síce hnalo dopredu, ale musel sa naučiť byť pokorný a pripravený.
En: He realized that confidence had driven him forward, but he needed to learn to be humble and prepared.
Sk: "Gratulujem, Zuzana," povedal úprimne.
En: "Congratulations, Zuzana," he said sincerely.
Sk: Videla v jeho očiach novú pokoru.
En: She saw a new humility in his eyes.
Sk: "Ďakujem," odpovedala s úsmevom.
En: "Thank you," she replied with a smile.
Sk: Cítila sa sebavedomejšia ako kedykoľvek predtým.
En: She felt more confident than ever.
Sk: Preteky neboli len o víťazstve, ale hlavne o prekonaní vlastných hraníc.
En: The race was not just about winning, but about overcoming personal limits.
Sk: Zuzana a Marek sa naučili dôležité lekcie na ceste k dosiahnutiu svojich cieľov.
En: Zuzana and Marek learned important lessons on their journey to achieving their goals.
Vocabulary Words:
- determined: odhodlaný
- strategic: strategická
- scorched: spalovalo
- gathered: zhromaždili
- willpower: vôľu
- overshadowed: v tieni
- eagerness: dychtivosťou
- competition: konkurencia
- challenging: náročné
- scarcely: sotva
- tension: napätie
- invincible: neporaziteľný
- twisted: zvrtol
- ankle: členok
- decision: rozhodnutie
- overtook: predbiehali
- pace: tempo
- steady: rovnom
- respectably: úctyhodnom
- humble: pokorný
- sincerely: úprimne
- limits: hraníc
- overcoming: prekonaní
- longed: túžila
- tough: tvrdá
- downhill: dolu kopcami
- maximum: maximum
- driven: hnalo
- focused: sústredená
- pain: bolesťou
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