
Marek's Mix-Up at the Spice Bazaar

May 6, 2024 · 14m 7s
Marek's Mix-Up at the Spice Bazaar

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 29s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Marek's Mix-Up at the Spice Bazaar Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Bol raz jeden trh plný ľudí a...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Marek's Mix-Up at the Spice Bazaar
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Bol raz jeden trh plný ľudí a farieb a uprostred toho všetkého stál Marek.
En: Once there was a market crowded with people and colors, and in the midst of it all stood Marek.

Sk: Hľadal svoju tetu, ktorá mala na trhu stánok s koreninami.
En: He was looking for his aunt who had a stall with spices at the market.

Sk: Ako sa preplétal medzi stánkami na zvuky predajcov volajúcich na zákazníkov, zrazu si všimol ženu za pultom plným nakladaných uhorkov.
En: As he weaved through the stalls to the sounds of vendors calling out to customers, he suddenly noticed a woman behind a counter full of pickled cucumbers.

Sk: Marek pripadal, že tá žena je jeho teta.
En: Marek felt that the woman was his aunt.

Sk: Rýchlo sa blížil k uhorkovému stánku.
En: He quickly approached the cucumber stall.

Sk: "Dobrý deň, teta!
En: "Good day, aunt!"

Sk: " pozdravil veselo.
En: he greeted cheerfully.

Sk: Žena, celkom zmätená, sa na neho pozrela s úsmevom a odpovedala: "Dobrý deň, mladý muž, ale ja nie som tvoja teta.
En: The woman, quite confused, looked at him with a smile and replied, "Good day, young man, but I am not your aunt."

Sk: "Marek sa zasmial a pomyslel si, že teta robí žartíky.
En: Marek laughed and thought that his aunt was playing a joke.

Sk: Opýtal sa jej na to, ako sa má strýko Jozef a či už upiekla svoj slávny orieškový koláč.
En: He asked her about how Uncle Joseph was doing and whether she had already baked her famous nut cake.

Sk: Žena v stánku sa začala smiať a rozhodla sa zahrať sa na tetu.
En: The woman at the stall began to laugh and decided to play along as his aunt.

Sk: Rozprávala mu o "strýkovi Jozefovi" a o tom, ako jej "koláč" vyhral prvú cenu na miestnej súťaži.
En: She told him about "Uncle Joseph" and about how her "cake" won the first prize in the local competition.

Sk: Hovorili tam spolu dlhú dobu.
En: They talked for a long time.

Sk: Marek, celý nadšený z tajomstiev rodiny, ktoré "teta" zdieľala, ani na chvíľu nepomyslel, že to nemôže byť jeho teta.
En: Marek, excited about the family secrets that his "aunt" shared, never for a moment thought that she couldn't be his aunt.

Sk: Povedala mu o "tajnej ingrediencii" v koláčoch a o "zabudnutej láske" jej mladosti.
En: She told him about the "secret ingredient" in the cakes and the "forgotten love" of her youth.

Sk: Po chvíli si Marek všimol fotografiu na stánku s uhorkami.
En: After a while, Marek noticed a photograph on the cucumber stall.

Sk: Bola to úplne iná žena s rovnakým menom ako jeho teta.
En: It was a completely different woman with the same name as his aunt.

Sk: Prekvapený a trochu zmätený sa začal ospravedlňovať.
En: Surprised and a little confused, he began to apologize.

Sk: "Prepáčte, musel som vás zameniť s niekým iným.
En: "I'm sorry, I must have mistaken you for someone else."

Sk: "Žena z uhorkového stánku sa začala smiať a svorne ho uistila, že to bolo veľmi zábavné.
En: The woman at the cucumber stall started to laugh and assured him that it was very entertaining.

Sk: Povedala Marekovi, že každý potrebuje trochu zábavy počas dlhého dňa na trhu.
En: She told Marek that everyone needs a bit of fun during a long day at the market.

Sk: Marek sa naďalej prechádzal po trhu, premýšľajúc nad náhodnými stretnutiami a ako niekedy sú ľudia úplne odlišní, ako sa na prvý pohľad zdá.
En: Marek continued to stroll through the market, reflecting on chance encounters and how sometimes people are completely different than they first appear.

Sk: Nakoniec našiel svoju skutočnú tetu na druhej strane trhu.
En: Finally, he found his real aunt on the other side of the market.

Sk: Rozprával jej o svojom zámene a obaja sa smiali nad jeho zážitkom.
En: He told her about his mix-up, and they both laughed at his experience.

Sk: Marek si uvedomil, že aj keď to nebol úplne ten deň, aký očakával, bol to jedinečný a vtipný príbeh, ktorý by mohol rozprávať ešte dlhé roky.
En: Marek realized that even though it wasn't quite the day he expected, it was a unique and humorous story that he could tell for years to come.

Vocabulary Words:
  • encounter: strewn
  • entertaining: zábavné
  • weaved: preplétal
  • confused: zmätená
  • mix-up: zámene
  • noticed: všimol
  • vendor: predajca
  • laughter: smiech
  • photograph: fotografia
  • cheerfully: veselo
  • reflecting: premýšľajúc
  • apologize: ospravedlniť sa
  • approached: blížil sa
  • nut cake: orieškový koláč
  • counter: pult
  • secret: tajomstvo
  • completely: úplne
  • unique: jedinečný
  • forgotten: zabudnutý
  • ingredient: ingrediencia
  • laugh: smiať sa
  • vibrant: farbný
  • cucumber: uhorka
  • stall: stánok
  • suddenly: zrazu
  • different: odlišný
  • excited: nadšený
  • apologized: ospravedlnil
  • realized: uvedomil si
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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