
Market Mastery: A Chef's Quest for Culinary Perfection

Sep 20, 2024 · 15m 55s
Market Mastery: A Chef's Quest for Culinary Perfection

01 · Main Story

1m 44s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 58s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Market Mastery: A Chef's Quest for Culinary Perfection Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: November obrobje Ljubljane je gladilo...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Market Mastery: A Chef's Quest for Culinary Perfection
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Story Transcript:

Sl: November obrobje Ljubljane je gladilo mesto z nežno jutranjo meglo.
En: November graced the outskirts of Ljubljana with a gentle morning mist.

Sl: Tržnica v centru Ljubljane je bila živahna kot vedno.
En: The market in the center of Ljubljana was as lively as ever.

Sl: Zgodnja jesen je obarvala drevesa v zlato in rdečo.
En: Early autumn had painted the trees gold and red.

Sl: Zrak je dišal po zrelih jabolkih, začimbah in popečenih kostanjih.
En: The air was filled with the scent of ripe apples, spices, and roasted chestnuts.

Sl: Matjaž, znan lokalni kuhar, se je hitro prebijal med gnečo.
En: Matjaž, a well-known local chef, was quickly making his way through the crowd.

Sl: Njegovi čevlji so ritmično topotali po kamnitih poteh tržnice.
En: His shoes rhythmically tapped along the market's stone paths.

Sl: Iskal je posebne sestavine.
En: He was searching for special ingredients.

Sl: Ta večer je moral impresionirati kritika v svoji restavraciji.
En: He needed to impress a critic at his restaurant that evening.

Sl: Bliznjica do uspeha je bila skozi lokalne delicije tržnice.
En: The shortcut to success was through the local delicacies of the market.

Sl: Tanja, stara prijateljica iz kulinarične šole, mu je veselo pomahala.
En: Tanja, an old friend from culinary school, cheerfully waved at him.

Sl: Tanja je imela uspešen catering, njene jedi so bile kuhane z ljubeznijo in izkušenim dotikom.
En: Tanja had a successful catering business, her dishes cooked with love and an experienced touch.

Sl: "Matjaž! Kako gre?" je poklicala.
En: "Matjaž! How's it going?" she called out.

Sl: "Iščeš kaj posebnega danes?"
En: "Looking for something special today?"

Sl: "Ravno to. Potrebujem nekaj izjemnega. Redke buče, morda," je odvrnil Matjaž z nasmehom.
En: "Exactly. I need something extraordinary. Rare pumpkins, perhaps," Matjaž replied with a smile.

Sl: "Ampak videl sem, da je zadnji vihar prinesel težave kmetom."
En: "But I heard the last storm caused trouble for the farmers."

Sl: "Res je. Ampak... poznava nekoga," je pomežiknila Tanja.
En: "That's true. But... we know someone," Tanja winked.

Sl: Vstopila je Nina, prijazna prodajalka z nenavadnim darom za trende tržnice.
En: In stepped Nina, a friendly vendor with an uncanny knack for market trends.

Sl: Njena stojnica je bila zavita v vonjave začinjenih buč.
En: Her stall was wrapped in the aroma of spicy pumpkins.

Sl: "Matjaž! Če iščeš nekaj posebnega, imam nekaj za tebe," je rekla.
En: "Matjaž! If you're looking for something special, I have something for you," she said.

Sl: Pogledala je proti posamezni, svetleč oranžni buči.
En: She nodded toward a singular, bright orange pumpkin.

Sl: "Azijka. Redko pri nas."
En: "Asian variety. Rare around here."

Sl: Matjaž je že skoraj stopil naprej, ko se je tik ob njem pojavil še en kupec.
En: Matjaž was about to step forward when another customer appeared right next to him.

Sl: "O, to je tisto, kar iščem," je rekel kupec.
En: "Oh, that's exactly what I'm looking for," the customer said.

Sl: Odločitev je bila v zraku.
En: The decision hung in the air.

Sl: Matjaž je vedel, da mora hitro ukrepati.
En: Matjaž knew he had to act quickly.

Sl: Zaupati Nini je bila edina prava pot.
En: Trusting Nina was the only right choice.

Sl: "Nina, za stare čase, pomagala mi boš, kajne?"
En: "Nina, for old times' sake, you'll help me, won't you?"

Sl: Nina se je nasmehnila in pokimala.
En: Nina smiled and nodded.

Sl: "Vedno zate, Matjaž."
En: "Always for you, Matjaž."

Sl: Hitro sta se dogovorila in posel je bil sklenjen.
En: They quickly reached an agreement, and the deal was sealed.

Sl: Matjaž je svetlo oranžno bučo držal v roki kot zaklad.
En: Matjaž held the bright orange pumpkin like a treasure.

Sl: "Veliko ti dolgujem, Nina. In tebi, Tanja, hvala za nasvet."
En: "I owe you a lot, Nina. And thank you, Tanja, for the tip."

Sl: Domov so ga pospremile jesenske barve in vetrič uspeha.
En: He was accompanied home by the autumn colors and the breeze of success.

Sl: Zavedal se je, kako velikega pomena so bile lokalne povezave.
En: He realized how important local connections were.

Sl: Njegova samozavest je zrasla in vedel je, da bo večerna jed res nekaj posebnega.
En: His confidence grew, knowing the evening dish would indeed be something special.

Sl: Zdaj je vedel, da v majhnih zavezništvih leži prava moč.
En: Now he understood that true strength lies in small alliances.

Vocabulary Words:
  • graced: obrobje
  • mist: meglo
  • lively: živahna
  • ripe: zrelih
  • spices: začimbah
  • roasted: popečenih
  • cute: simpatična
  • chef: kuhar
  • path: pot
  • impress: impresionirati
  • shortcut: bližnjica
  • catering: catering
  • indeed: res
  • extraordinary: izjemnega
  • rare: redke
  • storm: vihra
  • farmers: kmetom
  • vendor: prodajalka
  • uncanny: nenavadni
  • trends: trendi
  • stall: stojnica
  • spicy: začinjenih
  • variety: različica
  • alliance: zavezništva
  • decision: odločitev
  • trusting: zaupati
  • singular: posamezni
  • treasure: zaklad
  • accompanied: pospremile
  • connections: povezave
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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