Market Mayhem: The Tail of a Lost Dog

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Market Mayhem: The Tail of a Lost Dog
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Market Mayhem: The Tail of a Lost Dog Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Jednog sunčanog jutarnjeg dana, Ivana...
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Story Transcript:
Hr: Jednog sunčanog jutarnjeg dana, Ivana se probudila s osmijehom na licu.
En: One sunny morning, Ivana woke up with a smile on her face.
Hr: Odlučila je otići na Dolac, poznato zagrebačko tržište, kako bi kupila svježe voće i povrće za slasni vikend ručak.
En: She decided to go to Dolac, a well-known market in Zagreb, to buy fresh fruits and vegetables for a delicious weekend lunch.
Hr: Ivana je voljela bučnost i živost Dolca, gdje su prodavači nizali svoje šarene tezge ispunjene domaćim proizvodima.
En: Ivana loved the hustle and bustle of Dolac, where vendors displayed their colorful stalls filled with homemade products.
Hr: Dok je hitala između štandova, njezine su oči zapazile malenog psa kako tumara među ljudima.
En: As she hurried between the stands, her eyes noticed a small dog wandering among the people.
Hr: Smeđi, pufnasti pas činio se izgubljenim, a ona nije mogla odoljeti misli da ga spasi.
En: The brown, fluffy dog seemed lost, and she couldn’t resist the thought of rescuing it.
Hr: Ivana je pogladila psa i odlučila ga odvesti kući.
En: Ivana pet the dog and decided to take it home.
Hr: Nije bilo ogrlice oko njegovog vrata, pa je zaključila da je napušten.
En: There was no collar around its neck, so she concluded that it had been abandoned.
Hr: Uskoro je Ivana, s novim četveronožnim prijateljem u naručju, nastavila svoju kupovinu.
En: Soon, Ivana continued her shopping with her new four-legged friend in her arms.
Hr: No, njezini planovi brzo su se promijenili kad se pojavio Marko, veselo zviždukajući dok je tražio svog ljubimca po imenu Maks.
En: However, her plans quickly changed when Marko appeared, cheerfully whistling as he looked for his beloved pet named Maks.
Hr: Marko je bio omiljeni lokalni umjetnik koji je često slikao scene iz života na tržištu.
En: Marko was a favorite local artist who often painted scenes from market life.
Hr: Marko je ubrzo uočio svojeg Maksija u Ivaninim rukama i viknuo: "Hej, to je moj pas!
En: Marko soon spotted his Maksi in Ivana's arms and shouted, "Hey, that's my dog!"
Hr: " Ivana je, zbunjena i iznenađena, počela trčati s psom, misleći kako muškarac pokušava zgrabiti pronađenog psa.
En: Confused and surprised, Ivana started running with the dog, thinking the man was trying to take the found dog away.
Hr: Nastala je komična potjera kroz tržnice, začinjena zvukom propadajućih jabuka i pucketanjem svježe zeleni.
En: A comical chase ensued through the market, accompanied by the sound of crashing apples and the crackling of fresh greens.
Hr: Obilazeći gomile rajčica, preskakući košare s jagodama, Ivana je trčala sve dok nije shvatila da je Maks počeo mahati repom na Markov glas.
En: Weaving through crowds of tomatoes, leaping over baskets of strawberries, Ivana ran until she realized that Maks had begun wagging his tail at Marko's voice.
Hr: Zastala je, a Marko je napokon sustigao svojeg ljubimca i objasnio Ivanu kako Maks ima microchip, ali ne voli nositi ogrlicu.
En: She stopped, and Marko finally caught up with his beloved pet and explained to Ivana how Maks had a microchip but didn't like wearing a collar.
Hr: Marko i Ivana su se smijali cijeloj situaciji, a tržnica se opet napunila šuškanjem i načelnim razgovorima.
En: Marko and Ivana laughed at the whole situation, and the market was once again filled with rustling and casual conversations.
Hr: Ivana je bila sretna što je 'spasila' psa, ali još zadovoljnija što je upoznala Marka, s kojim se sprijateljila.
En: Ivana was happy that she had "rescued" the dog, but even happier to have met Marko, with whom she had become friends.
Hr: Dogovorili su se za kavu sljedećeg vikenda na istom mjestu, gdje će zajedno uživati u prizorima i zvucima dragog im Dolca.
En: They arranged to have coffee the following weekend at the same place, where they would enjoy the sights and sounds of their beloved Dolac together.
Hr: I tako je to jutro na tržnici donijelo ne samo svježe dobrote, već i početak nove prijateljske priče između Ivane, Marka i naravno, Maksija.
En: And so, that morning at the market brought not only fresh goods but also the beginning of a new friendly story between Ivana, Marko, and of course, Maksi.
Vocabulary Words:
- abandoned: napušten
- cheerfully: veselo
- colorful: šarene
- comical: komična
- crashing: propadanje
- delicious: slasni
- explained: objasnio
- favorite: omiljeni
- fluffy: pufnasti
- hustle: bučnost
- lost: izgubljen
- microchip: microchip
- noticed: zapazile
- painter: umjetnik
- pet: pogladila
- rescuing: spasiti
- rustling: šuškanje
- shouted: viknuo
- small: malen
- smile: osmijeh
- spots: uočio
- stalls: tezge
- surprised: iznenađena
- thought: misli
- tumara: tumara
- vendors: prodavači
- wagging: mahati
- weaving: obilazeći
- whistling: zviždukajući
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