
Melodies & High-Wires: A Tale of Courage at the Qixi Festival

Jul 29, 2024 · 17m 40s
Melodies & High-Wires: A Tale of Courage at the Qixi Festival

01 · Main Story

1m 44s

02 · Vocabulary Words

14m 23s


Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Melodies & High-Wires: A Tale of Courage at the Qixi Festival Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Zh: 在中国南方的一个风景如画的山区村庄,有一个中世纪主题的庆典。...

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Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Melodies & High-Wires: A Tale of Courage at the Qixi Festival
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Story Transcript:

Zh: 在中国南方的一个风景如画的山区村庄,有一个中世纪主题的庆典。
En: In a picturesque mountain village in southern China, there is a medieval-themed celebration taking place.

Zh: 小村子古老的石头路旁,五彩缤纷的帐篷和舞台点缀其间,空气中弥漫着香炉的气味,传统音乐声飘扬。
En: Colorful tents and stages dot the ancient stone paths of the small village, the air filled with the scent of incense and traditional music wafting through.

Zh: 这是七夕节的前夕,一个充满浪漫和节日气氛的夏天。
En: It is the eve of the Qixi Festival, a summer evening brimming with romance and festivity.

Zh: 年轻的李明是一位才华横溢的琵琶演奏者。
En: Young Li Ming is a talented pipa player.

Zh: 他常常隐藏在音乐背后,不善与人交流。
En: He often hides behind his music, not being good at social interactions.

Zh: 他在庆典中表演,但始终没有勇气演奏自己创作的独奏曲。
En: Although he performs at the celebration, he has never mustered the courage to play his original solo composition.

Zh: 另一个表演者是陈美,她是一个充满自信的杂技演员,经常表演惊险的特技。
En: Another performer is Chen Mei, a confident acrobat who often performs thrilling stunts.

Zh: 她看似无畏,其实心中有一个巨大的恐惧——她怕高。
En: She seems fearless but harbors a significant fear—she is afraid of heights.

Zh: 李明和陈美在庆典上第一次见面。
En: Li Ming and Chen Mei meet for the first time at the festival.

Zh: 李明在帐篷边缘弹琵琶,陈美正在练习她的杂技。
En: Li Ming is playing the pipa at the edge of a tent, while Chen Mei is practicing her acrobatics.

Zh: 他们都被对方所吸引,却都有着自己的烦恼。
En: They are both drawn to each other, but each has their own worries.

Zh: 李明希望能在节日的主场演奏他的新曲子,陈美则想要克服恐高,完成高空走钢丝的表演。
En: Li Ming hopes to perform his new piece on the festival's main stage, while Chen Mei wants to overcome her fear of heights to complete a high-wire act.

Zh: 一天傍晚,李明鼓起勇气,走向正在休息的陈美。
En: One evening, Li Ming gathers his courage and walks up to Chen Mei while she is resting.

Zh: 他拿出那首自己创作的曲子,递给她,说:“陈美,这是我作的曲子。
En: He takes out his composed piece and hands it to her, saying, "Chen Mei, this is a piece I composed.

Zh: 我很想在七夕节那天演奏,
En: I would really like to perform it on Qixi Festival day.

Zh: 你能听一下吗?”
En: Could you listen to it?"

Zh: 陈美微笑着接过乐谱,开始认真地听。
En: Chen Mei smiles, takes the music sheet, and begins to listen attentively.

Zh: 她感受到了李明的紧张,决定打开心扉。
En: Sensing Li Ming's nervousness, she decides to open up.

Zh: 她对李明说:“李明,我一直很怕高。
En: She says to Li Ming, "Li Ming, I've always been afraid of heights.

Zh: 每当我想尝试走钢丝,我都会害怕得发抖。
En: Whenever I try to walk the high wire, I tremble with fear.

Zh: 可我又很想克服这个恐惧。”
En: But I really want to overcome this fear."

Zh: 李明深深地看着陈美,决定支持她。
En: Li Ming looks deeply at Chen Mei and decides to support her.

Zh: 他说:“那我们一起克服恐惧。
En: He says, "Then let's overcome our fears together.

Zh: 你在表演时,我为你弹奏我的曲子。
En: When you perform, I'll play my piece for you.

Zh: 这样你的心中就有音乐陪伴,会忘记害怕。”
En: That way, you will have music accompanying you, and you won't feel afraid."

Zh: 七夕节那天,庆典到了高潮。
En: On the day of the Qixi Festival, the celebration reaches its peak.

Zh: 整个村庄的人都聚集在主舞台前,期待着精彩的表演。
En: The entire village gathers in front of the main stage, eagerly anticipating the performances.

Zh: 陈美站在高高的钢丝一端,手心冒汗,但她心中有了坚定的勇气。
En: Chen Mei stands at one end of the high wire, palms sweaty but filled with newfound courage.

Zh: 李明在舞台旁,深吸一口气,开始弹奏那首为陈美而作的曲子。
En: Li Ming, beside the stage, takes a deep breath and starts to play the piece he composed for Chen Mei.

Zh: 随着美妙的琵琶声响起,陈美缓缓地走上了钢丝。
En: As the beautiful pipa music resonates, Chen Mei slowly steps onto the wire.

Zh: 她感受到音乐在心中回响,变得勇敢而坚定。
En: She feels the music echoing in her heart, making her brave and resolute.

Zh: 李明的指尖在琴弦上舞动,音乐与陈美的步伐紧密相连,两个年轻人的心灵在这一次表演中融为一体。
En: Li Ming’s fingers dance on the strings, the music synchronized with Chen Mei’s steps, their hearts united in this performance.

Zh: 当陈美平安走过钢丝、轻轻跃下地面时,全场爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。
En: When Chen Mei safely reaches the other side of the wire and gently jumps to the ground, the crowd erupts in thunderous applause.

Zh: 李明和陈美相视而笑,他们知道,他们不仅完成了这场表演,更是在彼此的支持下克服了内心的恐惧。
En: Li Ming and Chen Mei exchange smiles, knowing that they have not only completed the performance but also overcome their inner fears with each other’s support.

Zh: 从那天起,李明找回了自信,不再害怕面对观众,而陈美也不再畏惧高处。
En: From that day on, Li Ming regained his confidence and no longer feared facing the audience, while Chen Mei no longer dreaded heights.

Zh: 他们明白了信任和支持的力量,也决定在未来的路上继续互相扶持,共同面对生活中的各种挑战。
En: They understood the power of trust and support and decided to continue supporting each other in facing the various challenges in life.

Zh: 在这个充满古老魅力的小村庄,李明和陈美的故事,成为了人们口中流传的美好传说。
En: In this small village filled with ancient charm, the story of Li Ming and Chen Mei became a widely shared tale of beauty and inspiration.

Vocabulary Words:
  • picturesque: 风景如画
  • medieval: 中世纪
  • celebration: 庆典
  • scent: 气味
  • incense: 香炉
  • brimming: 充满
  • romance: 浪漫
  • festivity: 节日气氛
  • talented: 才华横溢
  • perform: 表演
  • mustered: 鼓起
  • composition: 乐曲
  • confident: 自信
  • acrobat: 杂技演员
  • thrilling: 惊险
  • stunts: 特技
  • fearless: 无畏
  • harbors: 有
  • significant: 巨大的
  • high-wire: 高空走钢丝
  • gathers: 聚集
  • courage: 勇气
  • nervousness: 紧张
  • attentively: 认真
  • tremble: 发抖
  • overcome: 克服
  • resonates: 回响
  • synchronized: 紧密相连
  • erupts: 爆发
  • applause: 掌声
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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