
Mistaken Embrace: A Bond Born in Ljubljana

Dec 21, 2023 · 15m 12s
Mistaken Embrace: A Bond Born in Ljubljana

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 31s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Mistaken Embrace: A Bond Born in Ljubljana Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: En sončen dan v starem mestnem...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Mistaken Embrace: A Bond Born in Ljubljana
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Story Transcript:

Sl: En sončen dan v starem mestnem jedru Ljubljane, kjer se stojnice šibijo pod težo sadja in okoli prepeva živahnost sobotnega trga, se je Ana veselo sprehajala med množico ljudi.
En: On a sunny day in the old town center of Ljubljana, where the market stalls groaned under the weight of fruit and the lively bustle of the Saturday market filled the air, Ana happily strolled through the crowd.

Sl: Njen obraz je sijal od veselja, saj je bila na poti, da preseneti svojega brata, ki ga ni videla že mesece.
En: Her face radiated joy because she was on her way to surprise her brother, whom she hadn't seen for months.

Sl: Ana je bila polna pričakovanj, kako bo skočila v objem bratu in mu izročila majhno darilo, ki ga je zavijala še zjutraj.
En: Ana was full of expectations about how she would jump into her brother's arms and give him the small gift she had wrapped that very morning.

Sl: Na trgu je vsak dan drugače, gneča se je gibala kot reka, a Ana je bila odločena, da najde svojega brata.
En: The market was different every day, the crowd moved like a river, but Ana was determined to find her brother.

Sl: Med iskanjem je na drugi strani trga zagledala postavo, ki je bila presenetljivo podobna njenemu bratu.
En: While searching, on the other side of the square, she spotted a figure that was surprisingly similar to her brother.

Sl: Oblečen je bil v modro jakno, ki jo je brat pogosto nosil, in imel je enak korak, ki ga je Ana tako dobro poznavala.
En: He was dressed in a blue jacket that her brother often wore and had the same gait that Ana knew so well.

Sl: S srcem, ki je razbijalo od vznemirjenja, je Ana stekla proti njemu, se brez oklevanja vrgla v njegov objem in zaklicala: "Presenečenje, bratec!
En: With a heart beating with excitement, Ana ran towards him, threw herself into his arms without hesitation, and exclaimed, "Surprise, little brother!"

Sl: "Marko, ki je bil v resnici popolni neznanec, je bil od nenadnega objema povsem zmeden.
En: Marko, who was actually a complete stranger, was completely confused by the sudden embrace.

Sl: Njegov obraz je izražal mešanico presenečenja in zmedenosti, ko je nežno skušal odmakniti Ano in prijazno dejal: "Oprostite, gospodična, mislim, da ste se zmotili.
En: His face expressed a mixture of surprise and bewilderment as he gently tried to move Ana away and kindly said, "I'm sorry, miss, I think you've mistaken me."

Sl: "Ana, ki je zdaj že rdečela od zadrege, se je opravičila in stala tam kot kip.
En: Ana, now flushed with embarrassment, apologized and stood there like a statue.

Sl: "O, oprostite, res sem mislila, da ste moj brat," je hitela pojasniti, ko je opazila razlike: bradica, ki jo je Marko nosil, in svetlejši odtenek las.
En: "Oh, I'm sorry, I really thought you were my brother," she hurriedly explained when she noticed the differences: the beard that Marko wore and the lighter shade of hair.

Sl: Marko se je nasmehnil in od odpuščanja naprej je med njima nastala simpatična vez.
En: Marko smiled, and from forgiveness on, a charming bond formed between them.

Sl: Ugotovila sta, da imata veliko skupnih zanimanj: oba sta oboževala jazz glasbo in bila navdušena nad zgodovino Ljubljane.
En: They realized they shared many interests: they both loved jazz music and were fascinated by the history of Ljubljana.

Sl: Dopoldne ju je tako zaneslo od trga na Ljubljanski grad, kjer sta nadaljevala pogovor ob čudoviti panorami mesta.
En: That morning led them from the market to Ljubljana Castle, where they continued their conversation against the backdrop of the city's stunning panorama.

Sl: Ana je skoraj pozabila na prvotni sestanek s svojim bratom, ki pa je pravzaprav v tem času prispel na trg in se začel spraševati, kje je njegova sestra.
En: Ana almost forgot about her original meeting with her brother, who had actually arrived at the square during this time and started to wonder where his sister was.

Sl: Zgodba se je tako prevesila v popoldne, ko so se Ana, Marko in njen brat, ki so ga naposled le našli s pomočjo Markovih spretnih preiskovalnih sposobnosti, smejali ob skodelici kave na enem izmed trgovskih kavarn.
En: The story then turned into the afternoon, when Ana, Marko, and her brother, who they finally found with the help of Marko's clever investigative skills, laughed over a cup of coffee at one of the market cafés.

Sl: Ana je na koncu dneva razmišljala o tem, kako nesreča - zamenjava neznanca za brata - ni bila le nekaj nenavadnega, temveč je bila priložnost, ki je prinesla novo prijateljstvo.
En: At the end of the day, Ana reflected on how the mishap - mistaking a stranger for her brother - was not just something unusual, but an opportunity that brought a new friendship.

Sl: Občutila je novo spoštovanje do nepričakovanih dogodkov in veselila se je prihodnjih pustolovščin v razgibanem mestu ob Ljubljanici.
En: She felt a newfound respect for unexpected events and looked forward to future adventures in the vibrant city along the Ljubljanica River.

Vocabulary Words:
  • sunny: sončen
  • center: jedro
  • market: trg
  • stalls: stojnice
  • weight: teža
  • fruit: sadje
  • bustle: živahnost
  • crowd: množica
  • expectations: pričakovanja
  • jump: skočiti
  • arms: objem
  • wrapped: zavito
  • determined: odločena
  • searching: iskanje
  • figure: postava
  • jacket: jakna
  • gait: korak
  • excitement: vznemirjenje
  • embrace: objem
  • surprise: presenečenje
  • stranger: neznanec
  • confused: zmeden
  • gentle: nežen
  • mistaken: zmotili
  • apologized: opravičila
  • beard: bradica
  • lighter: svetlejši
  • forgiveness: odpuščanje
  • bond: vez
  • interests: zanimanja
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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