Mix-Up Morning: A Latte Laughter Tale

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Mix-Up Morning: A Latte Laughter Tale
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Mix-Up Morning: A Latte Laughter Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/mix-up-morning-a-latte-laughter-tale/ Story Transcript: Sk: V centre Bratislavy, v starobylom meste, žila...
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Story Transcript:
Sk: V centre Bratislavy, v starobylom meste, žila veselá a trošku roztržitá Jana.
En: In the center of Bratislava, in the old town, lived the cheerful and somewhat absent-minded Jana.
Sk: Jana mala rada pokojné dopoludnia, keď sa mohla prechádzať kamennými uličkami a vychutnať si kávu v jednej z útulných kaviarní.
En: Jana enjoyed peaceful mornings, when she could wander through the stone streets and savor a coffee in one of the cozy cafés.
Sk: Jedného krásneho jarného rána sa Jana rozhodla usadiť v malej kaviarni, ktorá sa schovávala v tieni starého kostola.
En: One beautiful spring morning, Jana decided to settle in a small café hidden in the shadow of an old church.
Sk: Kaviareň bola plná ľudí a výrazných vôní čerstvo praženej kávy.
En: The café was full of people and the distinct scents of freshly roasted coffee.
Sk: Jana si objednala svoj obľúbený kávový nápoj - jemnú latte s vanilkou.
En: Jana ordered her favorite coffee - a smooth vanilla latte.
Sk: Usadila sa pri okennom stolíku a rozihraná do mobilu nevedome sledovala dianie okolo seba.
En: She settled at a window table and absentmindedly watched the activity around her while engrossed in her phone.
Sk: Vedľa Jany sedel Matej, ktorý bol známy svojou láskou k silnému espressu.
En: Next to Jana sat Matej, known for his love of strong espresso.
Sk: Bol to muž zaneprázdnený, vždy za niečím nasledoval a kávu považoval za palivo pre svoj den plný úloh a povinností.
En: He was a busy man, always on the go and considered coffee as fuel for his day full of tasks and responsibilities.
Sk: Práve z hlbokých myšlienok ho vytrhlo ledva postrehnuté pohyby vedľa seba.
En: Just as he was lost in deep thoughts, he was jolted by the barely noticed movements next to him.
Sk: Jana, ešte stále zabraná do svojho telefónu, siahla po pohári a bezmyšlienkovite si ho priviedla k ústam.
En: Still engrossed in her phone, Jana reached for the cup and absentmindedly brought it to her lips.
Sk: Horký a silný šok espressa zaplavil jej ústa ešte skôr, než stihla zaregistrovať, že káva nie je tou jej obľúbenou a sladkou lattou.
En: The hot and strong shock of espresso flooded her mouth before she could register that the coffee was not her usual sweet latte.
Sk: Jej oči sa rozšírili od prekvapenia, a keď sa jej pohľad stretol s Matejovým, nevedela, či má byť rozzúrená alebo sa len smiať spoločne s ním.
En: Her eyes widened in surprise, and when her gaze met Matej's, she couldn't decide whether to be angry or just laugh along with him.
Sk: Matej, ktorý spočiatku vyzerá ako niekto, kto sa nezaoberá menšími tragédiami ako zámenná káva, nečakane pristúpil ku situácii s humorom.
En: Matej, at first appearing as someone not bothered by minor mishaps like a mix-up with coffee, unexpectedly approached the situation with humor.
Sk: Vyzerá to, že máme odlišný vkus na kávu, čo poviete?
En: It seems we have different tastes in coffee, don't you think?
Sk: Jana so zardzením na tvári a úsmevom uznala svoje roztržité chovanie.
En: Blushing and smiling, Jana acknowledged her absent-minded behavior.
Sk: Asi si budem musí dávať viac pozor na to, čo pijem,
En: I guess I'll have to pay more attention to what I'm drinking,
Sk: povedala s ľahkým smiechom.
En: she said with a light laugh.
Sk: Matej jej ponúkol svoje miesto pri okne a objednal ďalšie nápoje - tentokrát espresso pre seba a novú latté pre Janu, aby nahradil stratený pôžitok.
En: Matej offered her his seat by the window and ordered more drinks - espresso for himself and a new latte for Jana, to make up for the lost enjoyment.
Sk: Strávili spolu pár príjemných chvíľ a rozprávali sa o tom, ako častokrát v človekom živote prídu nečakané, ale šťastné chyby.
En: They spent a few pleasant moments together, talking about how often unexpected but happy mistakes come in a person's life.
Sk: A tak, čo mohlo byť obyčajným dňom v starom meste sa zmenilo na nezabudnuteľné dopoludnie pre Janu i Mateja.
En: So, what could have been an ordinary day in the old town turned into an unforgettable morning for both Jana and Matej.
Sk: Neplánované stretnutie a zmiešané kávy ich spojili v niečom viac ako len spoločnom vtipcovaní; našli v sebe nového priateľa.
En: The chance meeting and mixed-up coffees brought them together in something more than just shared amusement; they found a new friend in each other.
Sk: A od tej doby sa ich ranné kávy stali oveľa viac než len náhodou, stali sa príjemnou tradíciou.
En: From then on, their morning coffees became much more than a coincidence, they became a delightful tradition.
Vocabulary Words:
- cheerful: veselá
- absent-minded: roztržitá
- peaceful: pokojné
- stone: kamennými
- savor: vychutnať si
- cozy: útulných
- hidden: schovávala
- distinct: výrazných
- grooved: rozihraná
- engrossed: zabraná
- jolted: vytrhlo
- barely: ledva
- notice: postrehnuté
- widened: rozšírili
- acknowledged: uznala
- behavior: chovanie
- light: ľahkým
- tradition: tradíciou
Author | FluentFiction.org |
Organization | Kameron Kilchrist |
Website | www.fluentfiction.org |
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