Moussaka Mayhem: A Disaster Turns Delight in Santorini

Jul 6, 2024 · 19m 21s
Moussaka Mayhem: A Disaster Turns Delight in Santorini

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

15m 39s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Moussaka Mayhem: A Disaster Turns Delight in Santorini Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Santorini je nádherné miesto. En:...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Moussaka Mayhem: A Disaster Turns Delight in Santorini
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Santorini je nádherné miesto.
En: Santorini is a beautiful place.

Sk: Biely domy a modré kupoly sú ako z pohľadnice.
En: The white houses and blue domes look like something from a postcard.

Sk: V lete je tu krásne teplo a vôňa morského vzduchu napĺňa okolie.
En: In the summer, it is beautifully warm, and the scent of the sea air fills the surroundings.

Sk: Marek a Jolana sa rozhodli vyskúšať kuchársky kurz.
En: Marek and Jolana decided to try a cooking course.

Sk: Milan, miestny kuchár, ich bude učiť.
En: Milan, a local chef, would be their instructor.

Sk: Marek bol veľmi nadšený.
En: Marek was very excited.

Sk: Chcel ohúriť Jolanou a Milanom.
En: He wanted to impress Jolana and Milan.

Sk: Ale Marek bol zlý kuchár.
En: But Marek was a terrible cook.

Sk: Jolana bola jeho najlepšia priateľka.
En: Jolana was his best friend.

Sk: Bola organizovaná a súťaživá.
En: She was organized and competitive.

Sk: Chcela dokázať, že vie lepšie variť ako Marek.
En: She wanted to prove that she could cook better than Marek.

Sk: Kurz bol v otvorenej kuchyni.
En: The course was in an open kitchen.

Sk: Na stole boli čerstvé grécke suroviny.
En: On the table were fresh Greek ingredients.

Sk: Milan mal veľký úsmev na tvári.
En: Milan had a big smile on his face.

Sk: "Dobrý deň!
En: "Good day!

Sk: Ja som Milan.
En: I am Milan.

Sk: Dnes budeme variť moussaku," povedal.
En: Today we will be cooking moussaka," he said.

Sk: Marek sa snažil sústrediť.
En: Marek tried to focus.

Sk: Chcel urobiť všetko správne.
En: He wanted to do everything right.

Sk: Ale bol nervózny.
En: But he was nervous.

Sk: Jolana sa na neho uškŕňala.
En: Jolana smirked at him.

Sk: Mala všetky veci pripravené na svojom stole.
En: She had everything ready at her station.

Sk: "Neboj sa, Marek.
En: "Don’t worry, Marek.

Sk: Nebude to také ťažké," povedala.
En: It won't be that hard," she said.

Sk: Marek sa rozhodol sabotovať Jolaninu moussaku.
En: Marek decided to sabotage Jolana’s moussaka.

Sk: Vložil do jej misky extra soľ.
En: He put extra salt in her bowl.

Sk: Jolana si to nevšimla.
En: Jolana didn’t notice.

Sk: Potom Jolana potajomky pridala do Marekovej misky ďalší cesnak.
En: Then Jolana secretly added extra garlic to Marek’s bowl.

Sk: Začali pracovať.
En: They started working.

Sk: Milan chodil okolo a kontroloval ich prácu.
En: Milan walked around and checked their work.

Sk: "Pozor, Marek.
En: "Careful, Marek.

Sk: Tú paradajkovú omáčku musíte dať viac," povedal Milan.
En: You need to add more of that tomato sauce," Milan said.

Sk: Ale Marek zle porozumel a použil štipľavú papriku.
En: But Marek misunderstood and used hot pepper instead.

Sk: "No, to bude zaujímavé," usmial sa Milan, keď videl Marekovu chybu.
En: "Well, this will be interesting," Milan smiled when he saw Marek’s mistake.

Sk: Marek sa márne snažil zachrániť svoju moussaku.
En: Marek desperately tried to save his moussaka.

Sk: Rozhodol sa improvizovať.
En: He decided to improvise.

Sk: Vzal čokoľvek, čo našiel na stole.
En: He took whatever he could find on the table.

Sk: Pridal olivový olej, na čo sa mu Milan len usmial.
En: He added olive oil, to which Milan smiled.

Sk: Ale keď Marek pridal príliš veľa oleja, zistil, že všetko sa lepí.
En: But when Marek added too much oil, he found everything was sticking together.

Sk: Jolana, ktorá sa považovala za lepšiu kuchárku, to všetko pozorovala.
En: Jolana, who considered herself the better cook, watched everything.

Sk: "Marek, potrebuješ pomoc," povedala Jolana.
En: "Marek, you need help," Jolana said.

Sk: "Nebudeš to mať hotové včas.
En: "You won’t have it ready in time."

Sk: " Marek sa najskôr bránil, ale potom súhlasil.
En: Marek resisted at first, but then he agreed.

Sk: Spolu začali pracovať na Marekovej moussake.
En: They started working on Marek’s moussaka together.

Sk: Ale niečo sa pokazilo.
En: But something went wrong.

Sk: Marek omylom zapálil na sporáku utierku.
En: Marek accidentally set a cloth on the stove on fire.

Sk: "Oheň!
En: "Fire!"

Sk: " zakričal Marek.
En: Marek shouted.

Sk: V kuchyni zavládol chaos.
En: Chaos erupted in the kitchen.

Sk: Oheň sa rýchlo šíril, ale Milan bol pripravený.
En: The fire spread quickly, but Milan was prepared.

Sk: Vzal hasiaci prístroj a povedal: "Pokojne, to zvládneme.
En: He grabbed a fire extinguisher and said, "Stay calm, we’ve got this."

Sk: " Rýchlo oheň uhasil.
En: He quickly put out the fire.

Sk: Marek a Jolana stáli s očami veľkými od prekvapenia.
En: Marek and Jolana stood with eyes wide in surprise.

Sk: Milan sa zasmial.
En: Milan laughed.

Sk: "Nevadí, Marek.
En: "It’s alright, Marek.

Sk: V kuchyni sa stávajú chyby," povedal veselo.
En: Mistakes happen in the kitchen," he said cheerfully.

Sk: "Alebo umelecké diela," dodal s úsmevom.
En: "Or masterpieces," he added with a smile.

Sk: Marek a Jolana sa tiež začali smiať.
En: Marek and Jolana also started laughing.

Sk: Pochopili, že ich súťaživosť bola zbytočná.
En: They realized their competition was pointless.

Sk: "Prepáč, že som ti sabotoval moussaku," povedal Marek.
En: "Sorry for sabotaging your moussaka," Marek said.

Sk: "Ja tiež," priznala Jolana.
En: "Me too," Jolana admitted.

Sk: Milan ich pochválil za tímovú prácu.
En: Milan praised them for their teamwork.

Sk: "To je najdôležitejšie.
En: "That’s the most important thing.

Sk: Kuchárstvo je o radosti a spoločnom úsilí," povedal.
En: Cooking is about joy and working together," he said.

Sk: Marek a Jolana sa na seba usmiali.
En: Marek and Jolana smiled at each other.

Sk: Uvedomili si, že vyhrať nie je všetko.
En: They realized that winning wasn’t everything.

Sk: Spoločne sa rozhodli, že najdôležitejšie je, že sa bavili a mali spolu dobrý čas.
En: They jointly decided that the most important thing was that they had fun and enjoyed their time together.

Sk: Koniec.
En: The end.

Vocabulary Words:
  • scent: vôňa
  • surroundings: okolie
  • decided: rozhodli
  • excited: nadšený
  • impress: ohúriť
  • organized: organizovaná
  • competitive: súťaživá
  • ingredients: suroviny
  • focus: sústrediť
  • nervous: nervózny
  • smirked: uškŕňala
  • sabotage: sabotovať
  • secretly: potajomky
  • careful: pozor
  • misunderstood: zle porozumel
  • improvise: improvizovať
  • accidentally: omylom
  • shouted: zakričal
  • chaos: chaos
  • calm: pokojne
  • mistakes: chyby
  • masterpieces: umelecké diela
  • cheerfully: veselo
  • realized: uvedomili
  • teamwork: tímová práca
  • joy: radosť
  • winning: vyhrať
  • important: najdôležitejšie
  • enjoyed: bavili
  • prepared: pripravený
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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