
Mystery in the High Tatras: A Heartfelt Search for Truth

Sep 20, 2024 · 16m 9s
Mystery in the High Tatras: A Heartfelt Search for Truth

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 21s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Mystery in the High Tatras: A Heartfelt Search for Truth Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Matej stál na...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Mystery in the High Tatras: A Heartfelt Search for Truth
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Matej stál na vrchole kopca a zhlboka dýchal.
En: Matej stood at the top of the hill, breathing deeply.

Sk: Jeho svaly horeli únavou.
En: His muscles burned with fatigue.

Sk: Výhľad bol nádherný.
En: The view was magnificent.

Sk: Všade okolo bola jeseň.
En: Everywhere around was autumn.

Sk: Farby lístia boli žlté, oranžové a červené.
En: The colors of the leaves were yellow, orange, and red.

Sk: Bol na tréningovom tábore vo Vysokých Tatrách.
En: He was at a training camp in the High Tatras.

Sk: Ale jeho myseľ bola niekde inde.
En: But his mind was elsewhere.

Sk: Myslel na Zuzanu.
En: He was thinking about Zuzana.

Sk: Zuzana bola jeho dobrá kamarátka.
En: Zuzana was his good friend.

Sk: Bola tiež skvelou atlétkou.
En: She was also an excellent athlete.

Sk: Trénovali spolu už dlho.
En: They had been training together for a long time.

Sk: Jedného dňa však zmizla.
En: But one day, she disappeared.

Sk: Nikto nevedel, kam odišla.
En: No one knew where she went.

Sk: Matej sa bál.
En: Matej was worried.

Sk: Jeho tréneri hovorili, že Zuzana si možno len dala pauzu.
En: His coaches said that maybe Zuzana just took a break.

Sk: Že to nie je nič vážne.
En: That it was nothing serious.

Sk: Ale Matej vedel svoje.
En: But Matej knew better.

Sk: Nikdy by neopustila tábor bez toho, aby niekomu povedala.
En: She would never leave camp without telling someone.

Sk: Matej sa rozhodol konať.
En: Matej decided to act.

Sk: Nepočúval ostatných, ktorí hovoria, že sa nemá strachovať.
En: He didn't listen to others who said not to worry.

Sk: Musel to zistiť sám.
En: He had to find out for himself.

Sk: Strach z pretekania a ambície nahradila túžba pomôcť.
En: The fear of competing and ambition was replaced by a desire to help.

Sk: Jedného rána, keď väčšina atlétov ešte spala, vyšiel do lesa.
En: One morning, when most of the athletes were still asleep, he went into the forest.

Sk: Hľadal akúkoľvek stopu.
En: He looked for any clue.

Sk: Niečo, čo mu povie, kde by mohla byť Zuzana.
En: Something that would tell him where Zuzana might be.

Sk: Po hodine hľadania našiel niečo zvláštne.
En: After an hour of searching, he found something strange.

Sk: V hustine pod veľkým stromom ležal malý zápisník.
En: In a thicket under a large tree lay a small notebook.

Sk: Matej ho otvoril.
En: Matej opened it.

Sk: Písmo bolo Zuzanine.
En: The handwriting was Zuzana's.

Sk: Písala o záhadných veciach.
En: She wrote about mysterious things.

Sk: O ľuďoch, ktorí sa správali divne.
En: About people behaving oddly.

Sk: O niekom, kto jej povedal, aby niečo nevidela.
En: About someone who told her not to see something.

Sk: Matejovo srdce sa rozbúšilo.
En: Matej's heart raced.

Sk: Vedieť, že Zuzana sa dostala do problémov, ho ešte viac motivovalo.
En: Knowing that Zuzana had gotten into trouble only motivated him more.

Sk: Čítanie zápisníka mu dalo smer.
En: Reading the notebook gave him direction.

Sk: Nasledujúci deň sa vydal ďalej, hlbšie do lesa.
En: The next day he went further, deeper into the forest.

Sk: Tam, kde tajomstvá skrývajú svoje tváre.
En: To where secrets hide their faces.

Sk: Po čase ju našiel.
En: Eventually, he found her.

Sk: Bola vystrašená, ale nezranená.
En: She was scared but unharmed.

Sk: Objala ho so slzami v očiach.
En: She hugged him with tears in her eyes.

Sk: Matej pochopil, že pravda, ktorú Zuzana objavila, bola príliš veľká na to, aby zostala skrytá v tábore.
En: Matej understood that the truth Zuzana discovered was too big to remain hidden in the camp.

Sk: Vrátia sa spolu do tábora, teraz s dôkazom v rukách.
En: They returned to the camp together, now with evidence in hand.

Sk: Ukázali ostatným, čo našiel.
En: They showed others what he had found.

Sk: Tréneri museli čeliť pravde.
En: The coaches had to face the truth.

Sk: Matej bol hrdý, že vedel, že inštinkty neklamú.
En: Matej was proud to know that his instincts were right.

Sk: A že skutoční priatelia sú dôležitejší ako víťazstvá.
En: And that true friends are more important than victories.

Sk: Uvedomil si, že bojovať za správnu vec má väčší zmysel ako najlepšie časy v preteku.
En: He realized that fighting for the right thing matters more than the best race times.

Sk: Získal tak novú dôveru v seba a svoj vzťah so Zuzanou.
En: He gained new confidence in himself and his relationship with Zuzana.

Sk: Výhľady z vrcholov síce zostanú rovnaké, no ten skutočný výhľad mu otvoril srdce.
En: The views from the peaks may remain the same, but the real view opened his heart.

Vocabulary Words:
  • breathing: dýchal
  • magnificent: nádherný
  • fatigue: únava
  • muscles: svaly
  • autumn: jeseň
  • camp: tábor
  • disappeared: zmizla
  • worried: bál
  • coaches: tréneri
  • serious: vážne
  • instincts: inštinkty
  • ambition: ambície
  • desire: túžba
  • forest: les
  • clue: stopa
  • thicket: hustina
  • notebook: zápisník
  • handwriting: písmo
  • mysterious: záhadný
  • oddly: divne
  • raced: rozbúšilo
  • motivated: motivovalo
  • direction: smer
  • unharmed: nezranená
  • evidence: dôkaz
  • proud: hrdý
  • confidence: dôvera
  • remained: zostanú
  • truth: pravda
  • victories: víťazstvá
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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