
Mystery of the Vanished Artifact: Truth Behind Plitvice Lakes

May 17, 2024 · 16m 26s
Mystery of the Vanished Artifact: Truth Behind Plitvice Lakes

01 · Main Story

1m 45s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 48s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Mystery of the Vanished Artifact: Truth Behind Plitvice Lakes Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Sunce je tek počelo...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Mystery of the Vanished Artifact: Truth Behind Plitvice Lakes
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Sunce je tek počelo izlaziti kada je Ivana ušla u mali ured parka.
En: The sun had just started to rise when Ivana entered the small office of the park.

Hr: Ljudi su govorili o nestanku starog artefakta iz muzeja u Plitvičkim jezerima.
En: People were talking about the disappearance of an old artifact from the museum at Plitvice Lakes.

Hr: Artefakt je navodno imao magične moći još iz davnih vremena.
En: The artifact supposedly had magical powers dating back to ancient times.

Hr: Muzej je bio prazan.
En: The museum was empty.

Hr: Hrvoje, čuvar muzeja, već je bio tamo.
En: Hrvoje, the museum guard, was already there.

Hr: "Što se dogodilo?
En: "What happened?"

Hr: " upita Ivana.
En: Ivana asked.

Hr: “Nestalo je preko noći,” odgovori Hrvoje zabrinuto.
En: "It disappeared overnight," Hrvoje responded anxiously.

Hr: “Bojim se što će se dogoditi.
En: "I'm afraid of what might happen."

Hr: ”Ivana je znala da moraju nešto poduzeti.
En: Ivana knew that they had to do something.

Hr: Predložila je Hrvoju da pozovu Luku, istražitelja iz Zagreba.
En: She suggested to Hrvoje that they call Luka, an investigator from Zagreb.

Hr: Luka je bio poznat po rješavanju teških slučajeva.
En: Luka was known for solving difficult cases.

Hr: "Hajde, zovemo ga odmah," reče Hrvoje i izvadi telefon.
En: "Let's call him right away," Hrvoje said and took out his phone.

Hr: Nakon sat vremena, Luka je stigao.
En: An hour later, Luka arrived.

Hr: Odmah je počeo istraživati mjesto zločina.
En: He immediately began investigating the crime scene.

Hr: Pregledao je svaku sitnicu.
En: He examined every little detail.

Hr: Pronašao je tragovi blata na podu.
En: He found muddy footprints on the floor.

Hr: "Ovi tragovi nas možda vode do odgovora," rekao je.
En: "These footprints might lead us to the answer," he said.

Hr: Ivana, Hrvoje i Luka slijedili su tragove kroz šumu.
En: Ivana, Hrvoje, and Luka followed the tracks through the forest.

Hr: Stigli su do male pećine iza velikog vodopada.
En: They arrived at a small cave behind a large waterfall.

Hr: U pećini su pronašli staru kutiju.
En: In the cave, they found an old box.

Hr: Luka ju je pažljivo otvorio, a unutra je bio artefakt.
En: Luka carefully opened it, and inside was the artifact.

Hr: "Našli smo ga!
En: "We found it!"

Hr: " povikao je Luka.
En: Luka shouted.

Hr: No, nije bilo tako jednostavno.
En: However, it wasn't that simple.

Hr: Pojavio se starac u dugom plaštu.
En: An old man in a long cloak appeared.

Hr: "Ovo pripada meni!
En: "This belongs to me!"

Hr: " rekao je ljutito.
En: he said angrily.

Hr: "Ne može, to je dio naše povijesti," odgovorila je hrabro Ivana.
En: "It can't be, it's part of our history," Ivana responded bravely.

Hr: Starac se nasmijao.
En: The old man laughed.

Hr: "Ne shvaćate.
En: "You don't understand.

Hr: Artefakt nema magične moći.
En: The artifact has no magical powers.

Hr: Samo je priča da bi ljudi vjerovali u nešto posebno.
En: It's just a story to make people believe in something special."

Hr: "Ivana, Hrvoje i Luka su se pogledali.
En: Ivana, Hrvoje, and Luka looked at each other.

Hr: "Onda zašto ga želite?
En: "Then why do you want it?"

Hr: " upitala je Ivana.
En: Ivana asked.

Hr: "Zato što je to dio moje obitelji već stoljećima," odgovorio je starac.
En: "Because it's been a part of my family for centuries," the old man replied.

Hr: Luka je pažljivo promislio.
En: Luka thought carefully.

Hr: "Možda trebamo pričati s restora parka.
En: "Maybe we should talk to the park manager."

Hr: "Vratili su se s artefaktom do muzeja.
En: They returned with the artifact to the museum.

Hr: Restora je odlučio da artefakt ostane u muzeju, ali s novim pričama koje bi starac podijelio o njegovoj obitelji.
En: The park manager decided that the artifact would stay in the museum, but with new stories that the old man would share about his family.

Hr: Tako su svi mogli uživati u bogatoj povijesti.
En: This way, everyone could enjoy the rich history.

Hr: Ivana je bila sretna.
En: Ivana was happy.

Hr: "Ovo je prava pobjeda za sve nas.
En: "This is a real victory for all of us."

Hr: "Ljudi iz sela su se slažili.
En: The villagers agreed.

Hr: Povijest i priče su važne, ali istina je još važnija.
En: History and stories are important, but the truth is even more so.

Hr: Od tog dana, u Plitvičkim jezerima, posjetitelji su mogli doživjeti povijest, ne samo kroz predmete, već i kroz priče onih koji su ih čuvali.
En: From that day on, at Plitvice Lakes, visitors could experience history not just through objects but also through the stories of those who preserved them.

Hr: I tako je završila priča.
En: And so the story concluded.

Hr: Hrabrost, mudrost i istina su pobijedili.
En: Courage, wisdom, and truth prevailed.

Vocabulary Words:
  • disappearance: nestanak
  • artifact: artefakt
  • magical: magične
  • ancient: davnih
  • guard: čuvar
  • anxiously: zabrinuto
  • investigator: istražitelja
  • examined: pregledao
  • detail: sitnicu
  • footprints: tragovi
  • forest: šumu
  • waterfall: vodopada
  • cave: pećine
  • carefully: pažljivo
  • shouted: povikao
  • simple: jednostavno
  • cloak: plaštu
  • laughed: nasmijao
  • understand: shvaćate
  • magical powers: magične moći
  • centuries: stoljećima
  • thought: promislio
  • carefully: pažljivo
  • manager: restora
  • museum: muzeja
  • victory: pobjeda
  • villagers: ljudi iz sela
  • preserved: čuvali
  • concluded: završila
  • courage: hrabrost
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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