
Oops! Candid Chaos at Bratislava Castle

Apr 9, 2024 · 13m 51s
Oops! Candid Chaos at Bratislava Castle

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 7s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Oops! Candid Chaos at Bratislava Castle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Na kopci nad Dunajom, kde sa míňajú...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Oops! Candid Chaos at Bratislava Castle
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Na kopci nad Dunajom, kde sa míňajú oblohy s históriou, stál nádherný Bratislavský hrad.
En: On the hill above the Danube, where skies and history intersect, stood the magnificent Bratislava Castle.

Sk: Slnečný deň bol ako stvorený pre výlet, a preto sa Andrea, Martin a Lukáš rozhodli stráviť ho poznávaním tohto historického miesta.
En: The sunny day seemed perfect for a trip, so Andrea, Martin, and Lukáš decided to spend it exploring this historic place.

Sk: Andrea bola milovníčka umenia, Martin znalec starých legiend a Lukáš, no, Lukáš mal rád fotky.
En: Andrea was an art lover, Martin was a connoisseur of ancient legends, and Lukáš, well, Lukáš loved taking photos.

Sk: Vlastne, obľúbil si ich až tak, že sa nikam nepohol bez svojej drahocennej kamery.
En: In fact, he had grown so fond of them that he never went anywhere without his precious camera.

Sk: Práve keď sprievodca hovoril o tajomstvách hradu, rozhodol sa Lukáš urobiť tú najlepšiu fotografiu.
En: Just as the guide was speaking about the secrets of the castle, Lukáš decided to take the best picture.

Sk: Cúvol o krok, aby získal lepšie uhly. Aj o dva, ale nevidel kameň za sebou.
En: He backed up a step to get better angles, then another, but he didn't see the stone behind him.

Sk: Zakopol, kamera vyletela z jeho rúk a v tom zápase s gravitáciou stihol ešte stlačiť spúšť.
En: He tripped, his camera flew out of his hands, and in that battle with gravity, he still managed to press the shutter.

Sk: Chlapík od vedľa, ktorý práve obdivoval krásu sochy, nečakal, že práve jeho zadok bude hlavným objektom fotografie.
En: The man next to him, who had just been admiring the beauty of a statue, didn't expect that his backside would be the main subject of the photo.

Sk: Medzitým Andrea a Martin stáli s ústami dokorán.
En: Meanwhile, Andrea and Martin stood with their mouths wide open.

Sk: Každý moment tu bol plný prekvapení, ale tento s obehal Bratislavským hradom bleskurýchle.
En: Every moment here was full of surprises, but this one had encircled Bratislava Castle in a flash.

Sk: Sprievodca, ktorý na chvíľku stratil reč, sa napokon zasmial a zvolal: "To ste mali vidieť ostatné nešťastné príhody, ktoré sa tu už odohrali!"
En: The guide, who had momentarily lost his speech, finally laughed and exclaimed, "You should have seen the other unfortunate incidents that have already happened here!"

Sk: Martin pomohol Lukášovi postaviť sa na nohy a Andrea, ešte stále s úsmevom na perách, podala mu kameru.
En: Martin helped Lukáš to get back on his feet, and with a smile still on her lips, Andrea handed him the camera.

Sk: "Do kostola!" oznámil sprievodca a celá skupina sa pokračovala v prehliadke, zatiaľ čo Lukáš kontroloval fotoaparát.
En: "To the church!" announced the guide, and the whole group continued the tour, while Lukáš checked the camera.

Sk: Kamera bola v poriadku, ale fotka? To bolo niečo úplne iné.
En: The camera was fine, but the photo? It was something entirely different.

Sk: Foto, ktoré malo byť dokonalou kompozíciou, bolo teraz skôr komickou scenériou, ktorá rozosmiala celú skupinu.
En: The picture that was supposed to be a perfect composition was now more of a comical scene that made the whole group laugh.

Sk: Nechcel však stratiť dôstojnosť a tak sa s ľahkým smiechom obrátil na priateľov: "Takto to robím, keď chcem, aby si moje umenie ľudia zapamätali."
En: But he didn't want to lose his dignity, so with a light laugh, he turned to his friends: "This is how I do it when I want people to remember my art."

Sk: Na konci dňa, keď sa troma priateľmi vracali domov, Andrea náhle povedala: "Lukáš, pokojne tú fotku zdieľaj. Je úžasná, aj keď neplánovane. A vieš čo? Bude to náš malý vtipný poklad z tohto výletu."
En: At the end of the day, as the three friends were heading home, Andrea suddenly said, "Lukáš, feel free to share that photo. It's amazing, even though it was unplanned. And you know what? It will be our little humorous treasure from this trip."

Sk: Lukáš sa usmial, ponaučený dňom plným nečakaných zvratov.
En: Lukáš smiled, enlightened by a day full of unexpected turns.

Sk: Domov sa nevrátili len s vedomosťami o Bratislavskom hrade, ale aj s príbehom, ktorý by bol na mieste rovnakom, kde sa stratia stopy času, zachytený nasmerovaním objektívu nepodstatného zadku.
En: They didn't just return home with knowledge about Bratislava Castle, but also with a story that would be captured in the same place where time's traces disappear, immortalized by the direction of the lens towards an inconsequential backside.

Sk: A tak ten deň, ktorý mal byť obyčajnou prehliadkou, sa premenil na nezabudnuteľnú spomienku, ktorá ich vždy pripomenie, že náhody sú často tie najlepšie časti života.
En: And so, the day that was supposed to be a simple tour turned into an unforgettable memory that would always remind them that accidents are often the best parts of life.

Vocabulary Words:
  • intersect: míňajú
  • connoisseur: znalec
  • encircled: obehal
  • immortalized: zachytený
  • composition: kompozíciou
  • dignity: dôstojnosť
  • unplanned: neplánovane
  • treasure: poklad
  • enlightened: ponaučený
  • unexpected: nečakaných
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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