
Painted Pants Prank in Bratislava!

Jan 19, 2024 · 14m 32s
Painted Pants Prank in Bratislava!

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 49s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Painted Pants Prank in Bratislava! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Na nábreží Dunaja v Bratislave, kde sa rieka...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Painted Pants Prank in Bratislava!
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Na nábreží Dunaja v Bratislave, kde sa rieka leskne ako striebro a mosty hovoria príbehy mesta, sa odohrával jedno neobyčajné popoludnie.
En: On the banks of the Danube in Bratislava, where the river sparkled like silver and the bridges told the city's stories, an extraordinary afternoon unfolded.

Sk: Bolo teplo a slnko sa smialo na oblohe, keď Peter a Jana rozhodli, že si doprajú prechádzku.
En: It was warm, and the sun smiled in the sky when Peter and Jana decided to take a stroll.

Sk: Peter bol vždy veselý mládik s kučeravými vlasy a očami, ktoré žiarili ako zelený les.
En: Peter was always a cheerful young man with curly hair and eyes that shone like a green forest.

Sk: Jana, naopak, bola pokojná a rozvážna s hnedými očami, ktoré pripomínali jesenné gaštany.
En: Jana, on the other hand, was calm and thoughtful with brown eyes that resembled autumn chestnuts.

Sk: Spolu boli skvelým tímom.
En: Together, they made a great team.

Sk: Presúvali sa popri múzeách, uličkách plných história a kostoloch, až dorazili do parku, ktorý sa preberal po zimnom spánku.
En: They moved past museums, alleys full of history, and churches until they arrived at a park that was awakening from its winter slumber.

Sk: V parku pribúdala zelená tráva a stromy naliehavo rozvíjali svoje puky.
En: In the park, the green grass was growing, and the trees urgently unfurled their buds.

Sk: Vzduch bol čerstvý a voňavý, život si opäť vyberal svoje miesto.
En: The air was fresh and fragrant, and life was finding its place once again.

Sk: Peter bol trocha netrpezlivý a rozhodol sa, že si oddýchne na lavičke, ktorá vyzerala privítavo.
En: Peter was a bit impatient and decided to take a break on a welcoming bench.

Sk: Áno, bola to práve tá lavička, ktorá bola čerstvo natriedená na jasno modro.
En: Yes, it was precisely that bench, freshly painted in a bright blue.

Sk: Peter to nezbadal a s radosťou si sadol.
En: Peter didn't notice and sat down joyfully.

Sk: Rozprával s Janou o tom, čo všetko ešte chcú v meste vidieť a robiť, keď sa pokúsil vstať a zistil, že jeho nohavice sú pokryté modrými pruhmi.
En: He talked with Jana about all the other things they wanted to see and do in the city, but when he tried to stand up, he realized that his pants were covered in blue stripes.

Sk: Chvíľu tam tak stál, zmätený a bezradný.
En: He stood there for a moment, confused and helpless.

Sk: Jana sa spočiatku zľakla, ale potom sa zasmiala, lebo Peter vyzeral, akoby sa stal súčasťou umenia v parku.
En: At first, Jana was startled, but then she laughed because Peter looked like he had become a part of the art in the park.

Sk: Peter však nevedel, čo má robiť - jeho obľúbené nohavice boli zničené.
En: However, Peter didn't know what to do - his favorite pants were ruined.

Sk: Niekoľko okoloidúcich sa zarazilo a ponúklo radu alebo pomoc.
En: Several passersby stopped and offered advice or help.

Sk: Jeden starší pán, ktorý mal na rukách štetec a vedro s farbou, im vysvetlil, že lavičky boli práve dnes natierané a oni mali byť označené ako čerstvé.
En: An older gentleman, who had a brush and a bucket of paint in his hands, explained that the benches had just been painted and were supposed to be marked as fresh.

Sk: Jana videla riešenie.
En: Jana saw the solution.

Sk: V blízkej predajni s oblečením Peter našiel nohavice, ktoré mu dokonale sedeli.
En: In a nearby clothing store, Peter found pants that fit him perfectly.

Sk: Kúpil si ich a jeho den bol zachránený.
En: He bought them, and his day was saved.

Sk: Ako prejav poďakovania za pomoc, Peter a Jana kúpili staršiemu pánovi malý darček.
En: As a gesture of gratitude for the help, Peter and Jana bought a small gift for the older gentleman.

Sk: S novými nohavicami a úsmevom na tvári pokračovali Peter a Jana v objavovaní krás Bratislavy.
En: With new pants and a smile on their faces, Peter and Jana continued to explore the beauty of Bratislava.

Sk: Bola to lekcia pozornosti a zároveň príbeh, ktorý sa stal súčasťou ich dobrodružstiev v tomto mestskom parku a meste plnom prekvapení.
En: It was a lesson in attentiveness and at the same time, a story that became part of their adventures in this city park and a city full of surprises.

Vocabulary Words:
  • banks: nábreží
  • Danube: Dunaja
  • Bratislava: Bratislave
  • sparkled: leskne
  • silver: striebro
  • bridges: mosty
  • unfolded: odohrával
  • extraordinary: neobyčajné
  • afternoon: popoludnie
  • warm: teplo
  • smiled: smialo
  • sky: oblohe
  • stroll: prechádzku
  • cheerful: veselý
  • curly hair: kučeravými vlasy
  • forest: les
  • calm: pokojná
  • thoughtful: rozvážna
  • brown eyes: hnedými očami
  • resembled: pripomínali
  • autumn chestnuts: jesenné gaštany
  • great team: skvelý tím
  • museums: múzeách
  • alleys: uličkách
  • history: história
  • churches: kostoloch
  • awakening: preberal
  • slumber: spánku
  • green grass: zelená tráva
  • trees: stromy
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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