
Rekindling Old Ties: A Summer of Culinary Dreams and Friendship

Jul 13, 2024 · 19m 49s
Rekindling Old Ties: A Summer of Culinary Dreams and Friendship

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

15m 49s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Rekindling Old Ties: A Summer of Culinary Dreams and Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Ljubljanska centralna tržnica...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Rekindling Old Ties: A Summer of Culinary Dreams and Friendship
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Ljubljanska centralna tržnica je bila polna vrveža.
En: The central market of Ljubljana was bustling with activity.

Sl: Jutro je bilo toplo in sončno, vonj svežega kruha je napolnjeval zrak.
En: The morning was warm and sunny, and the scent of fresh bread filled the air.

Sl: Jure je hodil od stojnice do stojnice in skrbno pregledoval zelenjavo.
En: Jure walked from stall to stall, carefully inspecting the vegetables.

Sl: Potreboval je popolne sestavine za posebno večerjo.
En: He needed perfect ingredients for a special dinner.

Sl: Sedaj, ko se je končno potopil v svoje kulinarične sanje, ni želel ničesar prepustiti naključju.
En: Now that he had finally dived into his culinary dreams, he didn't want to leave anything to chance.

Sl: "Jure?
En: "Jure?"

Sl: " Zaslišal je poznan glas za sabo.
En: He heard a familiar voice behind him.

Sl: Obrnil se je in zagledal Tatjano, svojo staro prijateljico iz šolskih dni.
En: He turned around and saw Tatjana, his old friend from school days.

Sl: Bila je skoraj enaka, le da je imela sedaj resne, a prijazne oči.
En: She looked almost the same, except now she had serious but kind eyes.

Sl: "Tatjana!
En: "Tatjana!

Sl: Kako si?
En: How are you?"

Sl: " Jure je bil presenečen.
En: Jure was surprised.

Sl: Nista se videla že leta.
En: They hadn't seen each other for years.

Sl: "Super, ravno sem prispela iz Berlina.
En: "Great, I just arrived from Berlin.

Sl: Delam na novem članku o poletnih slovenskih tradicijah," je Tatjana odgovorila z nasmehom.
En: I'm working on a new article about Slovenian summer traditions," Tatjana replied with a smile.

Sl: Videti je bila utrujena, a zadovoljna.
En: She looked tired but satisfied.

Sl: "Res?
En: "Really?

Sl: Kako zanimivo!
En: How interesting!

Sl: Sam ravnokar zbiram sestavine za večerjo," je Jure dejal, pokazal na poln košarico s svežimi pridelki.
En: I'm just gathering ingredients for dinner," Jure said, showing her the full basket of fresh produce.

Sl: Tatjana je pokimala.
En: Tatjana nodded.

Sl: "Iščem lokalne perspektive.
En: "I'm looking for local perspectives.

Sl: Bi mi lahko pomagal?
En: Could you help me?

Sl: Kakšne so tvoje poletne tradicije?
En: What are your summer traditions?"

Sl: "Jure je za trenutek okleval.
En: Jure hesitated for a moment.

Sl: Po vseh teh letih se ni čutil povsem sproščeno.
En: After all these years, he didn't feel completely at ease.

Sl: A nato se je odločil.
En: But then he decided.

Sl: "Zakaj ne prideš na večerjo k meni?
En: "Why don't you come over for dinner?

Sl: Lahko ti povem več o tem, kar počnem, in morda ti to pomaga pri tvojem članku.
En: I can tell you more about what I'm doing, and maybe it will help with your article."

Sl: "Tatjana je za trenutek oklevala.
En: Tatjana hesitated for a moment.

Sl: "Seveda, zakaj pa ne?
En: "Of course, why not?

Sl: Bi bilo prijetno obuditi stare čase.
En: It would be nice to rekindle old times."

Sl: "Tistega večera je Tatjana prišla do Juretovega stanovanja.
En: That evening, Tatjana came to Jure's apartment.

Sl: V zraku je dišalo po sveže pripravljeni hrani.
En: The air was filled with the aroma of freshly prepared food.

Sl: Jure je pripravljal mizo, napet, a vesel.
En: Jure was setting the table, feeling tense but happy.

Sl: Tatjana je prišla k njemu in mu podarila drobno rožo.
En: Tatjana approached him and offered a small flower.

Sl: "Poglej tole," je dejala, "to sem kupila na tržnici danes zate.
En: "Look at this," she said, "I bought it at the market for you today."

Sl: "Jure se je nasmehnil in jo povabil k mizi.
En: Jure smiled and invited her to the table.

Sl: Večerja se je pričela nekoliko okorno, a kmalu sta se oba sprostila in začela pripovedovati zgodbe iz preteklosti in sedanjosti.
En: The dinner started off a bit awkward, but soon both of them relaxed and began sharing stories from the past and present.

Sl: "Nikoli nisem vedela, da imaš takšno strast do kuhanja," je rekla Tatjana, ko je okušala eno izmed Juretovih jedi.
En: "I never knew you had such a passion for cooking," Tatjana said as she tasted one of Jure's dishes.

Sl: "To je fantastično.
En: "This is fantastic."

Sl: ""Ja, kuhanje me sprošča.
En: "Yes, cooking relaxes me.

Sl: Je moj način izražanja," je Jure odgovoril.
En: It's my way of expressing myself," Jure replied.

Sl: "Vem, da si zelo zaposlena, a sem vesel, da si prišla.
En: "I know you're very busy, but I'm glad you came."

Sl: ""Tudi meni je v veselje, Jure.
En: "It's a pleasure for me too, Jure.

Sl: To mi daje novo perspektivo za moj članek in navdih za prihodnost," je pritrdila Tatjana.
En: This gives me a new perspective for my article and inspiration for the future," Tatjana agreed.

Sl: Ko je večerja potekala proti koncu, je Tatjana predlagala, "Morda bi lahko napisala članek o tvoji strasti do kuhanja.
En: As dinner drew to a close, Tatjana suggested, "Maybe I could write an article about your passion for cooking.

Sl: To bi bilo res nekaj posebnega.
En: That would be something special."

Sl: "Jure je bil ganjen.
En: Jure was touched.

Sl: "To bi bilo čudovito.
En: "That would be wonderful.

Sl: Hvala ti, Tatjana.
En: Thank you, Tatjana."

Sl: ""Ne, Jure, hvala tebi.
En: "No, Jure, thank you.

Sl: Spet si me spomnil, kako pomembno je ostati povezan z ljudmi iz preteklosti," je rekla Tatjana.
En: You've reminded me once again how important it is to stay connected with people from the past," Tatjana said.

Sl: Tisto poletje je bilo za oba pomenljivo.
En: That summer was meaningful for both of them.

Sl: Jure je pridobil samozavest za povezovanje s starimi prijatelji, Tatjana pa novo navdih za svoje delo in življenje.
En: Jure gained confidence in reconnecting with old friends, and Tatjana found new inspiration for her work and life.

Sl: Rekonstruirano prijateljstvo je odprlo nov svet možnosti in spominov.
En: The rekindled friendship opened up a new world of possibilities and memories.

Sl: Ljubljanska centralna tržnica je še vedno brbotala, polna barv in življenja, a za Jureta in Tatjano je sedaj predstavljala več kot le kraj srečanja.
En: The central market of Ljubljana was still bustling, full of colors and life, but for Jure and Tatjana, it now represented more than just a meeting place.

Sl: Bil je kraj novega začetka, mesto, kjer so se stare vezi ponovno spletle.
En: It was a place of new beginnings, a place where old ties were rekindled.

Sl: Konec.
En: The end.

Vocabulary Words:
  • bustling: vrveža
  • inspecting: pregledoval
  • carefully: skrbno
  • ingredients: sestavine
  • culinary: kulinariko
  • finally: končno
  • dive: potopiti
  • chance: naključje
  • familiar: poznan
  • perspectives: perspektive
  • hesitated: okleval
  • gathering: zbiram
  • rekindle: obuditi
  • apartment: stanovanje
  • aroma: vonj
  • awkward: okorno
  • relaxed: sproščena
  • self-expression: izražanja
  • satisfied: zadovoljna
  • passion: strast
  • rekindled: rekonstruirano
  • inspiration: navdih
  • meaningful: pomenljivo
  • confidence: samozavest
  • connected: povezan
  • possibilities: možnosti
  • tired: utrujena
  • produce: pridelki
  • scent: dišalo
  • approach: prišla
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