
Reuniting at Borobudur: A Family's Journey to Honor Ancestry

May 22, 2024 · 17m 21s
Reuniting at Borobudur: A Family's Journey to Honor Ancestry

01 · Main Story

1m 44s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 20s


Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Reuniting at Borobudur: A Family's Journey to Honor Ancestry Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Id: Pagi itu, matahari bersinar...

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Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Reuniting at Borobudur: A Family's Journey to Honor Ancestry
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Story Transcript:

Id: Pagi itu, matahari bersinar terang di atas Candi Borobudur.
En: That morning, the sun shone brightly over Borobudur Temple.

Id: Ayu, Budi, dan Rina sampai di tempat pertemuan.
En: Ayu, Budi, and Rina arrived at the meeting place.

Id: Mereka datang untuk reuni keluarga dan menghormati leluhur.
En: They came for a family reunion and to honor their ancestors.

Id: Mereka sangat bahagia bisa bertemu lagi setelah waktu yang lama.
En: They were very happy to meet again after a long time.

Id: Ayu adalah yang paling tua.
En: Ayu was the eldest.

Id: Dia sering bercerita tentang sejarah keluarga mereka.
En: She often told stories about their family history.

Id: Ia mengatakan, "Leluhur kita dulu sangat kuat dan bijaksana.
En: She said, "Our ancestors were very strong and wise.

Id: Kita harus terus menghormati mereka.
En: We must continue to honor them."

Id: "Budi setuju.
En: Budi agreed.

Id: Dia berkata, "Benar, Kak Ayu.
En: He said, "That's right, Sister Ayu.

Id: Kita harus menghargai perjuangan mereka.
En: We must appreciate their struggles.

Id: Tanpa mereka, kita tidak akan ada di sini sekarang.
En: Without them, we wouldn't be here now."

Id: "Rina, yang paling muda, mendengarkan dengan penuh perhatian.
En: Rina, the youngest, listened attentively.

Id: Ini pertama kali dia ikut reuni di Candi Borobudur.
En: This was her first time joining the reunion at Borobudur Temple.

Id: Ia sangat terpesona oleh keindahan candi dan cerita yang disampaikan.
En: She was very fascinated by the beauty of the temple and the stories told.

Id: Setelah berkumpul di halaman candi, mereka mulai berjalan menaiki tangga.
En: After gathering in the temple courtyard, they began to walk up the stairs.

Id: Setiap langkah adalah simbol penghormatan.
En: Each step was a symbol of respect.

Id: Mereka mencapai puncak candi, tempat di mana keluarga mereka sering berkumpul untuk berdoa dan bermeditasi.
En: They reached the top of the temple, a place where their family often gathered to pray and meditate.

Id: Di puncak, mereka duduk bersama.
En: At the top, they sat together.

Id: Ayu menyalakan dupa dan mereka mulai berdoa.
En: Ayu lit incense and they began to pray.

Id: Udara sangat tenang dan sejuk.
En: The air was very calm and cool.

Id: Mereka mengenang leluhur mereka yang sudah tiada dan mendoakan kebaikan untuk keluarga mereka.
En: They remembered their ancestors who had passed away and prayed for goodness for their family.

Id: Budi mengeluarkan makanan yang telah disiapkan.
En: Budi took out the food that had been prepared.

Id: "Mari kita makan bersama di sini.
En: "Let's eat together here.

Id: Ini tradisi keluarga kita," katanya.
En: This is our family tradition," he said.

Id: Mereka makan bersama dengan damai dan gembira.
En: They ate together peacefully and joyfully.

Id: Setelah makan, Rina melihat pemandangan dari puncak candi.
En: After eating, Rina looked at the view from the top of the temple.

Id: "Indah sekali di sini.
En: "It's so beautiful here.

Id: Aku senang bisa ikut hari ini," katanya.
En: I'm glad I could come today," she said.

Id: Ayu dan Budi tersenyum.
En: Ayu and Budi smiled.

Id: Saat matahari mulai terbenam, mereka bersiap untuk pulang.
En: As the sun began to set, they prepared to go home.

Id: Namun, sebelum pergi, mereka berjanji untuk selalu menjaga tradisi ini.
En: But before leaving, they promised to always keep this tradition.

Id: Mereka akan selalu datang ke Candi Borobudur untuk menghormati leluhur mereka.
En: They would always come to Borobudur Temple to honor their ancestors.

Id: Mereka pulang dengan hati yang penuh rasa syukur.
En: They went home with hearts full of gratitude.

Id: Mereka merasa lebih dekat satu sama lain dan lebih menghargai keluarga mereka.
En: They felt closer to each other and more appreciative of their family.

Id: Reuni keluarga di Candi Borobudur menjadi kenangan indah yang tak terlupakan.
En: The family reunion at Borobudur Temple became a beautiful and unforgettable memory.

Id: Akhirnya, Ayu, Budi, dan Rina menyadari bahwa menghormati leluhur bukan sekadar datang ke candi, tetapi juga menjaga nilai-nilai dan tradisi keluarga dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
En: In the end, Ayu, Budi, and Rina realized that honoring their ancestors was not just about coming to the temple, but also about maintaining family values and traditions in daily life.

Id: Mereka berjanji akan terus melakukannya hingga generasi berikutnya.
En: They promised to continue doing so for the next generation.

Id: Hari itu menjadi hari yang berarti bagi mereka.
En: That day became a meaningful day for them.

Id: Reuni di Candi Borobudur bukan hanya sekadar tradisi, tetapi juga pengingat betapa pentingnya keluarga dan bagaimana leluhur mereka selalu ada di hati mereka.
En: The reunion at Borobudur Temple was not just a tradition, but also a reminder of how important family is and how their ancestors will always be in their hearts.

Vocabulary Words:
  • brightly: terang
  • arrived: sampai
  • reunion: reuni
  • honor: menghormati
  • encestors: leluhur
  • eldest: paling tua
  • history: sejarah
  • struggles: perjuangan
  • attentively: dengan penuh perhatian
  • fascinated: terpesona
  • courtyard: halaman
  • symbol: simbol
  • respect: penghormatan
  • gathered: berkumpul
  • incense: dupa
  • pray: berdoa
  • calm: tenang
  • passed away: sudah tiada
  • prepared: disiapkan
  • tradition: tradisi
  • peacefully: dengan damai
  • view: pemandangan
  • reminder: pengingat
  • meaningful: berarti
  • unforgettable: tak terlupakan
  • values: nilai-nilai
  • generation: generasi
  • appreciative: menghargai
  • gratitude: rasa syukur
  • maintaining: menjaga
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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