
Revolving Rescues & Riverside Laughs

Dec 30, 2023 · 15m 5s
Revolving Rescues & Riverside Laughs

01 · Main Story

1m 44s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 23s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Revolving Rescues & Riverside Laughs Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nenavadno jutro se je začelo v Ljubljani, ko...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Revolving Rescues & Riverside Laughs
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Nenavadno jutro se je začelo v Ljubljani, ko je prvo sonce posvetilo na pročelje velikanskega nakupovalnega središča, ki so ga domačini radi obiskali.
En: An unusual morning began in Ljubljana when the first sun shone on the facade of the giant shopping center, which the locals loved to visit.

Sl: Danes pa je bil še posebej poseben dan, saj je bil to dan, ko naj bi Luka, Maja in Tomaž skupaj nakupovali darila za prihajajoče rojstne dneve svojih prijateljev.
En: Today, however, was a particularly special day as it was the day when Luka, Maja, and Tomaž were supposed to shop together for gifts for their friends' upcoming birthdays.

Sl: Luka, vedno poln energije in smeha, je tekal naprej, željan odkriti nove trgovine.
En: Luka, always full of energy and laughter, raced ahead, eager to discover new stores.

Sl: Maja, s svojimi skrbno izbranimi oblačili, je iskala popoln šal, medtem ko je Tomaž, mojster iskanja popustov, pregledoval vsako cenovko z velikim zanimanjem.
En: Maja, with her carefully chosen clothes, was searching for the perfect scarf, while Tomaž, a master of finding discounts, carefully examined every price tag with great interest.

Sl: Kot magnet jih je privlačila osrednja trgovina, ki se je bleščala s svojo stekleno fasado.
En: Like a magnet, they were drawn to the central store, which gleamed with its glass facade.

Sl: Luka je bil prvi, ki je prisopihal do velikanskih vrtljivih vrat, svetlečih se v dopoldanskem soncu.
En: Luka was the first to puff up to the giant revolving doors glistening in the morning sun.

Sl: Hitro je stopil naprej, morda malo prehitro za težka in počasi se vrtinčasta vrata.
En: He quickly stepped forward, perhaps a little too fast for the heavy and slowly spinning doors.

Sl: "Počakaj, Luka!
En: "Wait, Luka!"

Sl: " je zaklicala Maja, a že je bilo prepozno.
En: shouted Maja, but it was too late.

Sl: Luka je nekako uspel priti sredi vrat, ki so se zaradi njegove naglice ustavila.
En: Luka had somehow managed to get stuck in the middle of the doors, which had stopped due to his haste.

Sl: Pritisnjen med steklene panele, z izrazom mešanice presenečenja in zmedenosti, ni mogel nikamor.
En: Pressed between the glass panels, with a mixture of surprise and confusion on his face, he couldn’t move.

Sl: Maja se je zasmejala, ko je videla Lukovo nepričakovano pustolovščino, pri čemer se ji je pridružil Tomaž, ki je komaj zadrževal smeh.
En: Maja laughed when she saw Luka's unexpected adventure, joined by Tomaž, who could barely contain his laughter.

Sl: Vrteča vrata so bila znana po svoji nepredvidljivosti in zdaj so bila prizorišče nove zgodbe.
En: The revolving doors were known for their unpredictability and now they were the scene of a new story.

Sl: Obstajal je gumb za izredne primere, a preden je kakšna od njiju uspela pritisniti na gumb, so se s tekočih stopnic zaslišali glasni smeh otrok, ki so prihiteli na pomoč.
En: There was an emergency button, but before any of them could press it, the loud laughter of children echoed from the escalator as they rushed to help.

Sl: Mali junaki, drznejši kot odrasli, so našli način, da vrata spravijo nazaj v gibanje.
En: The brave little heroes, bolder than the adults, found a way to get the doors moving again.

Sl: Luka je bil rešen!
En: Luka was saved!

Sl: Zahvalil se je otrokom in prijateljema ter se smehu pridružil tudi sam.
En: He thanked the children and his friends, joining in the laughter himself.

Sl: “Izgleda, da so vrtljiva vrata zame prevelik zalogaj!
En: "It looks like revolving doors are too much for me to handle!"

Sl: ” je v smehu izjavil, ko se je končno osvobodil njihovega objema.
En: he exclaimed with laughter when he was finally freed from their embrace.

Sl: Maja, ki je imela vedno rada zgodbe z dobrim koncem, je predlagala, da ta dogodek proslavijo z najljubšim sladoledom.
En: Maja, always fond of stories with a happy ending, suggested celebrating the event with their favorite ice cream.

Sl: Tomaž se je strinjal in s tremi kepami sladoleda v rokah so se odpravili ob reki Ljubljanici, prepletajoč svoje korake s smehom, ki je odmeval še dolgo v sončen dan.
En: Tomaž agreed, and with three scoops of ice cream in hand, they headed to the Ljubljanica river, intertwining their steps with laughter that echoed on into the sunny day.

Sl: In tako se je končal dan, ki se je začel z avanturo, polno nepričakovanih obratov, in ki je prinesel zgodb, smeha in prijateljstva, ki se jim bodo v Ljubljani vedno znova radi spominjali.
En: And so, the day that began with an adventure full of unexpected turns ended, bringing stories, laughter, and friendships, which the people of Ljubljana will fondly remember.

Vocabulary Words:
  • unusual: nenavadno
  • morning: jutro
  • began: začelo
  • shone: posvetilo
  • facade: pročelje
  • giant: velikanski
  • shopping center: nakupovalno središče
  • locals: domačini
  • loved: radi
  • visit: obiskali
  • supposed: naj bi
  • together: skupaj
  • gifts: darila
  • upcoming: prihajajoče
  • birthdays: rojstni dnevi
  • raced: tekal
  • ahead: naprej
  • eager: željan
  • discover: odkriti
  • new: nove
  • stores: trgovine
  • carefully: skrbno
  • chosen: izbranimi
  • clothes: oblačila
  • searching: iskala
  • perfect: popoln
  • scarf: šal
  • master: mojster
  • finding: iskanja
  • discounts: popustov
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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