
Scary Eire - Jenny Sullivan

Dec 16, 2024 · 57m 48s
Scary Eire - Jenny Sullivan

Mark’s guest is Jenny Sullivan of Drogheda's Emerald Isle Paranormal group.We hear the tale of the tragic Lucinda Sly the last woman to be hanged in county Carlow. What was...

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Mark’s guest is Jenny Sullivan of Drogheda's Emerald Isle Paranormal group.We hear the tale of the tragic Lucinda Sly the last woman to be hanged in county Carlow. What was half man and half pig? find out about The Dolachar.A ghostly tale from a Glaswegian home and Giant Rats in Booterstown  county Dublin. With Thanks to Jenny Sullivan,Nick Clark,The Squire aka David McGlynn and Billy Kirkwood and airline captain Niall Manning (retd).

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Author Paranormal UK Radio Network
Organization Paranormal UK Radio Network
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