
Seagull's Tour Guide: A Dubrovnik Tale

Mar 31, 2024 · 18m 8s
Seagull's Tour Guide: A Dubrovnik Tale

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

14m 39s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Seagull's Tour Guide: A Dubrovnik Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Svježe jutarnje sunce polako se penjalo iznad...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Seagull's Tour Guide: A Dubrovnik Tale
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Svježe jutarnje sunce polako se penjalo iznad Dubrovnika, grada okruženog sjajnim zidinama i bistrom modrinom Jadranskog mora.
En: The fresh morning sun slowly climbed above Dubrovnik, a city surrounded by shining walls and the clear blue of the Adriatic Sea.

Hr: Ulice Starog grada već su vrvele životom, a zvuci jutarnjeg žamora ispunjavali su zrak.
En: The streets of the Old Town were already bustling with life, and the sounds of the morning bustle filled the air.

Hr: Luka je bio ranojutarnji šetač, momak s velikim, crnim sunčanim naočalama i širokim osmijehom.
En: Luka was an early morning walker, a guy with large, black sunglasses and a wide smile.

Hr: Bio je ljubitelj svega što Dubrovnik nudi; od njegovih drevnih crkvi do uskih kaldrmisanih ulica.
En: He loved everything that Dubrovnik had to offer, from its ancient churches to its narrow cobblestone streets.

Hr: Te dane, Luka se pripremao za ljeto, osjećajući da će grad uskoro biti prepun turista željnih sunca, mora i povijesti.
En: These days, Luka was getting ready for summer, feeling that the city would soon be filled with tourists eager for sun, sea, and history.

Hr: Često je izlazio u potragu za novim mjestima kako bi kunjima mogao ispričati sve o ljepotama svog rodnog grada.
En: He often went out in search of new places so that he could later recount the beauty of his hometown to his friends.

Hr: Ana i Ivan, Lukini najbolji prijatelji, radili su u malom, ugodnom kafiću koji je gledao na more.
En: Ana and Ivan, Luka’s best friends, worked at a small, cozy café overlooking the sea.

Hr: Kafić je bio popularno mjesto s mirisom svježe kave i pogledom na elafitske otoke.
En: The café was a popular spot with the scent of fresh coffee and a view of the Elafiti islands.

Hr: Luka je često znao svratiti do njih, dijeliti dogodovštine i smijati se.
En: Luka would often stop by, share stories, and laugh with them.

Hr: Jednog jutra, dok je Luka šetao pored starog dubrovačkog zvonika, ugledao je veliku bijelu galeba kako promatra okolinu s vrha jedne od visokih zidina.
En: One morning, as Luka walked by the old Dubrovnik bell tower, he saw a large white seagull observing the surroundings from the top of one of the high walls.

Hr: Galebova pozornost bila je uprta u kartu grada koja je ležala otvorena pored njega na zidu.
En: The seagull's attention was focused on a city map lying open next to him on the wall.

Hr: Luka se nasmijao sam sebi misleći kako se galeb izgleda izgubio baš kao i turisti koji često posjećuju Dubrovnik.
En: Luka chuckled to himself, thinking that the seagull seemed lost just like the tourists who often visit Dubrovnik.

Hr: „Zdravo, prijatelju“, Luka je dozvao galebu sa šaljivim tonom.
En: "Hello, friend," Luka called out to the seagull in a playful tone.

Hr: „Izgledaš kao da ti treba pomoć. Tražiš li najbolji put do Lanterne ili te zanima povijest grada?“
En: "You look like you need some help. Are you looking for the best way to get to the Lantern or are you interested in the city's history?"

Hr: Galeb ga je pogledao, nagnuo glavu, kao da razmatra Lukine riječi i zatim, ne očekivano, skakutao bliže prema mapi.
En: The seagull looked at him, tilted its head as if considering Luka's words, and then unexpectedly hopped closer to the map.

Hr: Luka se nasmijao još više i sjeo pokraj galeba, nastavljajući razgovor.
En: Luka laughed even more and sat down next to the seagull, continuing the conversation.

Hr: „Znaš, da si došao malo kasnije, sreo bi more turista poput sebe. Ovdje su vile i utvrde prava atrakcija“, govorio je Luka.
En: “You know, if you had come a little later, you would have met a sea of tourists just like yourself. The villas and fortresses here are a real attraction,” Luka said.

Hr: I tada se dogodilo nešto čudno. Galebu su se oči zacaklile, a on je širom raširio krila i počeo lepršati.
En: Then something strange happened. The seagull's eyes sparkled, and it spread its wings wide and began fluttering.

Hr: U tom trenutku, Ana i Ivan su prolazili pored, vidjevši Luku kako razgovara s galebom.
En: At that moment, Ana and Ivan were passing by, seeing Luka chatting with the seagull.

Hr: Ana nije mogla zadržati smijeh. „Luka, jesi li tako očajan za društvom da si počeo razgovarati s pticama?“
En: Ana couldn't help but laugh. "Luka, are you so desperate for company that you've started talking to birds?"

Hr: Luka se zbunjeno nasmijao. „Ma, samo se malo zabavljam“, rekao je ustajući.
En: Confused, Luka laughed. "Oh, just having a bit of fun," he said as he got up.

Hr: „Ovaj galeb mi je izgledao kao izgubljeni turist!“
En: "This seagull looked to me like a lost tourist!"

Hr: Ivan se nasmijao dok je gledao galeba kako uzima kartu u kljun i leti visoko iznad crvenih krovova Dubrovnika.
En: Ivan laughed as he watched the seagull take the map in its beak and fly high above the red roofs of Dubrovnik.

Hr: „Možda je galeb samo htio malo ljudskog društva. Ili je htio naučiti više o svom gradu“, dodao je Ivan.
En: "Maybe the seagull just wanted a bit of human company. Or maybe it wanted to learn more about its city," Ivan added.

Hr: Priča o Luki i galebu brzo se proširila kafićem, pružajući dobru šalu za jutarnju kavu.
En: The story of Luka and the seagull quickly spread through the café, providing a good joke for the morning coffee.

Hr: Dubrovnik je bio mjesto čuda i čarolija, a Lukin susret s galebom samo je jedna od mnogih priča koje su krasile zidine ovog drevnog grada.
En: Dubrovnik was a place of wonders and enchantment, and Luka's encounter with the seagull was just one of many stories that adorned the walls of this ancient city.

Hr: Od tog dana, Luka je ponekad gledao u nebo tražeći galeba s kartom, s osmijehom razmišljajući o svom neobičnom novom poznaniku i o čudima Dubrovnika koji je uvijek nalazio način da iznenadi svoje stanovnike i posjetitelje.
En: From that day on, Luka sometimes looked up at the sky, searching for a seagull with a map, smiling as he thought of his unusual new acquaintance and the wonders of Dubrovnik, which always found a way to surprise its residents and visitors.

Vocabulary Words:
  • morning: jutro
  • climbed: penjalo
  • surrounded: okružen
  • shining: sjajnim
  • walls: zidinama
  • cobblestone: kaldrmisanih
  • eager: željan
  • guy: momak
  • sunglasses: sunčanim naočalama
  • bustling: vrvele
  • cozy: ugodnom
  • overlooking: gledao
  • seagull: galeb
  • observing: promatra
  • surroundings: okolinu
  • focused: uprta
  • lost: izgubio
  • tourists: turisti
  • tilted: nagnuo
  • unexpectedly: ne očekivano
  • spread: raširio
  • fluttering: lepršati
  • desperate: očajan
  • laughter: smijeh
  • encounter: susret
  • adorned: krasile
  • wonders: čuda
  • amusement: zabavljam
  • resident: stanovnike
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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