
Secrets Beneath Bratislava: Marek’s Historic Discovery

Jun 11, 2024 · 14m 24s
Secrets Beneath Bratislava: Marek’s Historic Discovery

01 · Main Story

1m 44s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 42s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Secrets Beneath Bratislava: Marek’s Historic Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Na vrchole dňa, slnko svietilo nad Bratislavským...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Secrets Beneath Bratislava: Marek’s Historic Discovery
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Na vrchole dňa, slnko svietilo nad Bratislavským hradom.
En: At the peak of the day, the sun shone over Bratislava Castle.

Sk: Marek sa prechádzal po starodávnych chodbách.
En: Marek wandered through the ancient corridors.

Sk: Miloval históriu a obdivoval majestátnosť hradu.
En: He loved history and admired the grandeur of the castle.

Sk: Nespočetné príbehy sa šepkali v týchto múroch.
En: Countless stories whispered within these walls.

Sk: Tento deň však mal byť výnimočný.
En: Yet, this day was destined to be special.

Sk: Marek zrazu zakopol o kameň, ktorý vyčnieval zo zeme.
En: Suddenly, Marek stumbled over a stone that protruded from the ground.

Sk: Všimol si, že podlaha je nerovnomerná.
En: He noticed that the floor was uneven.

Sk: Kameň bol voľný.
En: The stone was loose.

Sk: Opatrne ho vytiahol.
En: Carefully, he pulled it out.

Sk: Pod kameňom bola stará drevená poklop.
En: Under the stone was an old wooden hatch.

Sk: Srdce mu búšilo vzrušením.
En: His heart pounded with excitement.

Sk: Otvoril poklop a uvidel schody vedúce dolu.
En: He opened the hatch and saw stairs leading down.

Sk: "Môže to byť tajná miestnosť!" pomyslel si Marek a pustil sa dolu schodmi.
En: "This could be a secret room!" Marek thought and descended the stairs.

Sk: Na konci schodov bola veľká kamenná komnata.
En: At the bottom was a large stone chamber.

Sk: Steny boli pokryté starými mapami a rezbami.
En: The walls were covered with old maps and carvings.

Sk: V strede miestnosti stál veľký drevený stôl plný rôznych artefaktov.
En: In the center of the room stood a large wooden table full of various artifacts.

Sk: Burkol si.
En: He caught his breath.

Sk: "Čo to asi všetko znamená?" Marek si spomenul na svoje hodiny dejepisu.
En: "What could all this mean?" Marek recalled his history lessons.

Sk: Rozpoznal niektoré symboly.
En: He recognized some of the symbols.

Sk: Boli to znaky kráľovskej rodiny, ktorú už dávno považovali za stratenú.
En: They were signs of the royal family, long thought to be lost.

Sk: Uvedomil si, že našiel dôkaz o tajnej kráľovskej línii.
En: He realized he had found evidence of a secret royal lineage.

Sk: Zrazu Marek uvidel starý pergamen.
En: Suddenly, Marek saw an old parchment.

Sk: Bol na ňom rodostrom s menami kráľovskej dynastie.
En: On it was a family tree with the names of the royal dynasty.

Sk: Na samom konci bolo meno a dátum neznámeho dediča.
En: At the very end was the name and date of an unknown heir.

Sk: Všetko nasvedčovalo tomu, že kráľovská línia pokračovala tajne.
En: Everything indicated that the royal line continued in secret.

Sk: Marek sa celý chvel.
En: Marek trembled all over.

Sk: Vrátil sa s pergamenom na povrch a oslovil odborníkov z múzea.
En: He returned to the surface with the parchment and contacted specialists from the museum.

Sk: Spoločne plánovali ďalšiu výpravu do tajnej miestnosti.
En: Together, they planned a further expedition into the secret room.

Sk: Celé mesto Bratislava začalo vrieť nadšením z objavu.
En: The entire city of Bratislava buzzed with excitement over the discovery.

Sk: Výskum priniesol nové kapitolky do slovenskej histórie.
En: The research brought new chapters into Slovak history.

Sk: Marek bol hrdý na svoj objav.
En: Marek was proud of his discovery.

Sk: Tajomstvo ukryté pod hradom navždy zmenilo jeho život.
En: The secret hidden beneath the castle forever changed his life.

Sk: Výprava do neznámeho ho obohatila a priniesla nové poznanie.
En: The venture into the unknown enriched him and brought new knowledge.

Sk: A starodávne múry hradu teraz šeptali ďalší vzrušujúci príbeh.
En: And the ancient walls of the castle now whispered yet another thrilling story.

Sk: Tak skončil deň, keď Marek odhalil tajomnú minulosť nášho hradu.
En: Thus ended the day when Marek revealed the mysterious past of our castle.

Sk: Tajomstvo bolo odkryté a hrdina našej histórie bol znova oslávený.
En: The secret was uncovered and the hero of our history was celebrated once more.

Vocabulary Words:
  • peak: vrchol
  • shone: svietilo
  • ancient: starodávnych
  • corridors: chodbách
  • admired: obdivoval
  • grandeur: majestátnosť
  • countless: nespočetné
  • whispered: šepkali
  • destined: mal byť
  • stumbled: zakopol
  • protruded: vyčnieval
  • uneven: nerovnomerná
  • loose: voľný
  • hatch: poklop
  • excitement: vzrušením
  • descended: pustil sa dolu
  • chamber: komnata
  • carvings: rezbami
  • various: rôznych
  • artifacts: artefaktov
  • recognized: rozpoznal
  • symbols: symboly
  • royal: kráľovskej
  • parchment: pergamen
  • dynasty: dynastie
  • heir: dediča
  • indicated: nasvedčovalo
  • lineage: línia
  • trembled: chvel
  • specialists: odborníkov
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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