
Secrets of Summer: A Family's Healing Journey Unveiled

Jul 14, 2024 · 18m 58s
Secrets of Summer: A Family's Healing Journey Unveiled

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

15m 17s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Secrets of Summer: A Family's Healing Journey Unveiled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Leto bolo v plnom prúde....

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Secrets of Summer: A Family's Healing Journey Unveiled
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Leto bolo v plnom prúde.
En: Summer was in full swing.

Sk: Slnečný deň ožaroval tiché sídlisko plné tehlových domov a starostlivo upravených záhrad.
En: The sunny day illuminated the quiet residential area filled with brick houses and carefully maintained gardens.

Sk: Marek sa práve vrátil do domu, kde vyrastal.
En: Marek had just returned to the house where he grew up.

Sk: Bol to jeho domov, no predsa sa tu cítil cudzo.
En: It was his home, but still, he felt like a stranger there.

Sk: Vedľa neho sedela jeho matka Zuzana, ktorá v posledných rokoch zostarla a stratila energiu.
En: Next to him sat his mother, Zuzana, who had aged and lost her energy over the past few years.

Sk: Dnes však mali výnimočnú návštevu.
En: Today, however, they had a special visitor.

Sk: Marekovej vzdialenej sesternici Petre vyšla práca v meste, a tak sa zastavila na krátku návštevu.
En: Marek's distant cousin Petra had gotten a job in the city and stopped by for a quick visit.

Sk: Petra bola elegantná a pôsobila neprístupne.
En: Petra was elegant and seemed somewhat aloof.

Sk: Mala na sebe drahý kostým a nezabudla si svoju pracovnú tašku.
En: She wore an expensive suit and did not forget her work bag.

Sk: Usmiala sa, ale jej myseľ bola možno inde.
En: She smiled, but her mind was possibly elsewhere.

Sk: „Ahojte,“ povedala Petra potichu, keď vstúpila do obývačky.
En: "Hello," Petra said softly as she entered the living room.

Sk: „Radi ťa vidíme,“ odpovedal Marek.
En: "We're glad to see you," Marek replied.

Sk: „Ako ti ide práca?
En: "How's work going?"

Sk: “„Hekticky,“ odvetila Petra krátko.
En: "Hectic," Petra answered briefly.

Sk: Marek sa posadil oproti svojmu starému klavíru, ktorého struny už dávno stratili svoj hlas.
En: Marek sat down opposite his old piano, whose strings had long since lost their voice.

Sk: Jeho myseľ bola plná otázok.
En: His mind was full of questions.

Sk: Rodina bola pre neho vždy dôležitá.
En: Family had always been important to him.

Sk: Vždy však cítil, že je medzi nimi niečo nedopovedané, najmä čo sa týka ich histórie.
En: However, he always felt there was something unsaid among them, especially regarding their history.

Sk: Zvedavosť a túžba po odpovediach mu nedali pokoja.
En: Curiosity and the desire for answers gave him no peace.

Sk: Večera prebiehala pokojne, no atmosféra bola napätá.
En: Dinner proceeded quietly, but the atmosphere was tense.

Sk: Marek vedel, že dnes je ten správny čas.
En: Marek knew that today was the right time.

Sk: Počas jedla sa sklonil k matke.
En: During the meal, he leaned toward his mother.

Sk: „Mami, je jedna vec, čo ma trápi,“ začal opatrne.
En: "Mom, there's something bothering me," he began cautiously.

Sk: Zuzana sa zastavila a pohľadom hľadala únik.
En: Zuzana stopped and looked for an escape route with her eyes.

Sk: Petra sa tvárila, že neposlúcha, ale vnútorné napätie sa dalo cítiť.
En: Petra acted as if she wasn't listening, but the underlying tension was palpable.

Sk: „Čo tým myslíš, Marek?
En: "What do you mean, Marek?"

Sk: “ vzdychla Zuzana.
En: Zuzana sighed.

Sk: „O rodine.
En: "About the family.

Sk: Otec nám toho veľa nepovedal.
En: Father didn't tell us much.

Sk: Chcem vedieť pravdu,“ pokračoval Marek.
En: I want to know the truth," Marek continued.

Sk: Zuzana sa zahľadela do taniera.
En: Zuzana stared into her plate.

Sk: „Nie všetko je také, ako sa zdá,“ povedala nakoniec.
En: "Not everything is as it seems," she finally said.

Sk: Petra sa prestala hrať s jedlom a zdvihla zrak.
En: Petra stopped playing with her food and looked up.

Sk: „Nemám čas na rodinné drámy,“ prehodila akoby náhodou.
En: "I don't have time for family dramas," she said as if by chance.

Sk: „Petra, nechaj to prosím teraz,“ povzdychol Marek.
En: "Petra, please let it go for now," Marek sighed.

Sk: „Mami, prosím, povedz mi, čo sa stalo.
En: "Mom, please, tell me what happened."

Sk: “Zuzana sa trhla.
En: Zuzana flinched.

Sk: „Dobre, zaslúžite si to vedieť,“ začala.
En: "Alright, you deserve to know," she began.

Sk: Jej očami sa mihol náskok starých spomienok.
En: Her eyes flickered with old memories.

Sk: Zuzana spomínala na traumy minulosti, na tajomstvá, ktoré dusila v sebe celé roky.
En: Zuzana recalled the traumas of the past, the secrets she had bottled up for years.

Sk: Petra, kúpajúc sa v nečakaných odhaleniach, pochopila význam týchto slov.
En: Petra, bathing in unexpected revelations, understood the significance of these words.

Sk: Jej pracované stretnutia bledli v porovnaní s tým, čo počúvala.
En: Her carefully scheduled meetings paled in comparison to what she was listening to.

Sk: „Marek, nikdy som ti nechcela ublížiť,“ hovorila Zuzana so slzami v očiach.
En: "Marek, I never wanted to hurt you," Zuzana said with tears in her eyes.

Sk: „Tvoj otec mal svoje dôvody.
En: "Your father had his reasons.

Sk: Bolo to pre tvoje dobro.
En: It was for your own good."

Sk: “Petra odložila svoj mobil a zhlboka sa nadýchla.
En: Petra put her phone down and took a deep breath.

Sk: „Mám palubný lístok na stretnutie, ale zostanem.
En: "I have a ticket for a meeting, but I'll stay.

Sk: Musíme to prediskutovať.
En: We need to discuss this."

Sk: “Marek, prekvapený Petrovým prístupom, sa usmial.
En: Marek, surprised by Petra's approach, smiled.

Sk: „To je správne rozhodnutie,“ povedal, chytiac sestru za ruku.
En: "That's the right decision," he said, taking his sister's hand.

Sk: „Rodina je dôležitá.
En: "Family is important."

Sk: “Zuzana zodvihla oči plné vďačnosti a uvoľnenia.
En: Zuzana lifted her eyes full of gratitude and relief.

Sk: Ten večer sa začali skutočné rozhovory, ktoré im dovolili opäť nájsť cestu k sebe.
En: That evening, real conversations began, allowing them to find their way back to each other.

Sk: A hoci boli ich srdcia stále plné bolesti, aspoň tentoraz spolu kráčali na ceste k uzdraveniu.
En: And although their hearts were still full of pain, at least this time, they were walking the path to healing together.

Vocabulary Words:
  • illuminated: ožaroval
  • residential: sídlisko
  • maintained: upravovaných
  • distant: vzdialená
  • elegant: elegantná
  • aloof: neprístupne
  • hectic: hekticky
  • briefly: krátko
  • cautiously: opatrne
  • tense: napätá
  • palpable: dalo cítiť
  • sighed: vzdychla
  • escaped: únik
  • truth: pravdu
  • stared: zahľadela
  • seems: zdá
  • flinched: trhla
  • deserve: zaslúžite
  • flickered: mihol
  • bottled up: dusila
  • traumas: traumy
  • unexpected: nečakaných
  • revelations: odhaleniach
  • significance: význam
  • compared to: v porovnaní s
  • approach: prístupom
  • gratitude: vďačnosti
  • relief: uvoľnenia
  • healing: uzdraveniu
  • carefully: starostlivo
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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