
Selfie Splash: A Dubrovnik Mishap

Jan 29, 2024 · 15m 18s
Selfie Splash: A Dubrovnik Mishap

01 · Main Story

1m 39s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 50s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Selfie Splash: A Dubrovnik Mishap Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Jednog sunčanog jutra u starom gradu Dubrovniku, Ivana...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Selfie Splash: A Dubrovnik Mishap
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Jednog sunčanog jutra u starom gradu Dubrovniku, Ivana je odlučila uhvatiti savršeni selfie.
En: One sunny morning in the old city of Dubrovnik, Ivana decided to capture the perfect selfie.

Hr: Grad je bio pun života, a smijeh turista i zujanje fotoaparata ispunjavali su zrak.
En: The city was bustling with life, the laughter of tourists and the whir of cameras filling the air.

Hr: Ivana, uvijek željna avanture i dobrih fotografija, nosila je svoj telefon u ruci pretražujući najljepše kutke.
En: Always eager for adventure and good photos, Ivana carried her phone in hand, searching for the most beautiful spots.

Hr: Marko i Petra, Ivanini najbolji prijatelji, pratili su je kroz uske kamene ulice, diveći se prekrasnim zidinama i krovovima prekrivenim starim crjepovima.
En: Marko and Petra, Ivana's best friends, followed her through narrow stone streets, admiring the beautiful walls and roofs covered with ancient tiles.

Hr: "Ovdje!
En: "Here!"

Hr: " uzviknula je Ivana, širom otvorenih očiju, stojići pokraj jedne posebno lijepe fontane.
En: Ivana exclaimed, her eyes wide open, standing next to a particularly beautiful fountain.

Hr: Voda je šumjela i iskričala pod jarkim suncem, a Ivana je htjela tu ljepotu zabilježiti.
En: The water gurgled and sparkled under the bright sun, and Ivana wanted to capture that beauty.

Hr: Dok su se Marko i Petra smiješili, Ivana se popela na rub fontane, istegnula ruku i namjestila svoj najbolji osmijeh.
En: As Marko and Petra smiled, Ivana climbed to the edge of the fountain, stretched out her arm, and fixed her best smile.

Hr: No, u trenutku kada je kliknula za selfie, izgubila je ravnotežu i s praskom završila u fontani!
En: But just as she clicked for the selfie, she lost her balance and with a splash, ended up in the fountain!

Hr: Prolaznici su se okrenuli dok je Ivana, posramljena i mokra, pokušavala izaći.
En: Onlookers turned as Ivana, embarrassed and wet, tried to get out.

Hr: No, njezina noga je zapela!
En: But her foot got caught!

Hr: "Pomozite!
En: "Help!"

Hr: " vikala je, dok je Petra trčala kako bi joj pomogla, a Marko je pokušavao smiriti smijeh.
En: she shouted, while Petra ran to help her, and Marko tried to contain his laughter.

Hr: Situacija je postala privlačna atrakcija.
En: The situation became an attractive spectacle.

Hr: Jedan stariji gospodin, koji je sjedio na klupi i uživao u jutarnjem suncu, uzeo je sve u svoje ruke.
En: An elderly gentleman who was sitting on a bench, enjoying the morning sun, took matters into his own hands.

Hr: Obratio se grupi mladića koji su sjedili u blizini, piljili u telefone i žvakali sendviče.
En: He addressed a group of young men who were sitting nearby, staring at their phones and munching on sandwiches.

Hr: "Djeco, pomozite!
En: "Children, help!"

Hr: " rekao je s autoritetom.
En: he said with authority.

Hr: Mladići su priskočili i pažljivo izvukli Ivaninu nogu.
En: The young men intervened and carefully pulled Ivana's leg out.

Hr: Petra je brzo donijela ručnik dok je Marko osigurao Ivanin mobitel.
En: Petra quickly brought a towel while Marko secured Ivana's phone.

Hr: Ivana se zahvalila svima, još uvijek osjećajući neugodnost zbog svog nezgodnog pada, ali smijeh koji je počeo odzvanjati među njenim prijateljima zarazio ju je.
En: Ivana thanked everyone, still feeling embarrassed about her awkward fall, but the laughter that had begun echoing among her friends infected her.

Hr: Smijeh se pretvorio u topli osmijeh zahvalnosti.
En: Laughter turned into a warm smile of gratitude.

Hr: "Kakav dan za pamćenje!
En: "What a day to remember!"

Hr: " rekla je Ivana dok su se Marko i Petra smijali, pružajući joj ruke da je podignu.
En: Ivana said, as Marko and Petra laughed, reaching out their hands to lift her up.

Hr: Na kraju, Ivana je shvatila da savršena fotografija nije vrijedna tolikog rizika, ali priča o njezinom padu u fontanu postat će savršena priča koju će prepričavati godinama.
En: In the end, Ivana realized that the perfect picture wasn't worth the risk, but the story of her fall into the fountain would become a perfect tale to retell for years.

Hr: I naravno, taj nespretni selfie postao je najsmješniji, najdraži i najviše zajednički fotografija u njihovoj kolekciji uspomena.
En: And of course, that clumsy selfie became the funniest, dearest, and most shared photo in their collection of memories.

Hr: Dubrovnik je postao još jedno čarobno mjesto u njihovim srcima, mjesto gdje su se ispreplele avantura, smijeh i prijateljstvo.
En: Dubrovnik became another magical place in their hearts, a place where adventure, laughter, and friendship intertwined.

Vocabulary Words:
  • sunny: sunčano
  • city: grad
  • decided: odlučila
  • capture: uhvatiti
  • selfie: selfie
  • bustling: pun života
  • laughter: smijeh
  • tourists: turisti
  • whir: zujanje
  • cameras: fotoaparata
  • eager: željna
  • adventure: avanture
  • photos: fotografija
  • carried: nosila
  • searching: pretražujući
  • beautiful: lijepe
  • spots: kutke
  • stone: kamene
  • streets: ulice
  • admiring: diveći se
  • walls: zidinama
  • roofs: krovovima
  • covered: prekrivenim
  • ancient: starim
  • tiles: crjepovima
  • fountain: fontana
  • water: voda
  • gurgled: šumjela
  • sparkled: iskričala
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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