
Sheep Gone Wild: A Village Stirred Up!

Dec 29, 2023 · 16m 5s
Sheep Gone Wild: A Village Stirred Up!

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 22s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Sheep Gone Wild: A Village Stirred Up! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Ar fore braf o wanwyn, yn...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Sheep Gone Wild: A Village Stirred Up!
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Ar fore braf o wanwyn, yn Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, roedd Dylan a'i ddefaid yn cerdded yn ol i'r fferm.
En: On a beautiful spring morning in Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, Dylan and his sheep were walking back to the farm.

Cy: Mae Dylan yn bugail ifanc ac yn byw ar fferm ger y pentref hwn gyda'i deulu.
En: Dylan is a young shepherd living on a farm near this village with his family.

Cy: Mae'n caru'r anifeiliaid, ond heddiw mae ganddo broblem fawr.
En: He loves the animals, but today he has a big problem.

Cy: Huw, ffrind gorau Dylan, oedd yn siarad yn gyflym ac yn prysur, a thrwy gamgymeriad, wnaeth Dylan anghofio cau giât y cae lle roedd y defaid yn pori.
En: Huw, Dylan's best friend, was talking quickly and hurriedly, and through a mistake, Dylan forgot to close the field gate where the sheep were grazing.

Cy: Sut bynnag, yn sydyn iawn, roedd y defaid i gyd yn rhedeg i lawr y ffordd, heb neb i'w harwain.
En: However, very suddenly, all the sheep were running down the road, with no one to lead them.

Cy: Roedd Dylan mewn panig.
En: Dylan was panicked.

Cy: Rhedodd ar eu holau, gan geisio dal y defaid cyn iddynt fynd yn rhy bell.
En: He ran after them, trying to catch the sheep before they went too far.

Cy: Ond roedd hi'n rhy hwyr; roedd y defaid wedi mynd i'r lle anghywir iawn.
En: But it was too late; the sheep had gone to the completely wrong place.

Cy: Dyma Gwen, merch ifanc o'r pentref sy'n byw mewn tŷ glas bach ar y stryd fawr.
En: Here's Gwen, a young girl from the village living in a small blue house on the main street.

Cy: Hi oedd yn siarad gyda'i ffrindiau pan glywodd sŵn od.
En: She was talking to her friends when she heard a strange noise.

Cy: Penderfynodd edrych trwy'r ffenestr, ac i'w synnu, gwelodd fod defaid ym mhob man!
En: She decided to look out the window, and to her surprise, she saw sheep everywhere!

Cy: Eiliadau'n ddiweddarach, roedd y defaid yn ei hystafell fyw!
En: Moments later, a sheep was in her living room!

Cy: Roedd gwên yn syrthio i sedd mewn syndod ac anobaith.
En: A smile appeared on her face in surprise and disbelief.

Cy: Dylan a Huw daethant i ddrws Gwen, eu hwynebau coch a'u hanadl yn brin.
En: Dylan and Huw went to Gwen's door, their faces red and their breath short.

Cy: "Gwen, mae'n ddrwg iawn gennym ni," meddai Dylan. "Fe wnaeth y defaid dianc, a… wel… edrych."
En: "Gwen, we are really sorry," said Dylan. "The sheep escaped, and... well... look."

Cy: "Roedd Gwen yn anhapus iawn ond dywedodd, "Mae'n rhaid i ni eu cael nhw allan ohoni yma cyn iddyn nhw wneud mwy o lanast."
En: Gwen was very unhappy but said, "We have to get them out of here before they make more of a mess."

Cy: Gyda'i gilydd, dechreuodd Dylan, Gwen, a Huw weithio i gael y defaid allan.
En: Together, Dylan, Gwen, and Huw began working to get the sheep out.

Cy: Bu'n rhaid iddynt fod yn greadigol; defnyddio moron, perlysiau a hyd yn oed caneuon i ddenu'r defaid allan o'r tŷ.
En: They had to be creative; using carrots, parsley, and even songs to lure the sheep out of the house.

Cy: Ar ôl oriau lawer o waith caled, llwyddodd pob un o'r defaid i ddychwelyd i'r cae diogel.
En: After many hours of hard work, they managed to get all the sheep back to the safe field.

Cy: Y diwrnod wedyn, penderfynodd Dylan hel y defaid yn ofalusach na'r blaen.
En: The next day, Dylan decided to handle the sheep more carefully than before.

Cy: Rhoddodd Gwen straeon am y dydd yn ei dyddiadur, yn wên wrth feddwl am y cyffro.
En: Gwen wrote about the day in her diary, smiling at the excitement.

Cy: Huw? Wel, roedd e nawr yn benderfynol o beidio â siarad cymaint wrth helpu Dylan gyda'r defaid!
En: Huw? Well, he was now determined not to talk as much while helping Dylan with the sheep!

Cy: Diolch i sgiliau ar y cyd a chyfeillgarwch Dylan, Gwen, a Huw, dod yn ôl at normalrwydd yn Llanfairpwllgwyngyll... (dyna beth mae pobl leol yn galw'r lle).
En: Thanks to the combined skills and friendship of Dylan, Gwen, and Huw, things returned to normal in Llanfairpwllgwyngyll... (that's what local people call the place).

Cy: Wrth orffen y dydd, roedd y pentref cyfan yn sôn am y tro pan aeth defaid yn wyllt yn nhŷ Gwen, a sut daeth pawb ynghyd i ddatrys y problemau mawr yn y llefydd mwyaf annisgwyl.
En: By the end of the day, the entire village was talking about the time when sheep went wild in Gwen's house, and how everyone came together to solve the unexpected problems.

Cy: Wnaethant chwerthin, a threulio'r noson yn adrodd storïau am yr anturiaethau a fu.
En: They laughed and spent the evening telling stories about the adventures.

Cy: Ac o'r diwrnod hwnnw ymlaen, caeodd Dylan y giât bob amser. Pob un. Amser.
En: And from that day on, Dylan closed the gate every time. Every time.

Vocabulary Words:
  • beautiful: prydferth
  • spring: wânwyn
  • morning: bore
  • shepherd: bugail
  • farm: fferm
  • village: pentref
  • family: teulu
  • animals: anifeiliaid
  • problem: broblem
  • best friend: ffrind gorau
  • quickly: gyflym
  • hurriedly: prysur
  • mistake: camgymeriad
  • forgot: anghofio
  • close: cau
  • field gate: giât y cae
  • grazing: pori
  • suddenly: sydyn
  • running: rhedeg
  • road: ffordd
  • lead: arwain
  • panicked: panig
  • catch: dal
  • far: bell
  • wrong: anghywir
  • surprise: synnu
  • smile: gwên
  • disbelief: anobaith
  • unhappy: anhapus
  • mess: lanast
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