
Sibling Struggles & Success: Dreams in Xi’an’s Muslim Quarter

Aug 6, 2024 · 16m 37s
Sibling Struggles & Success: Dreams in Xi’an’s Muslim Quarter

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 26s


Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Sibling Struggles & Success: Dreams in Xi’an’s Muslim Quarter Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Zh: 在西安热闹的回民街,一个炎热的夏天,故事开始了。 En: In...

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Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Sibling Struggles & Success: Dreams in Xi’an’s Muslim Quarter
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

Story Transcript:

Zh: 在西安热闹的回民街,一个炎热的夏天,故事开始了。
En: In the bustling Muslim Quarter of Xi'an, on a hot summer day, the story began.

Zh: 明和丽华,是这家小吃摊的继承人。
En: Ming and Lihua were the heirs to this small food stall.

Zh: 他们的父亲最近去世了,摊位的运营变成了他们的责任。
En: Their father had recently passed away, and managing the stall had become their responsibility.

Zh: 明是哥哥,负责经营摊位。
En: Ming, the older brother, was in charge of running the stall.

Zh: 他在乎父亲的遗产,想让摊位繁荣起来。
En: He cared about their father's legacy and wanted the stall to thrive.

Zh: 他压力很大,要管理财务,还要想办法吸引顾客。
En: He felt immense pressure to manage the finances and find ways to attract customers.

Zh: 丽华是妹妹,她不喜欢这些责任。
En: Lihua was the younger sister, and she didn't like these responsibilities.

Zh: 她有自己的梦想,却被困在这里。
En: She had her own dreams but felt trapped here.

Zh: 这天恰逢七夕节,街上人山人海,空气中充满了孜然和辣椒的香味。
En: On this day, which happened to be the Qixi Festival, the street was teeming with people, and the air was filled with the aroma of cumin and chili peppers.

Zh: 明起得很早,开始准备食材。
En: Ming woke up very early to start preparing ingredients.

Zh: 他忙得不可开交。他希望通过创新菜单吸引更多顾客。
En: He was extremely busy, hoping that by innovating the menu, he could attract more customers.

Zh: 他加班加点,几乎没有休息的时间。
En: He worked late into the night with hardly any rest.

Zh: 丽华却站在一旁,心不在焉地帮忙。
En: Lihua, however, stood by and helped absentmindedly.

Zh: 她想离开这儿,追寻自己的梦想。
En: She wanted to leave this place to pursue her own dreams.

Zh: 她觉得困在摊位前,浪费自己的生命。
En: She felt that being stuck at the stall was a waste of her life.

Zh: 这让明很恼火。他们的关系因此变得紧张。
En: This made Ming very upset, and their relationship became strained.

Zh: 到了晚上,七夕节的庆祝活动开始了。顾客们蜂拥而至,摊位前排起了长队。
En: In the evening, as the Qixi Festival celebrations began, crowds of customers swarmed in, and a long line formed in front of the stall.

Zh: 明和丽华不得不默契合作,快速地准备食物。
En: Ming and Lihua had to work in harmony, preparing food quickly.

Zh: 明在前面煎炸,丽华在后面配菜。
En: Ming fried food at the front, while Lihua prepared dishes at the back.

Zh: 突然,一个顾客不满地大喊:“你们动作太慢了!”
En: Suddenly, an unhappy customer shouted, "You're too slow!"

Zh: 压力让明崩溃了,他大声对丽华说:“你这样帮忙,根本没有用!你要么好好干,要么走吧!”
En: The pressure made Ming snap, and he yelled at Lihua, "With you helping like this, it's useless! Either work properly or leave!"

Zh: 丽华也气愤地回道:“这是我的错?如果不是你,我早就离开了!”
En: Lihua, angry, retorted, "Is this my fault? If it weren't for you, I would have left long ago!"

Zh: 顾客们看着他们争吵,场面十分尴尬。
En: The customers watched their argument, and the scene became very awkward.

Zh: 但时间不等人,明和丽华咽下怒火,继续工作。
En: But time waits for no one; Ming and Lihua swallowed their anger and continued working.

Zh: 他们知道,不论矛盾多大,现在都得度过这个高峰期。
En: They knew that no matter how big their conflicts were, they had to get through this peak period.

Zh: 当夜深人静的时候,摊位终于安静下来。明擦擦汗,对丽华说:“对不起。其实,我也不能独自撑下去。”
En: When night fell and it finally quieted down, Ming wiped his sweat and said to Lihua, "I'm sorry. Actually, I can't hold this up alone either."

Zh: 丽华叹了口气,说:“我明白你的压力。只是,我也有自己的梦想。”
En: Lihua sighed and said, "I understand your pressure. It's just, I have my own dreams too."

Zh: 明点点头,眼神中充满了理解。“我知道了。也许我们可以找到平衡。”
En: Ming nodded, his eyes filled with understanding. "I see. Maybe we can find a balance."

Zh: 几天后,丽华决定暂时留下来帮忙,同时开始规划她的未来。
En: A few days later, Lihua decided to stay and help for the time being, while starting to plan for her future.

Zh: 明也开始调整自己的工作时间,不再压榨自己。
En: Ming also began adjusting his work schedule, no longer overworking himself.

Zh: 随着时间的推移,摊位渐渐恢复了生机。
En: Over time, the stall gradually revived.

Zh: 明学会了在责任和支持妹妹的梦想之间找到平衡。
En: Ming learned to balance his responsibilities with supporting his sister's dreams.

Zh: 丽华在摊位上更积极了,她开始找出既能奉献又不牺牲个人梦想的方法。
En: Lihua became more proactive at the stall, finding ways to contribute without sacrificing her personal goals.

Zh: 在这个热闹的回民街角落,兄妹俩终于达成了默契。
En: In this lively corner of the Muslim Quarter, the siblings finally achieved harmony.

Zh: 他们的心更近了,摊位也更加繁荣。
En: Their hearts grew closer, and the stall became more prosperous.

Zh: 在这充满香气和欢声的城市中,他们重拾了家人的温暖和对未来的希望。
En: In this fragrant and joyous city, they reclaimed the warmth of family and their hopes for the future.

Vocabulary Words:
  • bustling: 热闹
  • heirs: 继承人
  • legacy: 遗产
  • immense: 很大
  • responsibilities: 责任
  • dreams: 梦想
  • trapped: 困
  • teeming: 人山人海
  • aroma: 香味
  • preparing: 准备
  • ingredients: 食材
  • innovating: 创新
  • menu: 菜单
  • rest: 休息
  • absentmindedly: 心不在焉
  • waste: 浪费
  • strained: 紧张
  • celebrations: 庆祝活动
  • swarmed: 蜂拥
  • harmonious: 默契
  • shouted: 大喊
  • snap: 崩溃
  • retorted: 回道
  • awkward: 尴尬
  • swallowed: 咽下
  • conflicts: 矛盾
  • peak: 高峰
  • quieted: 安静
  • overworking: 压榨
  • revived: 恢复
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