
Slips and Bonds: A Dolac Market Tale

Jan 4, 2024 · 14m 7s
Slips and Bonds: A Dolac Market Tale

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 23s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Slips and Bonds: A Dolac Market Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: U središtu Zagreba, dogodila se neobična...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Slips and Bonds: A Dolac Market Tale
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Story Transcript:

Hr: U središtu Zagreba, dogodila se neobična priča koja se prepričava među štandovima i ljudima.
En: In the center of Zagreb, an unusual story unfolded, being retold among the stalls and people.

Hr: Davor je tog sunčanog jutra odlučio posjetiti poznatu tržnicu Dolac.
En: On that sunny morning, Davor decided to visit the famous Dolac market.

Hr: Zrak je bio ispunjen mirisima svježeg voća i povrća, a šuštanje listova i cika golubova nadjačavali su buku grada.
En: The air was filled with the fragrance of fresh fruits and vegetables, while the rustling of leaves and the cooing of pigeons overpowered the city noise.

Hr: Ivana je, kao i svakog dana, prodavala svoje najbolje jabuke, dok je Petar, voćar s obližnjeg štanda, raspoređivao sočne naranče.
En: Ivana, as she did every day, was selling her best apples, while Petar, a fruit vendor from a nearby stall, was arranging juicy oranges.

Hr: Na putu prema štandu s jagodama, nešto neočekivano se dogodilo.
En: On his way to the strawberry stand, something unexpected happened.

Hr: Davor je nagazio na bananinu koru i izgubio ravnotežu.
En: Davor stepped on a banana peel and lost his balance.

Hr: Bio je to trenutak koji je doveo do prave male katastrofe.
En: It was a moment that led to a small catastrophe.

Hr: Kao u crtanom filmu, izmaknuo mu se tlo pod nogama, a on je mahao rukama pokušavajući se uhvatiti za bilo što da zaustavi pad.
En: Like in a cartoon, the ground slipped from under him, and he waved his arms trying to grab onto anything to stop the fall.

Hr: No, bilo je prekasno.
En: But it was too late.

Hr: Davor je pao, a s njim su padale i košare punih jabuka i naranči.
En: Davor fell, and with him fell baskets full of apples and oranges.

Hr: Zvuk padajućeg voća rezonirao je tržnicom.
En: The sound of falling fruit echoed through the market.

Hr: Ljudi oko njih nisu mogli vjerovati što se događa.
En: The people around couldn't believe what was happening.

Hr: Jabuke su kuglale po tlakovcu, naranče su se otkotrljale na sve strane, a Davor je ležao na podu, zbunjen i ispričavajući se.
En: Apples rolled on the cobblestones, oranges scattered everywhere, and Davor lay on the ground, confused and apologizing.

Hr: Ivana je prva priskočila u pomoć, pridržavajući ga dok je ustao.
En: Ivana was the first to come to his aid, supporting him as he got up.

Hr: Petar, iako zabrinut zbog svojih naranči, nije mogao ostati ljut na Davora kad ga je vidio u takvom stanju.
En: Petar, although worried about his oranges, couldn't stay angry at Davor when he saw him in such a state.

Hr: Uskoro su se svi prisutni počeli smijati situaciji.
En: Soon, everyone present started laughing at the situation.

Hr: Okupljeni ljudi su se zajedno s Davorom, Ivanom i Petrom bacili na posao i brzo pospremili nered.
En: The gathered people, together with Davor, Ivana, and Petar, got to work and quickly cleaned up the mess.

Hr: Na kraju je nastao ne samo red, već i novonastalo prijateljstvo.
En: In the end, not only did order prevail, but a newfound friendship arose.

Hr: Davor je obećao da će sljedeći put biti pažljiviji, Ivana mu je poklonila vrećicu svojih najslasnijih jabuka, a Petar korpu punu mirisnih naranči.
En: Davor promised to be more careful next time, Ivana gave him a bag of her most delicious apples, and Petar gave him a basket full of fragrant oranges.

Hr: Čitava tržnica Dolac pričala je o tome kako je Davorov pad mogao uništiti dan, ali se umjesto toga pretvorio u priču o zajedništvu i dobrosusjedskim odnosima.
En: The whole Dolac market talked about how Davor's fall could have ruined the day, but instead turned into a story of unity and good neighborly relations.

Hr: I dok je sunce polako zalazilo iza starog grada, svi su se složili da su nekad i bananine kore koje prouzroče pad, zapravo sjeme iz kojeg niknu prijateljstva.
En: And as the sun slowly set behind the old town, everyone agreed that sometimes even banana peels that cause a fall are actually the seeds from which friendships grow.

Vocabulary Words:
  • unfolded: dogodila se
  • retold: prepričava
  • stalls: štandovi
  • fragrance: miris
  • rustling: šuštanje
  • overpowered: nadjačavali
  • vendor: prodavatelj
  • arranging: raspoređujući
  • juicy: sočan
  • unexpected: neočekivan
  • banana peel: koru od banane
  • balance: ravnoteža
  • catastrophe: katastrofa
  • cartoon: crtanom filmu
  • ground: tlo
  • wave: mahanje
  • grab onto: uhvatiti za
  • fall: pad
  • baskets: košare
  • sound: zvuk
  • cobblestones: tlakovac
  • scattered: otkotrljale
  • confused: zbunjen
  • apologizing: ispričavajući se
  • aid: pomoć
  • supporting: pridržavajući
  • angry: ljut
  • laughing: smijahući
  • gathered: okupljeni
  • cleaned up: pospremili
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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