
Speaking Catalan in Barcelona: Breaking Language Barriers with Bubbles

Dec 9, 2023 · 15m 18s
Speaking Catalan in Barcelona: Breaking Language Barriers with Bubbles

01 · Main Story

11m 29s

02 · Vocabulary Words

14m 36s


Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Speaking Catalan in Barcelona: Breaking Language Barriers with Bubbles Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Ca: Una tarda assolellada, Martí...

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Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Speaking Catalan in Barcelona: Breaking Language Barriers with Bubbles
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Story Transcript:

Ca: Una tarda assolellada, Martí caminava pel carrer de les Ramblas de Barcelona, plena de vida amb el seu ventall d'olors, sons i colors. Martí era un noi alt, amb uns ulls blaus com el cel i un somriure tranquil. Parlava en català, la llengua de la seva família i la seva terra.
En: On a sunny afternoon, Martí was walking along the bustling street of Las Ramblas in Barcelona, filled with vibrant scents, sounds, and colors. Martí was a tall boy with blue eyes like the sky and a calm smile. He spoke Catalan, the language of his family and his homeland.

Ca: Però havia un problema. A la ciutat de Barcelona, on estava Martí, molta gent no li entenia. Parlavem a les botigues, als restaurants, als parcs, però cap dels locals no entenia les seves paraules. Els ulls es quedaven vidres, el rostre es confonia.
En: But there was a problem. In the city of Barcelona, where Martí was, many people did not understand him. He spoke in shops, in restaurants, in parks, but none of the locals understood his words. Their eyes glazed over, their faces confused.

Ca: "Bon dia" - deia Martí, però la gent no entenia.
En: "Good day," Martí would say, but people did not understand.

Ca: Per molt que ho intentava, el seu català sonava com una cançó estranya per als oïdors dels barcelonins. Els botiguers miraven els seus llavis moure's, però no podien captar el sentit de les seves paraules.
En: No matter how hard he tried, his Catalan sounded like a strange song to the ears of the locals. Shopkeepers would watch his lips move, but they couldn't grasp the meaning of his words.

Ca: Però Martí no es va rendir. Sabia que la comunicació no és només parlar, sinó també somriure, gesticular, comprendre.
En: But Martí didn't give up. He knew that communication is not just about speaking, but also about smiling, gesturing, understanding.

Ca: Una nit, després de tornar a casa cansat de la incomprensibilitat general, Martí va tenir una idea. Portava una màquina de fer bombolles a la butxaca. Al matí següent, va sortir per les Ramblas, va agafar la seva màquina de bombolles i va començar a fer bombolles al mateix tempo que parlava català.
En: One night, after coming home tired from the general incomprehension, Martí had an idea. He carried a bubble-making machine in his pocket. The next morning, he went out to Las Ramblas, took out his bubble machine, and started blowing bubbles while speaking Catalan.

Ca: Els nens del carrer van somriure i van riure, les bombolles els escoltaven mentre Martí parlava. Entenien l'alegria, entenien el joc. Poc a poc, els adults també van començar a somriure. Els semblava estrany, però es delien per la diversió de Martí.
En: The children on the street smiled and laughed, the bubbles listened to them as Martí spoke. They understood the joy, they understood the playfulness. Slowly, the adults began to smile too. It seemed strange to them, but they reveled in Martí's fun.

Ca: Llavors, Martí va parar de parlar per un moment i, amb un somriure a les seves llavis, va estendre la mà cap a les bombolles. Els nens van imitar el gest i, rient, van emetre sòns que poc a poc van sonar com paraules en català.
En: Then, Martí paused speaking for a moment and, with a smile on his lips, reached out his hand toward the bubbles. The children imitated the gesture and, laughing, made sounds that slowly turned into words in Catalan.

Ca: El cor de Martí va saltar de joia. Els locals encara no entenien completament les seves paraules, però van començar a parlar en català, la llengua del seu cor. La comunicació no es limitava a les paraules; es tractava també de compartir emocions, de crear vincles, de somriure junts.
En: Martí's heart leaped with joy. The locals still didn't fully understand his words, but they started to speak in Catalan, the language of his heart. Communication was not limited to words; it was also about sharing emotions, creating connections, smiling together.

Ca: Des de llavors, la vida de Martí va ser diferent. Encara trobava gent que no entenia les seves paraules, però ara sabia com superar-ho. No importava la llengua que parlava, importava el cor amb el que ho feia. L'amor, la joia, la diversió poden ser enteses a qualsevol lloc, a qualsevol llengua.
En: From then on, Martí's life was different. He still encountered people who didn't understand his words, but now he knew how to overcome it. It didn't matter what language he spoke, what mattered was the heart with which he spoke it. Love, joy, and fun could be understood anywhere, in any language.

Ca: Com a conclusió, "Parlant català a Barcelona", es pot afirmar que la història de Martí ens ensenya que sempre és possible comunicar-se si disposem de la voluntat, la paciència i l'empatia necessàries per comprendre els altres i fer-nos comprendre.
En: In conclusion, "Speaking Catalan in Barcelona" teaches us that it's always possible to communicate if we have the willingness, patience, and empathy necessary to understand others and make ourselves understood.

Vocabulary Words:
  • walking: caminava
  • bustling: plena de vida
  • street: carrer
  • Las Ramblas: les Ramblas
  • Barcelona: Barcelona
  • vibrant: vibrants
  • scents: olores
  • sounds: sons
  • colors: colors
  • tall: alt
  • boy: noi
  • blue eyes: ulls blaus
  • sky: cel
  • calm: tranquil
  • smile: somriure
  • spoke: parlava
  • Catalan: català
  • language: llengua
  • family: família
  • homeland: terra
  • problem: problema
  • city: ciutat
  • understand: entenia
  • shops: botigues
  • restaurants: restaurants
  • parks: parcs
  • locals: locals
  • eyes: ulls
  • confused: confonia
  • Good day: "Bon dia"
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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