
Spilled Coffee Brews New Friendship!

Nov 28, 2023 · 15m 12s
Spilled Coffee Brews New Friendship!

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 32s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Spilled Coffee Brews New Friendship! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nekje v srcu Ljubljane, kjer se ulice prepletajo...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Spilled Coffee Brews New Friendship!
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Nekje v srcu Ljubljane, kjer se ulice prepletajo in ljudje hitijo, je bil precej običajen ponedeljek.
En: Somewhere in the heart of Ljubljana, where the streets intersect and people hurry, it was a fairly ordinary Monday.

Sl: Luka je zamudil svoj običajni jutranji avtobus in zdaj je hitel na tramvaj številka 13, ki naj bi ga pripeljal na njegovo naslednjo postajo; delo kot programer v majhnem tehnološkem podjetju.
En: Luka missed his usual morning bus and now he was rushing to catch tram number 13, which was supposed to take him to his next stop; his job as a programmer at a small tech company.

Sl: Bil je poln ljudi, ki so, tako kot on, poskušali priti do svojih pisarn in trgovin.
En: The tram was crowded with people, like himself, trying to get to their offices and shops.

Sl: Nenadoma je tramvaj zavrl in Luka, ki se je trudil obdržati ravnotežje, je opazil dekle pred seboj s svetlimi lasmi, ki je v rokah držalo knjigo.
En: Suddenly, the tram screeched to a halt and Luka, struggling to keep his balance, noticed a girl with bright hair in front of him holding a book.

Sl: Ime ji je bilo Maja in bila je študentka na Univerzi v Ljubljani.
En: Her name was Maja, and she was a student at the University of Ljubljana.

Sl: Bila je tako zatopljena v svojo knjigo, da sploh ni opazila Luku, ki je nerodno poskušal preiti mimo.
En: She was so engrossed in her book that she didn't even notice Luka awkwardly trying to get past.

Sl: Kot film v počasnem posnetku je Luka iz svojega nahrbtnika vzel svojo kavo, da bi jo pil na poti, ko je tramvaj nepričakovano poskočil.
En: Like a scene in slow motion, Luka took out his coffee from his backpack to drink it on the way, when the tram unexpectedly jolted.

Sl: V rokah je začutil topel izliv in preden je lahko karkoli storil, je njegov dan spremenil potek.
En: He felt a warm gush in his hands and before he could do anything, his day took a different turn.

Sl: Kava je pristala po Majini beležki, srajci in celo knjigi.
En: The coffee landed on Maja's notebook, shirt, and even her book.

Sl: "Oh, oprosti, res mi je žal!" je hitel Luka.
En: "Oh, I'm sorry, I really apologize!" Luka rushed.

Sl: Maja se je zagledala v madeže, ki so se širili na njeno beležko in srajco, in v trenutku nepričakovano izbruhnila v smeh.
En: Maja gazed at the stains spreading on her notebook and shirt, and unexpectedly burst into laughter.

Sl: "Očitno je bilo tole preveč navdušujoče poglavje za mojo kavo," je duhovito odgovorila Maja.
En: "Clearly this was too exciting a chapter for my coffee," Maja wittily replied.

Sl: Luka, poln olajšanja ob njeni lahkotnosti, se je rahlo nasmehnil.
En: Full of relief at her light-heartedness, Luka smiled slightly.

Sl: "Ime mi je Luka in obljubljam, da bom naslednjič bolj previden s svojo kavo," je rekel, ko je poskušal očistiti madež s srajce.
En: "I'm Luka and I promise to be more careful with my coffee next time," he said, trying to clean the stain off his shirt.

Sl: "Sem Maja," se je predstavila nazaj, "in sprejmem tvoje opravičilo. Ampak to pijačo mi boš zdaj dolžan!"
En: "I'm Maja," she introduced back, "and I accept your apology. But you owe me a drink now!"

Sl: V takih trenutkih se začnejo nenavadna prijateljstva, ki jih poganjajo nerodni trenutki.
En: It's in such moments that unusual friendships begin, driven by awkward moments.

Sl: Luka in Maja sta se pogovarjala vse do njenega postajališča, ko je odšla z nasmehom in novo anekdoto za svoje prijatelje.
En: Luka and Maja talked all the way to her stop, when she left with a smile and a new anecdote for her friends.

Sl: Zgodba o napaki Luku je omogočila, da je prekinil še en ponavljajoč se ponedeljek, in Maja je dobila eno bolj barvito zgodbo za svojo zbirko univerzitetnih dogodivščin.
En: The story of Luka's mistake allowed him to break another monotonous Monday, and Maja got a more colorful story for her collection of university adventures.

Sl: Na koncu se je vse uredilo; Luka je popravil svojo napako s tem, da je Mai povabil na kavo naslednji dan, pri čemer je obljubil, da bo tokrat kava ostala v lončku, Maja pa je v svojem novem prijatelju našla srečo v nenadejanem srečanju.
En: In the end, everything worked out; Luka rectified his mistake by inviting Maja for coffee the next day, promising that this time the coffee would stay in the cup, and Maja found happiness in her new friend in an unexpected encounter.

Sl: In tako je bila ponedeljkova zmešnjava v gneči ljubljanskega tramvaja nepričakovani uvod v zgodbo dveh novih prijateljev, ki sta se v mestu, polnem zgodovine in kulture, zasmejala malih nesrečah življenja.
En: And so, the Monday mayhem on the crowded tram in Ljubljana was the unexpected prelude to the story of two new friends, who laughed at the small misfortunes of life in a city full of history and culture.

Vocabulary Words:
  • Somewhere: Nekje
  • Heart: Srce
  • Streets: Ulice
  • Intersect: Prepletajo
  • Hurry: Hitijo
  • Fairly: Precej
  • Ordinary: Običajen
  • Missed: Zamudil
  • Usual: Običajni
  • Rushing: Hitel
  • Catch: Pripeljal
  • Tram: Tramvaj
  • Supposed: Naj bi
  • Tech: Tehnološki
  • Crowded: Poln
  • Struggling: Trudil
  • Balance: Ravnotežje
  • Bright: Svetli
  • Holding: Držalo
  • Book: Knjigo
  • Student: Študentka
  • University: Univerzi
  • Engrossed: Zatopljena
  • Awkwardly: Nerodno
  • Scene: Posnetku
  • Motion: Počasnem
  • Unexpectedly: Nepričakovano
  • Jolted: Poskočil
  • Gush: Izliv
  • Apologize: Oprosti
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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