
Spilled Milk: A Farmyard Romance Blooms

Feb 2, 2024 · 17m 23s
Spilled Milk: A Farmyard Romance Blooms

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

14m 2s


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Spilled Milk: A Farmyard Romance Blooms Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Af: Op 'n skitter blink oggend was die...

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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Spilled Milk: A Farmyard Romance Blooms
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Story Transcript:

Af: Op 'n skitter blink oggend was die son besig om oor "Die Melkery" te klim.
En: On a bright and sparkling morning, the sun was beginning to climb over "The Dairy".

Af: Die plaas was vol lewe met die geluide van diere en mense wat begin werk.
En: The farm was teeming with the sounds of animals and people starting work.

Af: In die middel van dit alles was daar Johan, 'n jong, sterk man met 'n besonderse glimlag.
En: In the midst of it all was Johan, a young, strong man with an exceptional smile.

Af: Hy was die plaas se beste melker, maar vandag was nie 'n gewone dag nie.
En: He was the farm's best milker, but today was no ordinary day.

Af: Vandag wou hy iets anders doen; hy wou Riana, die plaaseienaar se dogter, se hart wen.
En: Today, he wanted to do something different; he wanted to win Riana, the farm owner's daughter, heart.

Af: Riana was pragtig met lang bruin hare en 'n vriendelike laggie wat selfs die mees ongemaklike situasie kon opkikker.
En: Riana was beautiful with long brown hair and a friendly smile that could brighten even the most awkward situation.

Af: Pieter, Johan se beste vriend en die plaas se werktuigkundige, het hom gewaarsku dat dit dalk nie 'n goeie idee was nie.
En: Pieter, Johan's best friend and the farm's mechanic, warned him that it might not be a good idea.

Af: "Moenie jou tyd mors nie, Johan. Jy weet mos Riana is te besig met haar studies om te boer," het Pieter gesê met 'n skeptiese kyk op sy gesig.
En: "Don't waste your time, Johan. You know Riana is too busy with her studies to farm," Pieter said with a skeptical look on his face.

Af: Maar Johan was vasberade. Hy het 'n plan gehad.
En: But Johan was determined. He had a plan.

Af: Vandag sou hy vir Riana wys hoe vaardig en indrukwekkend hy kan wees met die melkwerk.
En: Today, he would show Riana how skilled and impressive he could be with the milking work.

Af: Terwyl Johan die koeie ingebring het, kon hy sy hart hoor klop in sy ore.
En: As Johan brought in the cows, he could hear his heart beat in his ears.

Af: Hy het gesien hoe Riana naderstap, notas maak in haar klein notaboekie.
En: He saw Riana approaching, making notes in her little notebook.

Af: Saam met 'n paar ander werkers het Johan begin om die koeie te melk.
En: Together with a few other workers, Johan began to milk the cows.

Af: Hy het geglimlag en sy spiere het gewerk terwyl hy die emmers vinnig en doeltreffend vol melk gekry het.
En: He smiled and his muscles worked as he efficiently filled the buckets with milk.

Af: Hy was bewus van elke beweging wat Riana gemaak het, en probeer om niks te verkeerd doen nie.
En: He was aware of every move Riana made, trying not to make any mistakes.

Af: Maar soms, wanneer mens te veel fokus op om te beïndruk, dan gebeur foute.
En: But sometimes, when you focus too much on impressing, mistakes happen.

Af: Dit was wat met Johan gebeur het. Hy het een van die emmers te ru vasgegryp en voor hy dit kon keer, het hy dit omgestamp.
En: That's what happened to Johan. He grabbed one of the buckets too tightly and before he could stop it, he spilled it.

Af: 'n Groot golf melk het oor die vloer gespoel... en regoor Johan se klere.
En: A large wave of milk splashed over the floor... and all over Johan's clothes.

Af: O, die skaamte! Johan het so rooi soos 'n tamatie geword terwyl hy die melk van sy klere afvee.
En: Oh, the embarrassment! Johan turned as red as a tomato as he wiped the milk off his clothes.

Af: Riana het opgekyk en toe sy sien wat gebeur het, kon Johan sien hoe sy probeer om nie te lag nie.
En: Riana looked up and when she saw what happened, Johan could see her trying not to laugh.

Af: Maar sy het, sag maar vriendelik.
En: But she did, softly and kindly.

Af: Johan was seker sy kanse by Riana is nou verby.
En: Johan was sure his chances with Riana were now over.

Af: Pieter het nader geloop en 'n skouer geklap.
En: Pieter walked over and patted his shoulder.

Af: "Almal maak foutjies, maat," sê hy met 'n glimlag.
En: "Everybody makes mistakes, buddy," he said with a smile.

Af: Maar voordat Johan te veel kon tob oor die insident, het Riana nader gestap met 'n ander emmer in haar hand.
En: But before Johan could fret too much about the incident, Riana stepped forward with another bucket in her hand.

Af: "Laat ek jou help met die gemors," het sy gesê, en saam het hulle die gemorste melk opgemop.
En: "Let me help you with the mess," she said, and together they cleaned up the spilled milk.

Af: En snaaks genoeg, dit was in daardie oomblikke van mors en lag, waar iets mooi begin blom het.
En: And funny enough, it was in those moments of mess and laughter, where something beautiful began to bloom.

Af: Terwyl hulle skoongemaak het, het hulle begin gesels.
En: As they cleaned up, they started talking.

Af: Riana het van haar studies vertel en Johan van sy liefde vir die plaaslewe.
En: Riana talked about her studies and Johan about his love for farm life.

Af: Die ongeluk het hulle nader aan mekaar gebring, eerder as om hulle weg te dryf soos Johan gevrees het.
En: The accident brought them closer together, rather than pushing them apart as Johan had feared.

Af: Van toe af, het Johan besef dat dit nie gaan oor die groot gebare om iemand te beïndruk nie, maar eerder om eerlik en jouself te wees.
En: From then on, Johan realized that it wasn't about grand gestures to impress someone, but rather about being honest and being yourself.

Af: Riana het ook die ware Johan begin waardeer, nie net die melker nie, maar die man agter die emmers vol melk.
En: Riana also began to appreciate the real Johan, not just the milker, but the man behind the buckets of milk.

Af: Die son het gesak oor "Die Melkery" met 'n belofte van nuwe begin.
En: The sun set over "The Dairy" with a promise of new beginnings.

Af: En as Plaaslewe se getroue windpomp sy wieke draai, sug die aarde sag in erkenning van 'n klein liefdesverhaal wat tussen die koring en koeie begin het.
En: And as the loyal windmill of Farm Life turned its blades, the earth sighed softly in acknowledgment of a small love story that had begun between the wheat and cows.

Vocabulary Words:
  • morning: oggend
  • sparkling: skitter
  • beginning: besig om te begin
  • climb: klim
  • teeming: vol
  • sounds: geluide
  • animals: diere
  • people: mense
  • starting: begin
  • work: werk
  • midst: middel
  • young: jong
  • strong: sterk
  • exceptional: besonderse
  • milker: melker
  • ordinary: gewone
  • win: wen
  • owner: eienaar
  • daughter: dogter
  • heart: hart
  • beautiful: pragtig
  • friendly: vriendelike
  • smile: laggie
  • awkward: ongemaklike
  • situation: situasie
  • warned: gewaarsku
  • waste: mors
  • time: tyd
  • studies: studies
  • busy: besig
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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