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FluentFiction - Afrikaans

  • Heartfelt Café: Friends' Journey from Dreams to Reality

    2 JUL 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Heartfelt Café: Friends' Journey from Dreams to Reality Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/heartfelt-cafe-friends-journey-from-dreams-to-reality/ Story Transcript: Af: By die stil maanlig strand, in die hart van winter, lê ‘n klein, warm kafee wat aanloklike geure uitstraal. En: By the quiet moonlit beach, in the heart of winter, lies a small, warm café that exudes inviting aromas. Af: Die geur van vars koffie vul die yskoue lug, en binne is dit knus en gesellig. En: The scent of fresh coffee fills the icy air, and inside it is cozy and intimate. Af: Dis hier waar drie vriende, Anabela, Fanie en Pieter, 'n klein kafee bestuur. En: It is here that three friends, Anabela, Fanie, and Pieter, run a small café. Af: Anabela is passievol en sorgsaam. En: Anabela is passionate and caring. Af: Sy droom daarvan om die kafee uit te brei om meer toeriste en plaaslike mense te lok, maar 'n vorige sakemislukking laat haar soms twyfel. En: She dreams of expanding the café to attract more tourists and locals, but a previous business failure sometimes makes her doubt. Af: Fanie is meer pragmaties. En: Fanie is more pragmatic. Af: Hy hou daarvan om dinge stabiel te hou en is bang vir finansiële risiko's. En: He likes to keep things stable and fears financial risks. Af: Pieter, die kreatiewe en optimistiese een, staan tussen hulle. En: Pieter, the creative and optimistic one, stands between them. Af: Hy verberg egter sy gesondheidsprobleme vir die ander twee vriende. En: However, he hides his health problems from the other two friends. Af: Dit is 'n koue winteraand. En: It is a cold winter evening. Af: Anabela stap heen en weer in die kafee. En: Anabela paces back and forth in the café. Af: Sy dink oor haar planne om die kafee uit te brei. En: She thinks about her plans to expand the café. Af: “Ons kan meer mense lok,” sê sy opgewonde. En: "We can attract more people," she says excitedly. Af: “Ons kan ‘n groter kombuis bou en 'n nuwe spyskaart opstel. En: "We can build a larger kitchen and create a new menu." Af: ”Fanie sug diep. En: Fanie sighs deeply. Af: “Ek weet jy's passievol,” sê hy, “maar dit is 'n groot risiko. En: "I know you are passionate," he says, "but it is a big risk. Af: Wat as dit nie werk nie? En: What if it doesn't work? Af: Ons het nie baie spaar geld nie. En: We don't have much spare money." Af: ”Pieter, sit stil en luister, sy glimlag steeds vasgeplak op sy gesig al voel hy nie lekker nie. En: Pieter sits quietly and listens, his smile still fixed on his face even though he doesn't feel well. Af: Hy wil hê sy vriende moet gelukkig wees, maar hy kan nie help om oor sy gesondheid bekommerd te wees nie. En: He wants his friends to be happy, but he can't help but worry about his health. Af: Anabela besluit om aksie te neem. En: Anabela decides to take action. Af: Sy begin klein veranderinge aanbring, al sê Fanie nee. En: She starts making small changes, even though Fanie says no. Af: Hy kyk haar stap vir stap aan, maar hy wil haar ook nie teleurstel nie. En: He watches her step-by-step, but he doesn't want to disappoint her. Af: Pieter, intussen, worstel met sy eie probleme. En: Meanwhile, Pieter struggles with his own problems. Af: Hy voel die druk van hul besluit oor die uitbreiding. En: He feels the pressure of their decision about the expansion. Af: Een aand is die kafee vol kliënte. En: One evening, the café is full of customers. Af: Die spanning tussen Anabela en Fanie is tasbaar. En: The tension between Anabela and Fanie is palpable. Af: Soos die nag vorder, raak die gesprekke harder en meer emosioneel. En: As the night progresses, the conversations become louder and more emotional. Af: “Jy sien nie die potensiaal nie! En: "You don't see the potential!" Af: ” roep Anabela. En: Anabela exclaims. Af: “En jy sien nie die risiko’s nie! En: "And you don't see the risks!" Af: ” antwoord Fanie. En: Fanie replies. Af: Pieter, voel hy kan dit nie meer verduur nie, stort inmekaar. En: Pieter, feeling he can no longer endure it, collapses. Af: Hy bieg oor sy gesondheid. En: He confesses about his health. Af: “Ek’s siek,” sê hy. En: "I'm sick," he says. Af: “Ek weet nie hoe lank ek nog kan aanhou werk nie. En: "I don't know how much longer I can keep working." Af: ”Anabela en Fanie kyk verslae na hom. En: Anabela and Fanie look at him, shocked. Af: ʼn Stilte hang oor die kafee. En: A silence hangs over the café. Af: Hulle besef hul argumente het hulle van mekaar verwyder. En: They realize their arguments have driven them apart. Af: Hulle vriende het hulp nodig. En: Their friend needs help. Af: In die dae wat volg, sit die drie vriende saam. En: In the days that follow, the three friends sit together. Af: Hulle besluit om dinge stadig te neem. En: They decide to take things slowly. Af: Hulle sal die kafee uitbrei, maar in kleiner stappe. En: They will expand the café, but in smaller steps. Af: Hulle sal voorsorgmaatreëls tref vir finansiële risiko’s en Pieter se gesondheid. En: They will take precautions for financial risks and Pieter's health. Af: Saam werk hulle aan ‘n plan. En: Together they work on a plan. Af: Anabela leer om meer versigtig te wees. En: Anabela learns to be more cautious. Af: Fanie besluit om berekende risiko’s te neem. En: Fanie decides to take calculated risks. Af: Pieter weet nou dat hy op sy vriende kan staatmaak en dat deursigtigheid belangrik is. En: Pieter now knows he can rely on his friends and that transparency is important. Af: Die wintersaande bring 'n nuwe warmte in die klein kafee by die strand. En: The winter evenings bring a new warmth to the small café by the beach. Af: Die vriende werk saam, en die droom van uitbreiding begin stadig maar seker vorm aanneem. En: The friends work together and the dream of expansion slowly but surely begins to take shape. Af: Dis ‘n nuwe begin, een gevul met hoop en begrip, en die drie vriende kyk met moed na die toekoms. En: It's a new beginning, one filled with hope and understanding, and the three friends look to the future with courage. Vocabulary Words: - quiet: stil - moonlit: maanlig - inviting: aanloklike - aromas: geure - icy: yskoue - cozy: knus - intimate: gesellig - caring: sorgsaam - expand: uitbrei - tourists: toeriste - locals: plaaslike mense - previous: vorige - failure: mislukking - doubt: tw:eien - pragmatic: pragmaties - stable: stabiel - financial: finansiële - risks: risiko's - creative: kreatiewe - optimistic: optimistiese - paces: stap heen en weer - plans: beplanne - kitchen: kombuis - menu: spyskaart - spare: spaar - fixed: vasgeplak - pressure: druk - endure: verduur - collapses: stort inmekaar - confesses: biet
    Played 18m 5s
  • Hendrik's Bold Chili Experiment at the Annual Village Cook-off

    1 JUL 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Hendrik's Bold Chili Experiment at the Annual Village Cook-off Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/hendriks-bold-chili-experiment-at-the-annual-village-cook-off/ Story Transcript: Af: Die winter in die klein dorpie was koud, maar die lug was vol opwinding. En: The winter in the small village was cold, but the air was filled with excitement. Af: Vandag was die jaarlikse chili-kookkompetisie by die plaaslike rugbyveld. En: Today was the annual chili-cooking competition at the local rugby field. Af: Die veld was vol stalletjies, kleurvolle baniere en die heerlike reuk van verskillende soorte chili in die lug. En: The field was full of stalls, colorful banners, and the delicious smell of various types of chili in the air. Af: Mense het warm aangetrek en bymekaar gestaan om elkeen se kookvaardighede te beoordeel. En: People were warmly dressed and gathered together to judge everyone’s cooking skills. Af: Hendrik, 'n middeljarige man wat by die hardewarewinkel werk, het besluit om aan hierdie jaar se kookkompetisie deel te neem. En: Hendrik, a middle-aged man who worked at the hardware store, decided to participate in this year's cooking competition. Af: Hy droom daarvan om bekend te staan as die man wat enigiets kan doen. En: He dreamed of being known as the man who could do anything. Af: Maar daar was 'n probleem: Hendrik het geen kookvaardighede nie. En: But there was a problem: Hendrik had no cooking skills. Af: Hy het nog nooit eers chili gemaak nie. En: He had never even made chili before. Af: Hendrik het met 'n groot glimlag by sy stalletjie aangekom. En: Hendrik arrived at his stall with a big smile. Af: Hy het besluit om sy plan in werking te stel. En: He decided to put his plan into action. Af: "Ek gaan sommer net alles in die pot gooi," het hy vir homself gesê. En: "I’m just going to throw everything into the pot," he said to himself. Af: Hy het begin met 'n basis van tamaties en bone. En: He started with a base of tomatoes and beans. Af: Toe het hy van alles bygevoeg: sjokolade, piesangs, karringmelk en heuning. En: Then he added a bit of everything: chocolate, bananas, buttermilk, and honey. Af: Die ander kokke het hom vreemd aangekyk, maar Hendrik het voortgegaan. En: The other cooks looked at him strangely, but Hendrik continued with his plan. Af: Die tyd het aangebreek vir die beoordelaars om elkeen se chili te proe. En: The time came for the judges to taste everyone’s chili. Af: Hendrik het senuweeagtig geraak. En: Hendrik grew nervous. Af: Hy het gewonder of hulle van sy vreemde mengsel sou hou. En: He wondered if they would like his strange mixture. Af: Die beoordelaars het by sy stalletjie gestop. En: The judges stopped at his stall. Af: Hulle het 'n lepel ingesteek en 'n hap geneem. En: They dipped a spoon in and took a bite. Af: Hulle gesigte het niks verraai nie. En: Their faces revealed nothing. Af: Hendrik het gesien hoe hulle mekaar beduie en gesels. En: Hendrik saw them gesturing and talking to each other. Af: Uiteindelik het die hoofbeoordelaar gepraat. En: Finally, the head judge spoke. Af: "Dis... interessant," het hy gesê. En: "It’s... interesting," he said. Af: "Dit is 'n unieke smaak. En: "It’s a unique taste. Af: Baie anders as die ander. En: Very different from the others. Af: Baie kreatief!" En: Very creative!" Af: Hendrik het gesweer sy maag het 'n rukkie opgehou werk. En: Hendrik swore his stomach stopped working for a moment. Af: Hy het geweet sy chili was nie die beste nie, maar hy het 'n spesiale prys gewen vir kreatiwiteit. En: He knew his chili wasn’t the best, but he won a special prize for creativity. Af: Hy het nie die hoofprys gewen nie, maar hy was tevrede. En: He didn’t win the grand prize, but he was satisfied. Af: Hy was bly om die mens te wees wat iets nuuts probeer het, eerder as die beste in alles. En: He was happy to be the person who tried something new, rather than being the best at everything. Af: Die dag het ten einde geloop en die mense het stadig begin huis toe gaan. En: The day came to an end, and people slowly started heading home. Af: Die son het ondergegaan en die winternag het aangebreek. En: The sun set, and the winter night approached. Af: Hendrik, met 'n medalje om sy nek, het huiswaarts gestap. En: Hendrik, with a medal around his neck, walked home. Af: Hy het geweet dat hy vanaf daardie dag as die dorpie se vrolike waaghals bekend sou wees. En: He knew from that day on, he would be known as the village’s cheerful daredevil. Af: En dit het hom gelukkig gemaak. En: And that made him happy. Vocabulary Words: - competition: kompetisie - excitement: opwinding - annual: jaarlikse - various: verskillende - warmly: warm - gathered: bymekaar - judge: beoordeel - hardware: hardeware - dreamed: droom - participate: deel te neem - problem: probleem - skills: vaardighede - base: basis - bananas: piesangs - buttermilk: karringmelk - honey: heuning - strangely: vreemd - nervous: senuweeagtig - mixture: mengsel - gesturing: beduie - creative: kreatief - satisfied: tevrede - medal: medalje - cheerful: vrolike - daredevil: waaghals - heading: huis toe gaan - approached: aangebreek - reveal: verraai - spoon: lepel - unique: unieke
    Played 14m 36s
  • Frosty Bonds and Winter Triumphs: A Farmhouse Team's Journey

    30 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Frosty Bonds and Winter Triumphs: A Farmhouse Team's Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/frosty-bonds-and-winter-triumphs-a-farmhouse-teams-journey/ Story Transcript: Af: Op die plaas, onder 'n dun lagie ryp en 'n koue winterlug, was daar drie kinders met 'n groot taak voor hulle. En: On the farm, under a thin layer of frost and a cold winter air, there were three children with a big task ahead of them. Af: Pieter, Mariska en Jaco moes 'n einde-van-termyn projek voltooi. En: Pieter, Mariska, and Jaco had to complete an end-of-term project. Af: Die projek was belangrik. En: The project was important. Af: Pieter wou sy maats en die onderwyser beïndruk. En: Pieter wanted to impress his friends and the teacher. Af: Hy was hardwerkend, maar onseker. En: He was hardworking but unsure of himself. Af: Mariska was die leier, maar sy het gesukkel met familieprobleme. En: Mariska was the leader, but she struggled with family problems. Af: Jaco was die grapjas, maar hy was bang vir mislukking. En: Jaco was the joker, but he was afraid of failure. Af: Die plaas was groot. En: The farm was large. Af: Velde met ryp, skure vol hooi en 'n gesellige plaashuis. En: Fields with frost, barns full of hay, and a cozy farmhouse. Af: Dit was waar die kinders hul werk beplan het. En: This was where the children planned their work. Af: Maar dit was bitter koud. En: But it was bitterly cold. Af: Die ysige wind het die werk moeilik gemaak. En: The icy wind made the work difficult. Af: Pieter het besluit om die leier te wees. En: Pieter decided to be the leader. Af: Hy het werk opgedra aan elkeen. En: He assigned tasks to each of them. Af: Mariska moes die informasie versamel oor die plaasdiere. En: Mariska had to gather information about the farm animals. Af: Jaco moes die tabelle maak oor die temperature en die impak op die oes. En: Jaco had to make tables about the temperatures and their impact on the crops. Af: Pieter sou alles bymekaar bring en die finale verslag skryf. En: Pieter would compile everything and write the final report. Af: Mariska was afwesig en hartseer. En: Mariska was absent and sad. Af: Sy het nie gesê wat fout was nie. En: She didn't say what was wrong. Af: Jaco het steeds 'n grap gemaak oor alles. En: Jaco still made jokes about everything. Af: Hy het nie ernstig gewerk nie. En: He didn't work seriously. Af: "Mariska, wat pla jou?" het Pieter een aand gevra. En: "Mariska, what's bothering you?" Pieter asked one evening. Af: Hulle was in die plaashuis, by die kaggel. En: They were in the farmhouse, by the fireplace. Af: "Dis my pa en ma," het sy gesê. En: "It's my mom and dad," she said. Af: "Hulle baklei baie. Ek kan nie fokus nie." En: "They fight a lot. I can't focus." Af: "Jaco, jy moet ophou grappe maak," het Pieter ernstig gesê. En: "Jaco, you need to stop making jokes," Pieter said seriously. Af: "Ons het jou hulp nodig." En: "We need your help." Af: Jaco het gelag, maar daar was trane in sy oë. En: Jaco laughed, but there were tears in his eyes. Af: "Ek is bang ek gaan julle teleurstel." En: "I'm afraid I'm going to let you down." Af: Die volgende dag het dinge opgevlam. En: The next day, things escalated. Af: Mariska het 'n fout gemaak in haar navorsing. En: Mariska made a mistake in her research. Af: Jaco het per ongeluk 'n tabel uitgevee. En: Jaco accidentally deleted a table. Af: Pieter het geskree, "Ek kan nie alles alleen doen nie!" En: Pieter shouted, "I can't do everything alone!" Af: "Ek het gesê ek is bang," het Jaco uitgeroep. En: "I said I'm scared," Jaco shouted back. Af: "Maar julle luister nie!" En: "But you don't listen!" Af: Mariska het gehuil. En: Mariska cried. Af: "My huis is 'n gemors! Ek weet nie wat om te doen nie!" En: "My house is a mess! I don't know what to do!" Af: 'n Lang stilte. En: A long silence. Af: Toe het Pieter gepraat. En: Then Pieter spoke. Af: "Ons is 'n span. Ons moet mekaar help." En: "We are a team. We need to help each other." Af: Mariska het haar trane afgevee. En: Mariska wiped her tears. Af: "Ek gaan my navorsing oor begin," het sy gesê. En: "I'm going to start my research over," she said. Af: "En ek sal met julle gesels oor wat by die huis aangaan." En: "And I'll talk to you about what's going on at home." Af: Jaco het ernstig begin werk. En: Jaco started working seriously. Af: "Ek sal die tabelle regmaak. Geen grappe nie." En: "I'll fix the tables. No jokes." Af: Pieter het 'n diepe asem geskep. En: Pieter took a deep breath. Af: "Kom ons maak hierdie projek iets besonders." En: "Let's make this project something special." Af: Hulle het hard gewerk. En: They worked hard. Af: Die koue was nog daar, maar hulle het gekonsentreer. En: The cold was still there, but they concentrated. Af: Die plaashuis het 'n toevlug geword. En: The farmhouse became a refuge. Af: Daar het hulle gesit en gewerk, gesels en mekaar ondersteun. En: There they sat and worked, talked, and supported each other. Af: Op die dag van die aanbieding was die klas verstom. En: On the day of the presentation, the class was amazed. Af: Hulle werk was uitstekend. En: Their work was excellent. Af: Pieter het selfvertroue gewen. En: Pieter gained confidence. Af: Mariska het geleer om oor haar probleme te praat. En: Mariska learned to talk about her problems. Af: Jaco het sy verantwoordelikhede ernstig begin opneem. En: Jaco started taking his responsibilities seriously. Af: Hulle was trots. En: They were proud. Af: En so het die drie kinders, op 'n koue plaas, iets besonders bereik. En: And so, the three children, on a cold farm, achieved something special. Af: Hulle het nie net 'n projek voltooi nie, maar ook mekaar beter leer ken. En: They not only completed a project but also got to know each other better. Vocabulary Words: - thin layer: dun lagie - frost: ryp - ahead: voor - hardworking: hardwerkend - leader: leier - unsure: onseker - struggled: gesukkel - family problems: familieprobleme - joker: grapjas - failure: mislukking - barns: skure - cozy: gesellige - bitterly: bitter - icy wind: ysige wind - assign: opdra - gather information: informasie versamel - impact: impak - compile: byekaar bring - absent: afwesig - research: navorsing - fireplace: kaggel - bothering: pla - delete: uitgevee - shouted: geskree - silence: stilte - support: ondersteun - concentrated: gekonstreer - refuge: toevlug - presentation: aanbieding - amazed: verstom
    Played 18m 9s
  • Conflict to Collaboration: Winter at Urban Zoo Library

    29 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Conflict to Collaboration: Winter at Urban Zoo Library Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/conflict-to-collaboration-winter-at-urban-zoo-library/ Story Transcript: Af: Die biblioteek van die Stedelike Dieretuin was vol lewe. En: The library of the Urban Zoo was full of life. Af: Studente het boeke gelees, besig met hul studies, en die geluid van omblaai van bladsye weerklink deur die ruimte. En: Students were reading books, engaged in their studies, and the sound of pages turning echoed through the space. Af: Groot vensters het helder winterlig ingevloei oor die digte ry boeke en gesellige studiekamers. En: Large windows let in bright winter light over the dense rows of books and cozy study rooms. Af: Die lug was skerp en ysig buite, maar binne was dit knus. En: The air was sharp and icy outside, but inside it was cozy. Af: Anika en Pieter sit in 'n hoek, omring deur boeke en notas. En: Anika and Pieter sat in a corner, surrounded by books and notes. Af: Hulle was laat na skool om aan 'n groepsprojek te werk. En: They stayed late after school to work on a group project. Af: Anika verstaan die werk deeglik en wil hê alles moet perfek wees. En: Anika understood the work thoroughly and wanted everything to be perfect. Af: Pieter was kalm en ontspanne, hou meer van praktiese werk as om net boeke te lees. En: Pieter was calm and relaxed, preferring practical work to just reading books. Af: "Ons moet die hoofstuk oor die reënwoud voltooi," sê Anika, haar oë gefokus op haar aantekeninge. En: "We need to finish the chapter on the rainforest," said Anika, her eyes focused on her notes. Af: "Dit moet besonder gedetailleerd wees." En: "It needs to be particularly detailed." Af: "Ek dink ons kan 'n model bou van die reënwoud," stel Pieter voor. En: "I think we could build a model of the rainforest," suggested Pieter. Af: "Dit sal indrukwekkend wees en mense help om dit beter te verstaan." En: "It would be impressive and help people understand it better." Af: Anika sug. "Maar ons het nie tyd vir modelle nie. Ons moet al die inligting dek." En: Anika sighed. "But we don't have time for models. We need to cover all the information." Af: Pieter draai weg, sy hande in sy sakke. "Ek wil dit vinnig klaarmaak sodat ek huis toe kan gaan en werk aan my modelvliegtuie." En: Pieter turned away, his hands in his pockets. "I want to finish this quickly so I can go home and work on my model airplanes." Af: Die spanning tussen hulle was tasbaar. Anika het vinnig begin dikteer wat gedoen moet word. En: The tension between them was palpable. Anika quickly began dictating what needed to be done. Af: Pieter het versigtig geluister, maar het steeds gesoek na 'n praktiese manier om by te dra. En: Pieter listened carefully but still looked for a practical way to contribute. Af: Uiteindelik het hy sy stem sterk gemaak. "Anika, dit werk nie. Ons moet kompromieë maak." En: Eventually, he voiced his opinion firmly. "Anika, this isn't working. We need to compromise." Af: Anika se gesig het kwaai geword. "Ek verstaan jou nie, Pieter. Jy gee nooit om oor goeie werk nie." En: Anika's face turned angry. "I don't understand you, Pieter. You never care about doing good work." Af: Die toneel het geskuif en Anika se woorde het skerp en seer geklink. En: The scene shifted, and Anika's words sharp and hurtful. Af: Pieter staar vir 'n oomblik na haar, dan sê hy sag, "Wat pla jou, Anika?" En: Pieter stared at her for a moment and then said softly, "What's bothering you, Anika?" Af: Sy het haar hande in haar hare gesteek en daar was 'n moment van stilte. En: She ran her hands through her hair, and there was a moment of silence. Af: Toe bars sy uit. "My ouers baklei die hele tyd. Dit is so stresvol. Ek voel asof ek al my beheer hieroor moet hê." En: Then she burst out, "My parents fight all the time. It's so stressful. I feel like I need to have complete control over this." Af: Pieter se oë was vol begrip. "Ek het nie geweet nie. Ek verstaan waarom jy so voel. Maar ons moet werk saam om dit te voltooi." En: Pieter's eyes were full of understanding. "I didn't know. I understand why you feel this way. But we need to work together to complete this." Af: Na 'n tyd van dialoog besluit hulle hoe om albei se sterk punte te gebruik. En: After some dialogue, they decided how to use each other's strengths. Af: Pieter bou 'n klein model terwyl Anika die besonderhede in hulle notas neerskryf. En: Pieter built a small model while Anika wrote down the details in their notes. Af: Hulle respekteer mekaar se metodes en werk gelyk aan die projek. En: They respected each other's methods and worked equally on the project. Af: Die son het stadig begin sak, en die projek was byna voltooi. En: The sun slowly began to set, and the project was nearly complete. Af: Anika het geleer om werk te verdeel en op ander te vertrou. En: Anika had learned to delegate work and trust others. Af: Pieter het geleer om aandag te gee aan ander se gevoelens. En: Pieter had learned to pay attention to others' feelings. Af: Saam het hulle 'n wonderlike resultaat opgelewer. En: Together, they produced a wonderful result. Af: In die einde het hulle mekaar beter verstaan en gerespekteer. En: In the end, they understood and respected each other better. Af: Die biblioteek keer terug na sy gewone stilte, met 'n gevoel van vrede tussen Anika en Pieter. En: The library returned to its usual silence, with a sense of peace between Anika and Pieter. Vocabulary Words: - library: biblioteek - zoo: dieretuin - dense: digte - sharp: skerp - icy: ysig - corner: hoek - surrounded: omring - thoroughly: deeglik - practical: praktiese - impressive: indrukwekkend - sigh: sug - tension: spanning - palpable: tasbaar - dictating: dikteer - firmly: sterk - compromise: kompromieë - angry: kwaai - stared: staar - bothering: pla - burst: bars - fight: baklei - complete: voltooi - delegate: verdeel - note: aantekening - method: metode - sunset: son sak - usual: gewone - stressful: stresvol - understanding: begrip - peace: vrede
    Played 16m 39s
  • Gideon's Storm: A Tale of Brave Youth and Family Wisdom

    28 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Gideon's Storm: A Tale of Brave Youth and Family Wisdom Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/gideons-storm-a-tale-of-brave-youth-and-family-wisdom/ Story Transcript: Af: Die winterwinde het gehuil deur die bome soos 'n woeste dier. En: The winter winds howled through the trees like a wild beast. Af: Sneeu het begin val, wit en dik. En: Snow began to fall, white and thick. Af: In 'n klein dorp êrens in Suid-Afrika, het 'n seun genaamd Gideon met groot oë na die storm gekyk. En: In a small town somewhere in South Africa, a boy named Gideon watched the storm with wide eyes. Af: Dit was Jeugdag, maar niemand het buite gespeel nie. En: It was Youth Day, but no one was playing outside. Af: Die koue was te fel, en die storm was te gevaarlik. En: The cold was too harsh, and the storm too dangerous. Af: Gideon was twaalf jaar oud, met 'n hart vol avonture. En: Gideon was twelve years old, with a heart full of adventures. Af: Hy het dagdrome gehad van heldedade, hoe hy sy gesin sou red van gevaar. En: He had daydreams of heroic deeds, imagining how he would save his family from danger. Af: Maar sy ouer broers het altyd meer dapper en kundig voorgekom. En: But his older brothers always seemed braver and more knowledgeable. Af: Dit het hom ongemaklik laat voel, asof hy nooit goed genoeg kon wees nie. En: This made him feel uncomfortable, as if he could never be good enough. Af: In die agterplaas van hul huis, onder 'n ou eikeboom, was daar 'n geheime bunker. En: In the backyard of their house, under an old oak tree, there was a secret bunker. Af: Dit was 'n klein skuilplek wat sy ouers jare gelede gebou het. En: It was a small hideout that his parents had built years ago. Af: Dit was knus en vol met interessante kleinighede en voorraad. En: It was cozy, filled with interesting trinkets and supplies. Af: Gideon het altyd gewonder oor hierdie plek, maar sy ouers het gesê dit is net vir noodgevalle. En: Gideon always wondered about this place, but his parents said it was only for emergencies. Af: Toe die storm net erger geword het, het Gideon 'n plan gemaak. En: When the storm worsened, Gideon made a plan. Af: Hy wou sy moed bewys. En: He wanted to prove his courage. Af: Hy sou na die bunker gaan, ten spyte van sy ouers se waarskuwings. En: He would go to the bunker, despite his parents' warnings. Af: Hy het stadig sy baadjie aangetrek, sy mus opgezet, en toe, op sy tone gesluip. En: He slowly put on his jacket, donned his hat, and then tiptoed out. Af: Met 'n laaste blik na sy familiekamer, het hy die agterdeur oopgemaak en in die storm gestap. En: With one last glance at his family's room, he opened the back door and stepped into the storm. Af: Die sneeu het hom amper onmiddellik bedek. En: The snow almost immediately covered him. Af: Maar sy hart het sterk gebons, en hy het met vasberadenheid na die bunker gegaan. En: But his heart pounded strongly, and he headed to the bunker with determination. Af: Hy het die geheime deur gevind en het homself vinnig binne gesкуil. En: He found the secret door and quickly slipped inside. Af: Binne was dit donker, maar warm. En: It was dark but warm inside. Af: Daar was 'n klein lampie wat hy aangepreek het en die bunker het in 'n goue gloed opgeleef. En: There was a small lamp which he turned on, and the bunker lit up with a golden glow. Af: Gideon het ‘n gevoel van prestasie gehad. En: Gideon felt a sense of accomplishment. Af: Hy het na die storm geloer deur 'n klein venster en kon sien hoe die wind die sneeu rondjaag. En: He peered through a small window at the storm, watching the wind whip the snow around. Af: Skielik, 'n harde kraak! Die stomp van 'n nabygeleë boom het gebreek en geval. En: Suddenly, a loud crack! The trunk of a nearby tree had snapped and fallen. Af: Die geluid was oorverdowend. En: The sound was deafening. Af: Gideon se hart het weer wild geklop, maar hierdie keer van vrees. En: Gideon's heart raced again, but this time out of fear. Af: Wat as die bunker nie veilig was nie? En: What if the bunker wasn’t safe? Af: Kort daarna het hy stemme daar buite gehoor. En: Soon after, he heard voices outside. Af: Dit was sy familie! En: It was his family! Af: Hulle het hom kom soek. En: They had come looking for him. Af: Hy het son oog `uit die bunker uitgekom. En: He cautiously emerged from the bunker. Af: Sy pa, ma, en broers het hom in hulle arms geneem en gevra of hy veilig was. En: His father, mother, and brothers took him into their arms and asked if he was safe. Af: Gideon het gesnik en ja ges sê. En: Gideon, sobbing, said yes. Af: Dit was toe dat hy besef het, dat regte dapperheid nie altyd beteken om gevaar te trotseer nie, maar ook om wys genoeg te wees om dissipline te hê. En: It was then that he realized true bravery doesn’t always mean facing danger, but also having the wisdom to be disciplined. Af: Sy pa het met hom gepraat toe hulle huis toe gestap het. En: His father talked to him as they walked back home. Af: “Moed is belangrik, Gideon, maar luister na diegene wat vir jou omgee is net so belangrik.” En: “Courage is important, Gideon, but listening to those who care for you is just as important.” Af: Gideon het stadig sy pa se woorde verstaan. En: Gideon slowly began to understand his father’s words. Af: Die storm het stadig bedaar, maar 'n ander soort stilte het in sy hart gesak, die wete dat hy nie sy gesin hoef te wys dat hy dapper is deur gevaar te soek nie, maar deur wysheid en liefde. En: The storm gradually subsided, but another kind of calm settled in his heart: the knowledge that he didn’t need to show his family he was brave by seeking danger, but through wisdom and love. Af: En so het Gideon terug huis toe gegaan, die storm nog steeds buite, maar met 'n nuwe begrip en waardering vir sy familie binne in sy hart. En: And so Gideon went back home, the storm still outside, but with a new understanding and appreciation for his family within his heart. Vocabulary Words: - howled: gehuil - beast: dier - harsh: fel - adventures: avonture - daydreams: dagdrome - heroic: heldedade - deeds: dade - knowledgeable: kundig - uncomfortable: ongemaklik - bunker: bunker - oak: eike - hideout: skuilplek - trinkets: kleinighede - supplies: voorraad - worsened: erger geword - warnings: waarskuwings - tiptoed: op sy tone gesluip - glance: blik - determination: vasberadenheid - quickly: vinnig - accomplishment: prestasie - peered: geloer - whip: rondjaag - trunk: stomp - deafening: oorverdowend - audibly: hoorbaar - raced: geklop - cautiously: voorzigtig - realize: besef - wisdom: wysheid
    Played 17m 23s
  • Capturing Dreams: A Youth's Journey in Kruger National Park

    27 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Capturing Dreams: A Youth's Journey in Kruger National Park Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/capturing-dreams-a-youths-journey-in-kruger-national-park/ Story Transcript: Af: Dit was 'n koue oggend in die Kruger Nasionale Park. En: It was a cold morning in Kruger National Park. Af: Die lug was kraakvars, en die son het net begin opkom oor die horison. En: The air was crisp, and the sun was just beginning to rise over the horizon. Af: Jasper het sy kamera vasgehou en gespanne vir die ideale geleentheid gewag. En: Jasper held his camera, tensely waiting for the ideal opportunity. Af: Vandag was 'n spesiale dag – Jeugdag – en hy wou die perfekte foto neem vir die kompetisie. En: Today was a special day – Youth Day – and he wanted to take the perfect picture for the competition. Af: Anika en Willem het langs hom gestaan. En: Anika and Willem stood beside him. Af: Anika het warm tee in 'n fles vir hom aangebied. En: Anika offered him a flask of warm tea. Af: “Jy sal dit nodig hê,” het sy glimlaggend gesê. En: "You'll need this," she said, smiling. Af: Jasper het haar dankbaar aangekyk. En: Jasper looked at her gratefully. Af: Willem het egter sy oë gerol. En: Willem, however, rolled his eyes. Af: “Ek weet nie hoekom jy jouself so druk maak nie, Jasper,” het hy gesê. En: "I don't know why you're trying so hard, Jasper," he said. Af: “Die kans dat jy iets besonders kry, is bitter min. En: "The chances of getting something exceptional are very slim." Af: ”Jasper het diep asemgehaal. En: Jasper took a deep breath. Af: Hy het Willem se skeptisisme gehoor, maar het nie toegelaat dat dit hom afskrik nie. En: He heard Willem's skepticism but did not let it discourage him. Af: Hy het almal al vertel hoe passievol hy is oor wildfotografie. En: He had already told everyone how passionate he was about wildlife photography. Af: Hy het 'n droom gehad, en hy was vasbeslote om dit te bereik. En: He had a dream, and he was determined to achieve it. Af: Hulle het die wandelpad verder gevolg, die gras wat onder hulle voete ritsel. En: They continued down the path, the grass rustling under their feet. Af: Die geluide van die diere het om hulle geklink, en elke keer as hulle 'n beweging gesien het, het Jasper sy kamera gereed gekry. En: The sounds of the animals echoed around them, and each time they saw movement, Jasper readied his camera. Af: Maar, keer op keer, het hy niks gekry wat die moeite werd was nie. En: But, time and again, he found nothing worth capturing. Af: “Jy mors jou tyd,” het Willem weer gesê. En: "You're wasting your time," Willem said again. Af: Anika het egter haar hand op Jasper se skouer gesit. En: Anika, however, placed her hand on Jasper's shoulder. Af: “Ons is hier vir jou, Jasper. En: "We're here for you, Jasper. Af: Moet nie moed opgee nie. En: Don't give up." Af: ” Haar woorde het hom moed gegee. En: Her words gave him courage. Af: Die dag het aangegaan, en hulle het dieper in die park in beweeg. En: The day went on, and they moved deeper into the park. Af: Skielik, uit die niks, het 'n massiewe olifant voor hulle verskyn. En: Suddenly, a massive elephant appeared out of nowhere in front of them. Af: Jasper se hart het vinniger begin klop. En: Jasper's heart began to beat faster. Af: Dit was die kans waarvoor hy gewag het. En: This was the chance he had been waiting for. Af: Hy het sy kamera op die olifant gefokus, maar net toe hy die foto wou neem, het Willem 'n stap vorentoe gemaak. En: He focused his camera on the elephant, but just as he was about to take the shot, Willem stepped forward. Af: “Ons moet wegkom. En: "We need to get out of here. Af: Dit is te gevaarlik,” het Willem gesê. En: It's too dangerous," Willem said. Af: Maar Jasper het hom geïgnoreer. En: But Jasper ignored him. Af: Hy het bly fokus op die olifant. En: He kept focusing on the elephant. Af: Net toe hy die foto geneem het, het nog olifante verskyn. En: Just as he took the picture, more elephants appeared. Af: Anika het 'n geluid van vrees gemaak. En: Anika made a sound of fear. Af: Die olifante het nader gekom, en hulle moes vinnig plan maak om te vlug. En: The elephants came closer, and they had to quickly make a plan to flee. Af: Hulle het teruggehardloop na die voertuig. En: They ran back to the vehicle. Af: Willem het die enjin aangeskakel en hulle het weggejaag. En: Willem started the engine, and they sped away. Af: Jasper het gesukkel om asem te kry van die adrenalien. En: Jasper struggled to catch his breath from the adrenaline. Af: Maar toe hy na sy kamera kyk, het hy geweet hy het die perfekte foto gevang. En: But when he looked at his camera, he knew he had captured the perfect photo. Af: Later daardie aand, het hulle om 'n kampvuur gesit. En: Later that evening, they sat around a campfire. Af: Die atmosfeer was stil. En: The atmosphere was quiet. Af: Anika het haarself voorgeneem om nou met Jasper te praat. En: Anika had resolved to speak to Jasper now. Af: “Jasper, ek… ek moet jou iets vertel,” het sy begin. En: "Jasper, I… I need to tell you something," she began. Af: Maar Willem het haar onderbreek. En: But Willem interrupted her. Af: “Ek vra omverskoning, Jasper. En: "I'm sorry, Jasper. Af: Ek het te skepties teenoor jou drome opgetree. En: I was too skeptical about your dreams." Af: ”Jasper het hom aangekyk en geglimlag. En: Jasper looked at him and smiled. Af: “Dit is reg, Willem. En: "It's okay, Willem. Af: Ek verstaan dat jy besorg is. En: I understand that you were worried." Af: ” Anika het ook moed gekry. En: Anika also found courage. Af: “En Jasper, ek wil hê jy moet weet ek ondersteun jou ten volle. En: "And Jasper, I want you to know that I fully support you. Af: Ek… ek het gevoelens vir jou. En: I… I have feelings for you." Af: ” Die woorde het haar mond verlaat, en sy het vinnig agterna gekyk. En: The words left her mouth, and she quickly looked away. Af: Jasper het haar hand gevat. En: Jasper took her hand. Af: “Dankie, Anika. En: "Thank you, Anika. Af: Ek het altyd jou ondersteuning waardeer, en…” hy het 'n oomblik gestop, “ek voel dieselfde oor jou. En: I have always appreciated your support, and…" he paused for a moment, "I feel the same way about you." Af: ”Die aand het geëindig met 'n gevoel van rustigheid en nuwe verstaan tussen die drie vriende. En: The evening ended with a sense of tranquility and new understanding among the three friends. Af: Die foto wat Jasper geneem het, was asemrowend en het uiteindelik die kompetisie gewen. En: The photo Jasper had taken was breathtaking and eventually won the competition. Af: Maar wat werklik saak gemaak het, was die verhouding en begrip wat hulle opgebou het. En: But what truly mattered was the relationship and understanding they had built. Af: Daar in die hart van die Kruger Nasionale Park, op 'n koue wintersnag, het hulle almal iets besonders ontdek – nie net oor die natuur nie, maar ook oor die ware betekenis van vriendskap, liefde en drome. En: There, in the heart of Kruger National Park, on a cold winter night, they all discovered something special—not only about nature but also about the true meaning of friendship, love, and dreams. Vocabulary Words: - crisp: kraakvars - opportunity: geleentheid - competition: kompetisie - offered: aangebied - gratefully: dankbaar - skepticism: skeptisisme - passionate: passievol - determined: vasbeslote - rustling: ritsel - echoed: geklank - worth: die moeite werd - discourage: afskrik - massive: massiewe - dangerous: gevaarlik - ignored: geïgnoreer - closer: nader - flee: vlug - vehicle: voertuig - adrenaline: adrenalien - breathtaking: asemrowend - resolved: voorgenom - interrupted: onderbreek - understanding: verstaan - courage: moed - appreciated: waardeer - tranquility: rustigheid - competition: kompetisie - relationship: verhouding - understanding: begrip - discovered: ontdek
    Played 20m 18s
  • Love and Thunder: A High Stakes Confession on Table Mountain

    26 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Love and Thunder: A High Stakes Confession on Table Mountain Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/love-and-thunder-a-high-stakes-confession-on-table-mountain/ Story Transcript: Af: Onder 'n helder winterhemel, het Pieter en Elna by die voet van Tafelberg gestaan. En: Under a clear winter sky, Pieter and Elna stood at the foot of Table Mountain. Af: Pieter se blou oë het geblink van opwinding. En: Pieter's blue eyes sparkled with excitement. Af: Hy het geweet vandag is die dag. En: He knew today was the day. Af: Hy gaan vir Elna vertel hoe hy voel. En: He was going to tell Elna how he felt. Af: Maar hy was ook versigtig. En: But he was also cautious. Af: Elna het nooit van hoogtes gehou nie, maar sy het aangebied om saam te stap. En: Elna never liked heights, but she had offered to hike with him. Af: "Is jy reg? En: "Are you ready?" Af: " vra Pieter, met 'n warm glimlag. En: Pieter asked with a warm smile. Af: "Ja, ek dink so," sê Elna, haar stem 'n bietjie huiwerig. En: "Yes, I think so," Elna replied, her voice a bit hesitant. Af: Sy het probeer om nie haar vrees te wys nie. En: She tried not to show her fear. Af: Maar Pieter het geken en verstaan. En: But Pieter knew and understood. Af: Dit het hom net meer lief gemaak vir haar. En: It only made him love her more. Af: Hulle het begin stap. En: They began to hike. Af: Die pad op die berg was steil en rotsagtig. En: The path up the mountain was steep and rocky. Af: Maar die uitsig oor Kaapstad en die oseaan was asemrowend. En: But the view over Cape Town and the ocean was breathtaking. Af: Dit was soos om bo die wêreld te sweef. En: It was like floating above the world. Af: Elke nou en dan het Pieter vir Elna gekyk, maar haar gesig was ernstig. En: Every now and then, Pieter glanced at Elna, but her face was serious. Af: "Dink jy nie dit is pragtig nie? En: "Don't you think it's beautiful?" Af: " vra hy om haar aandag af te lei van die rotsagtige paadjie. En: he asked, trying to divert her attention from the rocky trail. Af: "Ja, dit is mooi," antwoord sy, maar haar stem hetgetril. En: "Yes, it is beautiful," she answered, but her voice trembled. Af: Die hoogte het haar nog steeds bang gemaak. En: The height still scared her. Af: Pieter het sy kans gesien. En: Pieter saw his chance. Af: Hy het gaan wag vir die perfekte oomblik om sy hartewens met haar te deel. En: He was waiting for the perfect moment to share his heart's desire with her. Af: Skielik het donker wolke die lug begin omhul. En: Suddenly, dark clouds started to envelop the sky. Af: 'n Donderslag het die stilte gebreek. En: A clap of thunder broke the silence. Af: "Ons moet skuil soek," sê Pieter onmiddellik. En: "We need to find shelter," Pieter said immediately. Af: Sy prioriteit het nou verander. En: His priority had now changed. Af: Dit was nie meer tyd vir romantiek nie, maar vir oorlewing. En: It was no longer time for romance, but for survival. Af: Hulle het vinniger begin beweeg. En: They began to move faster. Af: Reën het oor hulle getrek, die paadjie nat en glad gemaak. En: Rain swept over them, making the path wet and slippery. Af: "Hier is 'n grot," roep Pieter, terwyl hy na 'n klein opening in die berg wys. En: "There's a cave," Pieter called out, pointing to a small opening in the mountain. Af: Hulle het ingehardloop soos die blitse nader gekom het, die klanke van donderweer vul die lug. En: They ran in as the lightning drew closer, the sounds of thunder filling the air. Af: "In die grot was dit donker en klam. En: Inside the cave, it was dark and damp. Af: Elna het bewe van die koue en die vrees. En: Elna shivered from the cold and fear. Af: Sy het altyd 'n vrees vir donderstorms gehad. En: She always had a fear of thunderstorms. Af: En nou was sy op 'n hoogte, in 'n grot, met die storm buite. En: And now she was on a height, in a cave, with the storm outside. Af: "Pieter," fluister sy, "ek is bang. En: "Pieter," she whispered, "I'm scared." Af: "Pieter het sy arm om haar skouers gesit. En: Pieter put his arm around her shoulders. Af: "Ek is hier. En: "I'm here. Af: Ons gaan reg wees. En: We're going to be okay." Af: "Die donderweer het gebulder, en elke donderklap het gelyk of dit nader en nader kom. En: The thunder roared, and each clap seemed to come closer and closer. Af: Elna het teen Pieter aangesit, en hy het haar nader getrek. En: Elna pressed against Pieter, and he pulled her closer. Af: "Ek moet jou iets sê," sê hy sag. En: "I need to tell you something," he said softly. Af: Sy het opgekyk, haar oë groot en vol vrees en nuuskierigheid. En: She looked up, her eyes wide and full of fear and curiosity. Af: "Ja? En: "Yes?" Af: ""Elna, ek is lief vir jou. En: "Elna, I love you. Af: Ek wou dit sê toe ons bo-op die berg was, maar ek kan nie langer wag nie. En: I wanted to say it when we were at the top of the mountain, but I can't wait any longer. Af: Jy is my elke droom wat waar word. En: You are my every dream come true." Af: "Elna se oë het met trane gevul. En: Elna's eyes filled with tears. Af: "Pieter, ek. En: "Pieter, I... Af: ek is so bang vir hoogtes. En: I'm so afraid of heights. Af: Maar met jou, voel ek veilig. En: But with you, I feel safe. Af: Dankie dat jy daar is. En: Thank you for being there." Af: "Die storm het begin bedaar. En: The storm began to subside. Af: Die donderweer het weggesak en die reën het opgehou. En: The thunder faded and the rain stopped. Af: Stadig het hulle uit die grot gestap, hand aan hand. En: Slowly, they stepped out of the cave, hand in hand. Af: Die storm was oor, en die lug het begin opklaar. En: The storm was over, and the sky began to clear. Af: "Pieter," sê Elna, "ek het my vrese oorwin vandag, en dit is alles te danke aan jou. En: "Pieter," Elna said, "I overcame my fears today, and it's all thanks to you. Af: Ek is ook lief vir jou. En: I love you too." Af: "Op daardie oomblik het die son deur die wolke gekom, 'n reënboog oor die see en Kaapstad. En: At that moment, the sun broke through the clouds, casting a rainbow over the sea and Cape Town. Af: Hulle het na mekaar gekyk en geweet dat, ongeag die storm of hoogtes, hulle sou alles saam oorwin. En: They looked at each other and knew that, regardless of storms or heights, they would overcome everything together. Af: Hulle het die pad afgeneem, vaster aan mekaar en sekerder van hul gevoelens. En: They took the path down, closer to each other and more certain of their feelings. Af: Pieter het meer selfversekerd gevoel om sy emosies te wys, en Elna het sterker gevoel, gereed om enige vrees met hom aan haar sy te oorwin. En: Pieter felt more confident in showing his emotions, and Elna felt stronger, ready to conquer any fear with him by her side. Vocabulary Words: - cautious: versigtig - hesitant: huiwerig - sparkled: geblink - breathtaking: asemrowend - divert: aflei - trembled: getril - envelop: omhul - shelter: skuil - slippery: glad - damp: klam - shivered: bewe - whispered: fluister - thunderstorm: donderstorm - curiosity: nuuskierigheid - survival: oorlewing - priority: prioriteit - confidence: selfversekerd - lightning: blitse - faded: weggesak - romance: romantiek - emotions: emosies - fear: vrees - serious: ernstig - view: uitsig - steep: steil - coincidence: toevallig - trembling: bewe - confident: selfversekerd - dark: donker - sweat: sweet
    Played 19m 33s
  • When Drones Take Flight: Inside Cape Town's Startup Fiasco

    25 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: When Drones Take Flight: Inside Cape Town's Startup Fiasco Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/when-drones-take-flight-inside-cape-towns-startup-fiasco/ Story Transcript: Af: In 'n plek waar idees vlieg soos die woelig wind, daar in Kaapstad se startup-inkubator, staan Janco en Willemien reg vir 'n groot dag. En: In a place where ideas fly like the restless wind, there in Cape Town's startup incubator, Janco and Willemien stand ready for a big day. Af: Die winter het die stad in 'n koue greep, maar die passie in die inkubator is warm. En: Winter has gripped the city with cold, but the passion in the incubator is warm. Af: Drones wag in die hoek, blink en gereed. En: Drones wait in the corner, shiny and ready. Af: Janco is vol energie, sy oë blink as hy vertel van hul nuwe tegnologie. En: Janco is full of energy, his eyes sparkling as he talks about their new technology. Af: "Ons kan dit maak, Willemien! Ons gaan hulle beïndruk," sê hy selfversekerd. En: "We can do this, Willemien! We're going to impress them," he says confidently. Af: Willemien sug en kyk na hom. En: Willemien sighs and looks at him. Af: "Miskien, Janco. Maar ons moet seker maak alles werk voor ons begin," sê sy kalm. En: "Maybe, Janco. But we need to make sure everything works before we start," she says calmly. Af: Die lokaal is modern en helder, met skoon lyne en minimalistiese meubels. En: The space is modern and bright, with clean lines and minimalist furniture. Af: Groot vensters gee 'n uitsig oor die misbedekte berge. En: Large windows offer a view of the misty mountains. Af: Die lug is vars en skerp. En: The air is fresh and crisp. Af: Die beleggers, belangrik en nuuskierig, sit om 'n blink tafel. En: The investors, important and curious, sit around a shiny table. Af: Janco begin sy voorlegging. En: Janco begins his presentation. Af: Hy druk 'n knoppie, en een van die drones styg op. En: He presses a button, and one of the drones takes off. Af: Dit draai glad en elegant in die lug. En: It glides smoothly and elegantly in the air. Af: Skielik begin die ander drones ook opstyg, heeltemal teen Janco se plan. En: Suddenly, the other drones also start to take off, completely against Janco's plan. Af: Paniekerig druk hy knoppe, maar dit help nie. En: Panicking, he presses buttons, but it doesn't help. Af: Die drones skreeu en draai wild in die lug. En: The drones screech and spin wildly in the air. Af: Beleggers duik onder tafels weg terwyl drones teen mure bots en meubels tref. En: Investors dive under tables as drones crash into walls and hit furniture. Af: Willemien roep: "Janco, stop onmiddellik!" En: Willemien calls out, "Janco, stop immediately!" Af: Maar Janco sien 'n geleentheid. En: But Janco sees an opportunity. Af: Hy wring een drone en beheer dit versigtig. En: He wrestles one drone and carefully controls it. Af: Almal staar in stomme verbasing. En: Everyone stares in stunned amazement. Af: Hy demonstreer 'n indrukwekkende maneuver, die drone sweef deur klein spasies en draai in perfekte sirkels. En: He demonstrates an impressive maneuver, the drone sweeps through small spaces and turns in perfect circles. Af: Die kamer raak stil. En: The room falls silent. Af: Die drones land, kapot en beskadig. En: The drones land, broken and damaged. Af: Janco is sweterig en rooi in die gesig. En: Janco is sweaty and red-faced. Af: Willemien staan langs hom, haar hand op sy skouer. En: Willemien stands next to him, her hand on his shoulder. Af: Die beleggers verlaat hul skuilings, stadig en versigtig. En: The investors leave their shelters, slowly and cautiously. Af: "Dit was... indrukwekkend," sê een belegger met 'n glimlag. En: "That was... impressive," says one investor with a smile. Af: "Maar dit is duidelik, julle het meer werk nodig." En: "But clearly, you need more work." Af: Janco knik nederig. En: Janco nods humbly. Af: "Ek weet, ons sal aan die foute werk." En: "I know, we'll work on the flaws." Af: "Ons sal julle befonds, maar Willemien moet die tegniese verbetering lei," sê die belegger streng. En: "We will fund you, but Willemien must lead the technical improvements," says the investor sternly. Af: Janco kyk na Willemien en glimlag. En: Janco looks at Willemien and smiles. Af: "Ek stem saam," sê hy. En: "I agree," he says. Af: Willemien glimlag ook. En: Willemien smiles too. Af: Die beleggers verlaat die lokaal, tevrede met die potensiaal gevind. En: The investors leave the space, satisfied with the potential they found. Af: Janco en Willemien staan saam in die stillerige lokaal. En: Janco and Willemien stand together in the now quieter room. Af: "Jy het goed gevaar," sê Willemien. En: "You did well," says Willemien. Af: "En jy ook," antwoord Janco. En: "And so did you," answers Janco. Af: "Ek besef nou hoe belangrik jou beplanning is." En: "I realize now how important your planning is." Af: "En ek waardeer jou durf," sê Willemien. En: "And I appreciate your daring," says Willemien. Af: Saam besef hulle dat balans tussen risiko en beplanning die sleutel is. En: Together they understand that balance between risk and planning is the key. Af: Die koue Kaapse lug voel bietjie warmer, en die toekoms skyn helder. En: The cold Cape Town air feels a bit warmer, and the future looks bright. Vocabulary Words: - restless: woelig - gripped: greep - minimalist: minimalistiese - presentation: voorlegging - misty: misbedekte - glides: glad - elegantly: elegant - panicking: paniekerig - buttons: knoppe - screech: skreeu - spin: draai - wrestles: wring - maneuver: maneuver - sweeps: sweef - silent: stil - broken: kapot - damaged: beskadig - shelters: skuilings - impressive: indrukwekkend - flaws: foute - humbly: nederig - sternly: streng - daring: durf - appreciate: waardeer - balance: balans - risk: risiko - planning: beplanning - satisfied: tevrede - curious: nuuskierig - opportunity: geleentheid
    Played 16m 31s
  • Photography & Words: Inspiration on the Garden Route

    24 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Photography & Words: Inspiration on the Garden Route Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/photography-words-inspiration-on-the-garden-route/ Story Transcript: Af: Luan staan langs die pad, sy kamera in die hand. En: Luan stands by the side of the road, his camera in hand. Af: Die briesie van die see maak sy hare deurmekaar. En: The sea breeze tousles his hair. Af: Die son sak stadiger as wat hy ooit gesien het. En: The sun is setting slower than he has ever seen. Af: Hy voel verlore. En: He feels lost. Af: Net 'n paar meter verder, leun Elise oor die reling. En: Just a few meters away, Elise leans over the railing. Af: Sy kyk na die golf breuke en sug. En: She watches the waves break and sighs. Af: Sy wonder of sy ooit weer sal kan skryf. En: She wonders if she will ever be able to write again. Af: Haar pen het stil geword. En: Her pen has fallen silent. Af: Luan stap nader. En: Luan steps closer. Af: "Dis mooi, né? En: "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Af: " sê hy. En: he says. Af: Elise glimlag skaars. En: Elise barely smiles. Af: "Ja, dis pragtig. En: "Yes, it's gorgeous." Af: " Sy draai om en ontmoet sy oë. En: She turns and meets his eyes. Af: "Ek is Elise. En: "I'm Elise." Af: ""Luan," sê hy, en steek sy hand uit. En: "Luan," he says, extending his hand. Af: Hulle sit saam op 'n houtbankie. En: They sit together on a wooden bench. Af: "Wat doen jy hier? En: "What are you doing here?" Af: " vra Elise. En: asks Elise. Af: "Ek is 'n fotograaf," sê Luan. En: "I'm a photographer," says Luan. Af: "Soek inspirasie. En: "Looking for inspiration. Af: En jy? En: And you?" Af: ""Ek is 'n skrywer, probeer 'n storie begin. En: "I'm a writer, trying to start a story." Af: " Elise kyk na die horison. En: Elise looks at the horizon. Af: Die volgende dag, loop hulle mekaar weer raak by 'n kospadstal. En: The next day, they run into each other again at a food stall. Af: "Wil jy saamry? En: "Want to join me?" Af: " vra Luan impulsief. En: asks Luan impulsively. Af: Elise dink kort. En: Elise thinks briefly. Af: "Ja, hoekom nie? En: "Yes, why not? Af: Ek het niks om te verloor nie. En: I have nothing to lose." Af: "En so ry hulle oor die kronkelende paaie van die Tuinroete. En: And so they drive along the winding roads of the Garden Route. Af: Hulle stop by verlate strandjies, bospaadjies, en stille klein dorpe. En: They stop at deserted beaches, forest paths, and quiet little towns. Af: Maar alhoewel hulle saam was, bly hulle op 'n afstand. En: But although they were together, they remained distant. Af: Luan se kamera klik, en Elise se notaboek bly leeg. En: Luan's camera clicks, and Elise's notebook stays empty. Af: Op een pragtige wintersdag stop hulle by 'n kloof. En: On one beautiful winter's day, they stop at a gorge. Af: Die uitsig is asemrowend. En: The view is breathtaking. Af: Luan soek na die perfekte hoek, terwyl Elise probeer skryf. En: Luan searches for the perfect angle while Elise tries to write. Af: Skielik ontplof 'n rusie. En: Suddenly, an argument erupts. Af: "Jy verstaan nie! En: "You don't understand!" Af: ” roep Luan. En: shouts Luan. Af: "Ek soek betekenis in my foto's. En: "I'm looking for meaning in my photos." Af: ""En jy dink ek het dit maklik? En: "And you think it's easy for me?" Af: " Elise se stem tril. En: Elise's voice trembles. Af: "Ek probeer woorde vind wat ek nie eens het nie. En: "I'm trying to find words I don't even have." Af: "Hulle staar mekaar aan, die spanning dig. En: They stare at each other, tension thick. Af: Dan, stadig, begin hulle praat. En: Then, slowly, they begin to talk. Af: Dieper dinge, seer dinge - hulle hartseer en drome. En: Deeper things, painful things—their sadness and dreams. Af: Hulle sien mekaar vir die eerste keer regtig. En: They see each other truly for the first time. Af: Daarna sit hulle stil. En: Afterward, they sit quietly. Af: Die kloof om hulle is nou net 'n agtergrond. En: The gorge around them is now just a backdrop. Af: "Ek wil hê jy moet bly," sê Luan sag. En: "I want you to stay," says Luan softly. Af: "Ek wil bly," antwoord Elise. En: "I want to stay," Elise responds. Af: Met nuwe begrip en 'n vars gevoel van koers, reis hulle verder saam. En: With a new understanding and a fresh sense of direction, they continue their journey together. Af: Luan se foto's begin lewe. En: Luan's photos come to life. Af: Elise se pen vind ritme. En: Elise's pen finds rhythm. Af: Teen die einde van hul reis, staan hul op 'n hoë krans. En: By the end of their journey, they stand on a high cliff. Af: Die son sak weer, maar hierdie keer voel niks verlore nie. En: The sun sets again, but this time nothing feels lost. Af: Hulle kyk na mekaar en weet hulle het gevind wat hul gesoek het, in hulself en in mekaar. En: They look at each other and know they have found what they were seeking, in themselves and in each other. Af: Luan voel vol doel. En: Luan feels full of purpose. Af: Elise se storie blom. En: Elise's story blooms. Af: En hul pad saam voel net soos die regte storie. En: And their path together feels just like the right story. Vocabulary Words: - breeze: briesie - to tousle: maak deurmekaar - lost: verlore - railing: reling - sigh: sug - fallen: geval - gorgeous: pragtig - to extend: steek uit - inspiration: inspirasie - horizon: horison - to join: saamry - impulsively: impulsief - to lose: verloor - winding: kronkelende - deserted: verlate - forest paths: bospaadjies - distant: afstand - breathtaking: asemrowend - angle: hoek - argument: rusie - to search: soek - meaning: betekenis - to tremble: tril - tension: spanning - gorge: kloof - understanding: begrip - direction: koers - to bloom: blom - purpose: doel - path: pad
    Played 16m 38s
  • The Shearer’s Challenge: A Village Bet Transformed

    23 JUN 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: The Shearer’s Challenge: A Village Bet Transformed Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/the-shearers-challenge-a-village-bet-transformed/ Story Transcript: Af: Pieter stap deur die koue, stil strate van die bergdorpie. En: Pieter walks through the cold, quiet streets of the mountain village. Af: Sy asem vorm wolkies in die yskoue lug. En: His breath forms little clouds in the icy air. Af: Hy sien 'n bordjie: "Skaapskeerkompetisie Vandag! En: He sees a sign: "Sheep Shearing Competition Today!" Af: ""Nooit geskeer nie, maar hoe moeilik kan dit wees? En: "Never sheared before, but how hard can it be?" Af: " flits die gedagte by hom op. En: the thought flashes through his mind. Af: Hy het onlangs met 'n vriend gewed hy kan enigiets doen. En: He recently bet a friend that he could do anything. Af: Hierdie was sy kans om te wys hy is reg. En: This was his chance to prove he was right. Af: Pieter stap na die dorpsplein. En: Pieter heads to the town square. Af: Dit is bedrywig met mense. En: It’s bustling with people. Af: Daar is 'n groot omheining vol blêrende skape. En: There’s a large enclosure full of bleating sheep. Af: Hy sien plaaslike skapeerders met hul skerp skêre en kyk hoe hulle vlot werk. En: He watches local shearers with their sharp shears and sees how efficiently they work. Af: 'N Inspekteur sien Pieter kom aangestap. En: An inspector sees Pieter approaching. Af: "Wil jy deelneem? En: "Want to participate?" Af: " vra hy vriendelik. En: he asks kindly. Af: "Pieter aanvaar, probeer selfversekerd lyk. En: Pieter accepts, trying to look confident. Af: "Reg," sê hy met ‘n glimlag, maar binne voel hy angstig. En: "Sure," he says with a smile, but inside he feels anxious. Af: Hy het nog nooit 'n skaap geskeer nie. En: He has never sheared a sheep before. Af: Hy besluit om raad by die plaaslike mense te vra. En: He decides to seek advice from the locals. Af: Hy kyk om hom rond, op soek na iemand wat kan help. En: He looks around, searching for someone who can help. Af: Hy sien 'n ouer boer, met ‘n vriendelike gesig. En: He sees an older farmer with a friendly face. Af: "Jou eerste keer? En: "Your first time?" Af: " vra die boer. En: the farmer asks. Af: "Ja," antwoord Pieter skaam. En: "Yes," Pieter responds shyly. Af: "En ek weet nie eintlik hoe nie. En: "And I don't really know how." Af: "Die boer lag, "Dis nie maklik nie, maar ek sal jou help. En: The farmer laughs, "It’s not easy, but I'll help you." Af: " Hy wys hom hoe om die skêr reg te hou en hoe om die skaap stil te maak. En: He shows him how to hold the shears properly and how to calm the sheep. Af: Pieter voel effens meer op sy gemak. En: Pieter feels slightly more at ease. Af: Pieter se naam word geroep. En: Pieter's name is called. Af: Hy stap nader, vat 'n skêr en kies 'n skaap. En: He steps forward, grabs a pair of shears, and chooses a sheep. Af: Die skaap kyk hom aan, lyk glad nie gelukkig nie. En: The sheep looks at him, clearly not pleased. Af: Pieter probeer die skaap stil maak, maar die skaap spring weg. En: Pieter tries to calm the sheep, but it jumps away. Af: Hy verloor sy balans en val op die grond. En: He loses his balance and falls to the ground. Af: Die skare lag, maar Pieter staan op en probeer weer. En: The crowd laughs, but Pieter stands up and tries again. Af: Hy begin skeer, maar die skaap beweeg onrustig. En: He starts shearing, but the sheep moves restlessly. Af: Stukkies wol vlieg rond. En: Bits of wool fly around. Af: Pieter se hande bewe, maar hy hou aan probeer. En: Pieter's hands tremble, but he keeps trying. Af: Dan kom 'n groot, hardkoppige skaap voor Pieter staan. En: Then a large, stubborn sheep stands in front of Pieter. Af: Hy kyk na die ondier, voel sy hart vinniger klop. En: He looks at the animal, feeling his heart race. Af: Hy weet die skaap gaan moeilik wees. En: He knows this sheep will be difficult. Af: Hy vat die skêr en probeer weer, maar die skaap spring weg en hardloop deur die skare. En: He grabs the shears and tries again, but the sheep jumps away and runs through the crowd. Af: Mense skree en lag. En: People shout and laugh. Af: Die skaap stamp kratte om en wol is oraloor. En: The sheep knocks over crates and wool is everywhere. Af: Pieter hardloop agter die skaap aan, probeer hom vang. En: Pieter runs after the sheep, trying to catch it. Af: Uiteindelik help die boer hom om die skaap stil te maak. En: Eventually, the farmer helps him calm the sheep down. Af: Hy hou die skaap vas terwyl Pieter eindelik die laaste stukke wol afskeer. En: He holds the sheep while Pieter finally finishes shearing the last bits of wool. Af: Die kompetisie eindig, en daar is gelag en applous. En: The competition ends, and there is laughter and applause. Af: Pieter het laas gekom, maar hy glimlag. En: Pieter came in last, but he smiles. Af: Hy het probeer en nie moed opgegee nie. En: He tried and didn't give up. Af: Die boer klop hom op die rug. En: The farmer pats him on the back. Af: "Jy het goed gedoen, seun. En: "You did well, son. Af: Dit verg moed. En: It takes courage." Af: "Pieter voel trots. En: Pieter feels proud. Af: Hy besef hy hoef nie alles perfek te doen nie. En: He realizes he doesn't have to do everything perfectly. Af: Dit is belangrik om jou beste te gee. En: It’s important to give your best. Af: Die dorpenaars het hom met vriendelikheid ontmoet. En: The villagers met him with kindness. Af: Hy voel gelukkig en aanvaar die bêtering met 'n nuwe perspektief. En: He feels happy and embraces the experience with a new perspective. Af: Hy ontmoet sy vriend aan die einde van die dag. En: He meets his friend at the end of the day. Af: "Jy was reg," sê Pieter, "maar ek het iets anders gewen. En: "You were right," Pieter says, "but I won something else." Af: " En met daardie woorde, lag hulle saam in die helder koue lug van die bergdorpie. En: And with those words, they laugh together in the bright, cold air of the mountain village. Vocabulary Words: - mountain: berg - village: dorpie - breath: asem - clouds: wolkies - icy: yskoue - competition: kompetisie - recently: onlangs - bet: gewed - square: dorpsplein - bustling: bedrywig - enclosure: omheining - bleating: blêrende - shearers: skapeerders - inspector: inspekteur - participate: deelneem - confident: selfversekerd - advice: raad - anxious: angstig - tremble: bewe - perspective: perspektief - shears: skêr - tremble: bewe - stance: posisie - stubborn: hardkoppig - fall: val - crates: kratte - wool: wol - calm: stil - grab: vat - crowd: skare
    Played 17m 52s

Are you ready to supercharge your Afrikaans listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition...

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Are you ready to supercharge your Afrikaans listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Afrikaans, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Afrikaans and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Cape Town, Stellenbosch, or Franschhoek? Maybe you want to speak Afrikaans with your grandparents from Pretoria?

Our podcast will equip you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Afrikaans is primarily spoken, such as South Africa and Namibia. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Afrikaans listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Verbeter jou luistervaardigheid vandag met ons Afrikaanse stories!
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