
Splash and Recovery: Drama at Lake Bled

May 1, 2024 · 14m 20s
Splash and Recovery: Drama at Lake Bled

01 · Main Story

1m 38s

02 · Vocabulary Words



Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Splash and Recovery: Drama at Lake Bled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nekoč, ko so prvi žarki zajeli...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Splash and Recovery: Drama at Lake Bled
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Nekoč, ko so prvi žarki zajeli jezero Bled, je Ana skupaj z Luko in Majo obiskala to čudovito mesto.
En: Once, when the first rays embraced Lake Bled, Ana visited this beautiful place with Luka and Maja.

Sl: Zrak je bil svež in površina jezera kot ogledalo, ki odbija okoliške gore.
En: The air was fresh and the surface of the lake resembled a mirror reflecting the surrounding mountains.

Sl: Ana, vedno nasmejana in polna energije, je predlagala, da naredijo skupinsko selfi fotografijo pred blejskim otokom.
En: Ana, always smiling and full of energy, suggested taking a group selfie in front of the Bled Island.

Sl: "Bo popolno za moj Instagram," je rekla in vzela svoj telefon.
En: "It will be perfect for my Instagram," she said, taking out her phone.

Sl: Vsi so se postavili skupaj, Ana je dvignila telefon, iskala popolno svetlobo in – "Oh ne!" – nesreča se je zgodila.
En: Everyone gathered together, Ana raised the phone, searching for the perfect light, and then, "Oh no!" - the accident happened.

Sl: Telefon ji je zdrsnil iz rok in padel naravnost v jezero.
En: The phone slipped from her hands and fell straight into the lake.

Sl: Lukov obraz je zbledel. "Anin telefon! Vsa njena dela in spomini," je zaklical.
En: Luka's face turned pale. "Ana's phone! All her work and memories," he exclaimed.

Sl: Maja, ki je bila vedno umirjena, je predlagala, da hitro ukrepajo. "Luka, ti si najboljši plavalec. Lahko poskusiš potopiti in ga najti," je rekla.
En: Maja, always calm, suggested they take quick action. "Luka, you're the best swimmer. You can try diving in to find it," she said.

Sl: Luka, ne da bi okleval, je snel majico in skočil v hladno jezersko vodo.
En: Without hesitation, Luka took off his shirt and jumped into the cold lake water.

Sl: Ana in Maja sta čakali na obali, nemočni in zaskrbljeni.
En: Ana and Maja waited on the shore, feeling helpless and worried.

Sl: "Upam, da bo našel telefon," je Maja potolažila Ano, ki je bila zelo žalostna.
En: "I hope he finds the phone," Maja comforted Ana, who was very upset.

Sl: Pod vodo je Luka naletel na problem. Jezero je bilo globlje, kot je pričakoval, dno pa je bilo temno in blatno.
En: Underwater, Luka encountered a problem. The lake was deeper than he expected, and the bottom was dark and muddy.

Sl: Toda ni se dal. Po nekaj minutah je na dnu zagledal nekaj, kar se je svetlikalo.
En: But he didn't give up. After a few minutes, he spotted something shimmering at the bottom.

Sl: Bil je Anin telefon, ujet med kamni in rastlinjem.
En: It was Ana's phone, trapped among rocks and vegetation.

Sl: Ko je Luka priplaval nazaj na površje z Aninim telefonom v roki, so bili vsi presrečni.
En: When Luka resurfaced with Ana's phone in hand, everyone was overjoyed.

Sl: Čeprav je bil telefon moker, so upali na najboljše.
En: Although the phone was wet, they hoped for the best.

Sl: Maja, ki je vedno imela dobre ideje, je predlagala, da telefon takoj posušijo. "Poskusimo ga posušiti z rižem," je predlagala.
En: Maja, always full of good ideas, suggested they try to dry the phone immediately. "Let's try drying it with rice," she proposed.

Sl: Zavili so se v bližnji bar in prosili za riž.
En: They wrapped themselves in a nearby bar and asked for rice.

Sl: Potopili so mokri telefon vanj in čakali.
En: They submerged the wet phone in it and waited.

Sl: Kaj čudovito je bilo videti, kako so vsi v baru ponudili svojo pomoč in podporo.
En: It was wonderful to see everyone in the bar offering their help and support.

Sl: Čas je minil in napočil je trenutek resnice.
En: Time passed, and the moment of truth arrived.

Sl: Ko so telefon vzeli iz riža, je Anina roka trepetala, ko ga je prižgala.
En: When they took the phone out of the rice, Ana's hand trembled as she turned it on.

Sl: In... telefon je deloval!
En: And... the phone worked!

Sl: Vsi so zajubili od veselja in Anino olajšanje je bilo neskončno.
En: They all cheered with joy, and Ana's relief was infinite.

Sl: Dogodivščina ob jezeru Bled je postala eden izmed Aninih najdragocenejših spominov, ki pa, na njeno srečo, niso izginili v globinah jezera.
En: The adventure at Lake Bled became one of Ana's most cherished memories, which, to her fortune, did not vanish into the depths of the lake.

Sl: S prijatelji so delili objem in se smejali, obljubili so, da bodo naslednjič bolj pazljivi pri fotografiranju.
En: With her friends, they shared a hug and laughter, promising to be more careful when taking photos next time.

Sl: In tako se je dan, ki se je začel s kaosom, končal s srečo in zgodbo, o kateri bodo lahko pripovedovali še dolgo časa.
En: And so, a day that began with chaos ended with happiness and a story they could tell for a long time.

Vocabulary Words:
  • rays: žarki
  • embraced: objeli
  • surface: površina
  • resembled: spominjal
  • selfie: selfi
  • reflected: odražal
  • encountered: naletel
  • shimmering: svetlikajoče
  • trapped: ujet
  • resurfaced: priplaval
  • overjoyed: presrečni
  • submerged: potopili
  • trembled: tresla
  • vanish: izginili
  • chaos: kaos
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