Splash into Laughter: A Ljubljana Misadventure

Jan 13, 2024 · 14m 24s
Splash into Laughter: A Ljubljana Misadventure

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 38s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Splash into Laughter: A Ljubljana Misadventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/splash-into-laughter-a-ljubljana-misadventure/ Story Transcript: Sl: Nekoč, sredi sončnega popoldneva, so se trije...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Splash into Laughter: A Ljubljana Misadventure
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Nekoč, sredi sončnega popoldneva, so se trije prijatelji, Luka, Maja in Ana, sprehajali po živahnih ulicah Ljubljane.
En: Once, in the middle of a sunny afternoon, three friends, Luka, Maja, and Ana, were walking through the lively streets of Ljubljana.

Sl: Luka, vedno poln energije in smeha, je hodil z občasno akrobacijo na robu pločnika, kot bi bil v cirkusu.
En: Luka, always full of energy and laughter, occasionally walked on the edge of the sidewalk, performing acrobatics as if he were in a circus.

Sl: Mesto je bilo polno turistov in domačinov, ki so uživali v lepoti glavnega mesta.
En: The city was full of tourists and locals enjoying the beauty of the capital.

Sl: Najstarejše drevesa so nežno šumela v lahkotnem vetriču in dišalo je po sveže pečenih krofih.
En: The oldest trees gently whispered in the light breeze, and the air was filled with the smell of freshly baked doughnuts.

Sl: Naši prijatelji so prispeli do znamenitega Tromostovja, čudeža arhitekture, kjer se je Ljubljanica lesketa kot ogledalo, ki odseva staro mestno jedro.
En: Our friends reached the famous Triple Bridge, an architectural marvel, where the Ljubljanica river shimmered like a mirror reflecting the old city center.

Sl: Prijatelji so se ustavili ob stojnici s sladoledom.
En: The friends stopped at an ice cream stand.

Sl: Luka, ki obožuje sladko hrano, je izbral največji kepico vaniljevega sladoleda na svetu.
En: Luka, who adores sweet food, picked the biggest scoop of vanilla ice cream in the world.

Sl: S kepico v roki je nadaljeval s sprehodom čez most, ko je opazil deklico, ki je hranila race.
En: Holding the scoop, he continued walking across the bridge when he noticed a girl feeding the ducks.

Sl: Luka je hotel pokazati prijateljicam, kako se race zgrinjajo k hrani.
En: Luka wanted to show his friends how the ducks flock to the food.

Sl: A kaj ko se je, ne da bi opazil rob mostu, spotaknil in z velikim pljuskom pristal v Ljubljanici, sladoled pa je počasi plaval po vodni gladini.
En: Unfortunately, without noticing the edge of the bridge, he stumbled and ended up in the Ljubljanica river with a big splash, while the ice cream slowly floated on the water's surface.

Sl: Maja in Ana sta se takoj začeli smejati, ko sta spoznali, da se Luki ni nič hudega zgodilo.
En: Maja and Ana immediately burst into laughter when they realized that Luka was unharmed.

Sl: Ljudje okoli njih so se ustavili in mu ponudili pomoč, medtem ko so se otroci smejali in pokazali s prstom na zabavno prizorišče.
En: People around them stopped and offered help, while children laughed and pointed at the amusing scene.

Sl: Moker od nog do glave je Luka odkorakal iz reke, še vedno nasmejan zaradi svojega nenavadnega padca.
En: Drenched from head to toe, Luka walked out of the river, still smiling at his unusual fall.

Sl: "Največja atrakcija Ljubljane, ki ni napisana v nobenem turističnem vodiču," je v smehu dejal Luka.
En: "Ljubljana's greatest attraction not found in any tourist guide," Luka joked.

Sl: Maja in Ana sta mu prinesli brisačo in suha oblačila, ki sta jih imeli v nahrbtniku za primer dežja.
En: Maja and Ana brought him a towel and dry clothes from their backpack in case of rain.

Sl: Po nekaj minutah je bil Luka spet suh in pripravljen za nove avanture.
En: After a few minutes, Luka was dry again and ready for new adventures.

Sl: Prijatelji so obljubili, da bodo Lukov padec ohranili kot skrivnost, a tisti sladoled…ah, tisti sladoled je postal legenda med racami na Ljubljanici.
En: The friends promised to keep Luka's fall a secret, but that ice cream... ah, that ice cream became a legend among the ducks on the Ljubljanica.

Sl: Vedno, ko so prišli do mostu, so se spomnili na tisti dan in znova se jim je prikradel nasmeh na obraz.
En: Whenever they reached the bridge, they remembered that day, and a smile crept onto their faces once again.

Sl: In na koncu so spoznali, da je smeh, ki ga deliš s prijatelji, najbolj dragocen spomin, ki ga nosiš s seboj.
En: In the end, they realized that laughter shared with friends is the most precious memory to carry with you.

Sl: Ljubljana pa je s svojimi čari in mostovi postala še nekoliko bolj posebna za Luko, Majo in Ano.
En: Ljubljana, with its charms and bridges, became even more special for Luka, Maja, and Ana.

Vocabulary Words:
  • friends: prijatelji
  • sunny: sončno
  • afternoon: popoldne
  • lively: živahen
  • streets: ulice
  • sidewalk: pločnik
  • acrobatics: akrobacija
  • tourists: turisti
  • locals: domačini
  • enjoying: uživanje
  • beauty: lepota
  • capital: glavno mesto
  • whispered: šumela
  • breeze: vetrič
  • smell: vonj
  • doughnuts: krofi
  • famous: znamenit
  • architectural marvel: čudež arhitekture
  • shimmered: lesketal
  • mirror: ogledalo
  • reflecting: odseva
  • stopped: ustavili
  • offered: ponudili
  • help: pomoč
  • laughed: smejali
  • amusing: zabavno
  • scene: prizorišče
  • drenched: moker
  • unusual: nenavaden
  • joked: v smehu dejal
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Author FluentFiction.org
Organization Kameron Kilchrist
Website www.fluentfiction.org

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