
Spring Laughs in Ljubljana

Mar 6, 2024 · 12m 22s
Spring Laughs in Ljubljana

01 · Main Story

1m 40s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 13s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Spring Laughs in Ljubljana Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Maja je zjutraj odprla okno svoje sobe in vdihnila...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Spring Laughs in Ljubljana
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Maja je zjutraj odprla okno svoje sobe in vdihnila svež zrak.
En: Maja opened the window of her room in the morning and took in the fresh air.

Sl: Pomlad se je prebujala v Ljubljani.
En: Spring was awakening in Ljubljana.

Sl: Ptički so peli, in Maja se je odločila, da bo danes obiskala znameniti ljubljanski Tromostovje.
En: The birds were singing, and Maja decided that today she would visit the famous Triple Bridge in Ljubljana.

Sl: Tako se je Maja pripravila in krenila skozi staro mestno jedro.
En: So Maja got ready and walked through the old city center.

Sl: Nedeljsko jutro je bilo živahno in barvito, ljudje so se smejali in klepetali.
En: The Sunday morning was lively and colorful, with people laughing and chatting.

Sl: Maja se je veselila, da se bo srečala z Luko, svojim dolgoletnim prijateljem.
En: Maja was looking forward to meeting Luka, her longtime friend.

Sl: Dogovorila sta se, da se dobijo tam z Ano, njuno skupno prijateljico.
En: They had arranged to meet there with Ana, their mutual friend.

Sl: Ko je hodila proti Tromostovju, je zagledala fanta s kitaro.
En: As she walked towards the Triple Bridge, she saw a boy with a guitar.

Sl: Mislila je, da je Luka, saj je tudi on pogosto igral kitaro na tem mestu.
En: She thought it was Luka, as he also often played the guitar in that spot.

Sl: Z veseljem je stekla k njemu in začela govoriti: "Luka, končno sem te našla!
En: She joyfully ran up to him and started speaking, "Luka, I finally found you!

Sl: Vedno si tako poln presenečenj!
En: You are always so full of surprises!"

Sl: "Fant se je zmedeno nasmejal in še naprej igral na kitaro.
En: The boy smiled in confusion and continued playing the guitar.

Sl: Maja je nadaljevala z naključnim klepetom o svojem tednu, vse dokler ni opazila, da nekaj ni prav.
En: Maja continued chatting randomly about her week until she noticed that something was not right.

Sl: Fant sploh ni bil Luka!
En: The boy was not Luka at all!

Sl: "Oprosti, mislila sem, da si moj prijatelj," je pordela Maja.
En: "Sorry, I thought you were my friend," Maja blushed.

Sl: Street glasbenik se je glasno zasmejal in ji odgovoril z milim glasom: "Ni problema, zgodi se.
En: The street musician laughed heartily and replied in a kind voice, "No problem, it happens.

Sl: Moje ime je Marko.
En: My name is Marko.

Sl: Ampak to je bilo precej zabavno, moram priznati.
En: But that was quite funny, I must admit."

Sl: "V tistem trenutku je prišel pravi Luka v spremstvu Ane.
En: At that moment, the real Luka arrived with Ana.

Sl: Oba so se smejala, ko so videla Majino rdečico.
En: Both of them laughed when they saw Maja's blush.

Sl: "Maja, vedno se ti zgodi kaj zabavnega," je rekel Luka.
En: "Maja, something funny always happens to you," said Luka.

Sl: "Res je, vedno prineseš smeh," je dodala Ana in se stisnila k Maji.
En: "Indeed, you always bring laughter," added Ana, hugging Maja.

Sl: Skupaj so se smejali Majinemu zabavnemu trenutku.
En: Together, they laughed at Maja's amusing moment.

Sl: Marko, street glasbenik, pa je celotno izmenjavo opazoval z nasmehom.
En: Marko, the street musician, watched the whole exchange with a smile.

Sl: Ponudil jim je brezplačno pesem in tako so vsi skupaj preživeli lepo nedeljsko dopoldne ob glasbi in smehu ob bregu reke Ljubljanice.
En: He offered them a free song, and so they all spent a lovely Sunday morning together with music and laughter by the banks of the Ljubljanica River.

Sl: Maja je ob koncu dneva odšla domov, s seboj pa nosila spomin na še eno smešno zgodbo, ki jo bo lahko pripovedovala.
En: At the end of the day, Maja went home, carrying with her the memory of another funny story to tell.

Sl: In vedela je, da kljub majhnim napakam, kot je zamenjava oseb, Ljubljana in njeni prijatelji ustvarjajo trenutke, ki jih bo vedno cenila.
En: And she knew that despite small mistakes like mixing up people, Ljubljana and her friends create moments that she will always cherish.

Vocabulary Words:
  • fresh: svež
  • awakening: prebujala
  • lively: živahno
  • chatting: klepetali
  • joyfully: vesel
  • chatting: klepetom
  • confusion: zmedeno
  • laughed: smejala
  • amusing: smešno
  • street: ulica
  • exchanged: izmenjavo
  • blush: rdečico
  • memory: spomin
  • cherish: cenila
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