
Spring Splendor: Love and Traditions in the Tatras Festival

May 16, 2024 · 13m 42s
Spring Splendor: Love and Traditions in the Tatras Festival

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 9s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Spring Splendor: Love and Traditions in the Tatras Festival Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: V krásnom Tatrách, na...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Spring Splendor: Love and Traditions in the Tatras Festival
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Story Transcript:

Sk: V krásnom Tatrách, na jar, sa konal tradičný festival.
En: In the beautiful Tatras, a traditional festival took place in spring.

Sk: Ján a Zuzana sa tešili na tento deň.
En: Ján and Zuzana were looking forward to this day.

Sk: Ráno sa prebudili s úsmevom.
En: They woke up with a smile in the morning.

Sk: Vzduch bol čerstvý a vonku sa rozprestierali nádherné hory.
En: The air was fresh and the magnificent mountains spread out outside.

Sk: Ján a Zuzana chodili po dedine.
En: Ján and Zuzana walked around the village.

Sk: Dedina bola plná farieb a zvukov.
En: The village was full of colors and sounds.

Sk: Všade boli stánky.
En: There were stalls everywhere.

Sk: Predajcovia ponúkali tradičné jedlá.
En: Vendors offered traditional foods.

Sk: Bola tam aj ľudová hudba.
En: There was also folk music.

Sk: „Zuzana, pozrime sa na tanec!
En: "Zuzana, let's watch the dance!"

Sk: “ navrhol Ján.
En: suggested Ján.

Sk: Šli k pódiu.
En: They went to the stage.

Sk: Na pódiu tancovali muži a ženy v krojoch.
En: Men and women in traditional costumes danced on the stage.

Sk: Tance boli krásne a plné energie.
En: The dances were beautiful and full of energy.

Sk: Po tanci sa Ján a Zuzana vybrali na pohárik medoviny.
En: After the dance, Ján and Zuzana went for a glass of mead.

Sk: Medovina bola sladká a teplá.
En: The mead was sweet and warm.

Sk: „Toto je najlepšia medovina, akú som kedy pil,“ povedal Ján.
En: "This is the best mead I've ever tasted," said Ján.

Sk: Zuzana sa usmiala a prikývla.
En: Zuzana smiled and nodded.

Sk: Keď sa obzerali po stánkoch, Zuzana zbadala krásny náhrdelník.
En: As they were browsing the stalls, Zuzana noticed a beautiful necklace.

Sk: Ján si to všimol.
En: Ján noticed it too.

Sk: „Chceš ho?
En: "Do you want it?"

Sk: “ spýtal sa Ján.
En: asked Ján.

Sk: Zuzana neisto prikývla.
En: Zuzana hesitantly nodded.

Sk: Ján kúpil náhrdelník a dal ho Zuzane.
En: Ján bought the necklace and gave it to Zuzana.

Sk: Zuzana bola šťastná.
En: Zuzana was happy.

Sk: Objala Jána a poďakovala mu.
En: She hugged Ján and thanked him.

Sk: Počas festivalu prišiel moment, keď mali zapáliť veľký ohneň.
En: During the festival, there came a moment when they were to light a big bonfire.

Sk: Tento ohneň symbolizoval koniec zimy a začiatok jari.
En: This bonfire symbolized the end of winter and the beginning of spring.

Sk: Ján a Zuzana sa pripojili k ostatným.
En: Ján and Zuzana joined the others.

Sk: Spolu zapálili ohneň.
En: Together, they lit the bonfire.

Sk: Plameň stúpal vysoko.
En: The flame rose high.

Sk: Všetci tancovali a spievali okolo ohňa.
En: Everyone danced and sang around the fire.

Sk: Večer, keď sa festival končil, Ján a Zuzana sedeli na kopci.
En: In the evening, when the festival was ending, Ján and Zuzana sat on a hill.

Sk: Dívali sa na hviezdy.
En: They looked at the stars.

Sk: Bolo ticho.
En: It was quiet.

Sk: „Tento deň bol dokonalý,“ povedala Zuzana.
En: "This day was perfect," said Zuzana.

Sk: Ján prikývol.
En: Ján nodded.

Sk: „Budeme si ho pamätať navždy,“ dodal.
En: "We will remember it forever," he added.

Sk: A tak sa v nádherných Tatrách končil ďalší tradičný festival.
En: And so, in the beautiful Tatras, another traditional festival ended.

Sk: S úsmevom na tvári a láskou v srdci, Ján a Zuzana sa vrátili domov, nosiaci si krásne spomienky.
En: With a smile on their faces and love in their hearts, Ján and Zuzana returned home, carrying beautiful memories.

Vocabulary Words:
  • festival: festival
  • spring: jar
  • woke up: prebudili
  • fresh: čerstvý
  • magnificent: nádherné
  • vendors: predajcovia
  • offered: ponúkali
  • folk music: ľudová hudba
  • suggested: navrhol
  • stage: pódium
  • costumes: kroje
  • dances: tance
  • mead: medovina
  • sweet: sladká
  • warm: teplá
  • tasted: pil
  • browsing: obzerali
  • necklace: náhrdelník
  • hesitantly: neisto
  • hugged: objala
  • thanked: poďakovala
  • moment: moment
  • big bonfire: veľký ohneň
  • symbolized: symbolizoval
  • lit: zapálili
  • flame: plameň
  • rose: stúpal
  • quiet: ticho
  • memories: spomienky
  • ended: končil
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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