
Statue Surprise: Laughter in Ljubljana

Mar 15, 2024 · 14m 23s
Statue Surprise: Laughter in Ljubljana

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 30s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Statue Surprise: Laughter in Ljubljana Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: V središču Ljubljane, na živahnem Prešernovem trgu, se...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Statue Surprise: Laughter in Ljubljana
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Story Transcript:

Sl: V središču Ljubljane, na živahnem Prešernovem trgu, se zgodijo najbolj čudovite stvari.
En: In the center of Ljubljana, on the lively Prešeren Square, the most wonderful things happen.

Sl: Ljudje vsakovrstnih talentov prihajajo sem, da pokažejo svoje veščine in zabavajo mimoidoče.
En: People of various talents come here to showcase their skills and entertain passersby.

Sl: Nekateri pojejo, drugi plešejo, tretji pa postanejo žive kipi.
En: Some sing, others dance, and still others become living statues.

Sl: Nekega sončnega popoldneva je Ana s prijateljema Luko in Majo odšla na trg.
En: One sunny afternoon, Ana went to the square with her friends Luka and Maja.

Sl: Hodili so med pisanimi uličnimi umetniki in se smejali.
En: They walked among the vibrant street artists and laughed.

Sl: Ana je bila znana po tem, da je rada govorila z vsakim, ki ga je srečala.
En: Ana was known for talking to everyone she met.

Sl: Ko je zagledala uličnega umetnika, oblečenega v srebrno barvo in nepremično obstoječega na podstavku, je mislila, da je pred njo kip.
En: When she saw a street artist dressed in silver and standing motionless on a pedestal, she thought she was looking at a statue.

Sl: Ana se je nežno dotaknila roke "kipa" in začela govoriti.
En: Ana gently touched the hand of the "statue" and began speaking.

Sl: "O, kako lep kip," je rekla.
En: "Oh, what a beautiful statue," she said.

Sl: "Zanima me, kdo ga je ustvaril in koliko časa je porabil za to delo.
En: "I wonder who created it and how long it took to make."

Sl: " Umetnik, ki je bil navajen na premike ljudi okoli sebe, ni trenil.
En: The artist, used to people moving around him, didn't flinch.

Sl: Luka in Maja sta si izmenjevala nasmeška, medtem ko je Ana nadaljevala s svojim monologom.
En: Luka and Maja exchanged smiles as Ana continued her monologue.

Sl: Po nekaj trenutkih je "kip" nenadoma zaplesal.
En: After a few moments, the "statue" suddenly started dancing.

Sl: Ana je skočila nazaj od presenečenja in izpustila krik.
En: Ana jumped back in surprise and let out a scream.

Sl: Luka in Maja nista mogla zadržati smeha, prav tako pa se je smejala tudi skupina turistov, ki je bila priča dogodku.
En: Luka and Maja couldn't contain their laughter, and a group of tourists witnessing the event also burst into laughter.

Sl: Ana je sprva zarudela, nato pa se je tudi sama začela smejati.
En: Ana blushed at first, but then she started laughing too.

Sl: Umetnik je bil odličen v svojem delu in vse skupaj je bilo videti kot spektakel.
En: The artist was excellent at his craft, and the whole thing looked like a spectacle.

Sl: "Saj sem ti vedno govoril, Ana, da imaš poseben talent za odkrivanje čudežev," je rekel Luka še vedno hihitajoč.
En: "I always told you, Ana, that you have a special talent for discovering wonders," Luka said, still chuckling.

Sl: Maja, ki je prijela Ano za roko, je dodala: "Čeprav si mislila, da govoriš s kipom, si nam danes pričarala pravo zabavo!
En: Maja, taking Ana's hand, added, "Even though you thought you were talking to a statue, you brought us real entertainment today!"

Sl: "Ana je zamahnila z roko in rekla: "Kar se zgodi na Prešernovem trgu, ostane na Prešernovem trgu!
En: Ana waved her hand and said, "What happens on Prešeren Square, stays on Prešeren Square!"

Sl: " Vsi trije prijatelji so se še dolgo smejali in uživali v ostalih uličnih predstavah.
En: The three friends laughed and enjoyed the other street performances for a long time.

Sl: Od tistega dne naprej je Ana z večjo pozornostjo opazovala ulične umetnike.
En: From that day on, Ana watched the street artists with greater attention.

Sl: Vedno, ko je prišla na Prešernov trg, je s sabo prinesla tudi dobro voljo in odprto srce za vse lepote, ki jih ponuja mesto.
En: Every time she came to Prešeren Square, she brought with her a good mood and an open heart for all the beauty the city offers.

Sl: In njen zdrs z "kipom" je postal ena izmed mnogih ljubečih anekdot, ki so jih prijatelji delili med seboj.
En: And her encounter with the "statue" became one of many loving anecdotes that the friends shared with each other.

Vocabulary Words:
  • wonderful: čudovite
  • talents: talentov
  • showcase: pokažejo
  • entertain: zabavajo
  • passersby: mimoidoče
  • vibrant: pisanimi
  • artist: umetniki
  • motionless: nepremično
  • pedestal: podstavku
  • flinch: trenil
  • monologue: monologom
  • exchange: izmenjevala
  • spectacle: spektakel
  • encounter: srečala
  • anecdotes: anekdot
  • lively: živahnem
  • various: vsakovrstnih
  • gentle: nežno
  • awhile: trenutkih
  • excellent: odličen
  • discover: odkrivanje
  • witnessing: priča
  • laughter: smeha
  • entertainment: zabavo
  • encountered: srečala
  • attention: pozornostjo
  • beauty: lepote
  • encounter: srečala
  • anecdotes: anekdot
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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