Statue Winks: A Day of Laughter
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Statue Winks: A Day of Laughter
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Statue Winks: A Day of Laughter Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: V jeden slnečný deň sa Janka so...
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Story Transcript:
Sk: V jeden slnečný deň sa Janka so svojimi kamarátmi Petrom a Martinom rozhodla navštíviť hrad v Bratislave.
En: One sunny day, Janka decided to visit the castle in Bratislava with her friends Peter and Martin.
Sk: Cestou tam sa smiali a tešili sa na nové dobrodružstvo.
En: On the way there, they laughed and looked forward to a new adventure.
Sk: Ešte nevedeli, akú zábavnú situáciu im prinesie tento deň.
En: They didn’t know yet what fun situation this day would bring them.
Sk: Keď dorazili k hradu, boli očarení jeho krásou a veľkosťou.
En: When they arrived at the castle, they were enchanted by its beauty and size.
Sk: Janka, vždy zvedavá a plná energie, hneď začala skúmať okolie.
En: Janka, always curious and full of energy, immediately started exploring the surroundings.
Sk: K hradu viedla kamenná cesta a na nej rôzni pouliční umelci.
En: A stone path led to the castle, with various street performers on it.
Sk: Jeden z nich bol oblečený ako živá socha, stál absolútne nehybne a bol namaskovaný tak, že vyzerajúc ako stará kovová socha.
En: One of them was dressed as a living statue, standing completely still and masked to look like an old metal statue.
Sk: Janka si všimla tejto "sochy" a bola úplne fascinovaná.
En: Janka noticed this "statue" and was completely fascinated.
Sk: "Pozrite na túto sochu, ako je detailne spracovaná!
En: "Look at this statue, how detailed it is!"
Sk: " zvolala na kamarátov.
En: she exclaimed to her friends.
Sk: Peter s Martinom boli zaneprázdnení vlastnými rozhovormi a Janka ostala osamote obdivovať túto "sochu".
En: Peter and Martin were busy with their own conversations, and Janka was left alone to admire this "statue."
Sk: Bez váhania sa priblížila a začala rozprávať: "Ahoj, socha, si úžasná!
En: Without hesitation, she approached and started talking: "Hello, statue, you are amazing!
Sk: Ako dlho si tu stojíš?
En: How long have you been standing here?"
Sk: " Samozrejme, neočakávala odpoveď a len sa smiala na svoj vlastný rozhovor so sochou.
En: Obviously, she didn’t expect a response and just laughed at her own conversation with the statue.
Sk: Rozhodla sa ísť ešte ďalej a pokračovala: "Myslíš, že môžeš byť mojim priateľom?
En: She decided to take it further and continued, "Do you think you could be my friend?"
Sk: "V tom momente prekvapene zistila, že "socha" mrkla!
En: At that moment, to her surprise, the "statue" winked!
Sk: Janka skoro vyskočila z kože, keď si uvedomila, že vlastne hovorí s živým človekom, nie so sochou.
En: Janka nearly jumped out of her skin when she realized that she was actually talking to a live person, not a statue.
Sk: Pouličný umeliec nemohol zadržať smiech a začal sa smiať s Jankou.
En: The street performer couldn’t hold back his laughter and started laughing with Janka.
Sk: Peter a Martin počuli smiech a prišli zistiť, čo sa deje.
En: Peter and Martin heard the laughter and came to see what was going on.
Sk: Keď pochopili situáciu, aj oni sa pridali k smiechu.
En: When they understood the situation, they also joined in the laughter.
Sk: Bola to nečakaná a veselá situácia, ktorú si pamätali ešte dlho po návrate domov.
En: It was an unexpected and joyful situation that they remembered long after returning home.
Sk: Na konci dňa sa Janka, Peter a Martin rozlúčili so svojím novým "sochovým" priateľom a sľúbili, že sa vrátia.
En: At the end of the day, Janka, Peter, and Martin said goodbye to their new "statue" friend and promised to come back.
Sk: A umelcovi nezostalo nič iné, len sa usmievať na šťastnú skupinku priateľov, ktorí opustili hrad plní nových zážitkov a so spomienkami na deň plný dobrodružstiev a nečakaných priateľstiev.
En: The performer had nothing left to do but smile at the happy group of friends who left the castle full of new experiences and memories of a day filled with adventure and unexpected friendships.
Vocabulary Words:
- castle: hrad
- enchantment: očarenie
- path: cesta
- performers: umelci
- statue: socha
- fascinated: fascinovaný
- detailed: detailne
- conversation: rozhovor
- approached: priblížila
- response: odpoveď
- winked: mrkol
- laughter: smiech
- understood: pochopili
- joined: pridali
- unexpected: nečakaný
- joyful: veselý
- experiences: zážitky
- memories: spomienky
- adventure: dobrodružstvo
- friends: priatelia
- situation: situácia
- surprise: prekvapenie
- performed: vykonal
- promised: sľúbili
- performer: umeliec
- smile: usmievať
- happy: šťastný
- group: skupinka
- left: opustili
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