
Sunset Dreams: Luka's Journey to Artistic Confidence

Aug 31, 2024 · 15m 9s
Sunset Dreams: Luka's Journey to Artistic Confidence

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 27s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Sunset Dreams: Luka's Journey to Artistic Confidence Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Sunce se lagano spuštalo nad Jadranskim...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Sunset Dreams: Luka's Journey to Artistic Confidence
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Sunce se lagano spuštalo nad Jadranskim morem, osvjetljavajući Dubrovnik zlatnom svjetlošću.
En: The sun was slowly setting over the Adriatic Sea, bathing Dubrovnik in golden light.

Hr: Stari grad vrvio je životom.
En: The old town was bustling with life.

Hr: Na terasi lokalnog kafića sjedio je Luka, gledajući kako ljudi prolaze.
En: Sitting on the terrace of a local café was Luka, watching people pass by.

Hr: Bio je to savršen ljetni večer.
En: It was a perfect summer evening.

Hr: Luka je bio mladi umjetnik.
En: Luka was a young artist.

Hr: Njegove slike bile su pune boja i emocija.
En: His paintings were full of color and emotion.

Hr: Iako talentiran, osjećao se nesigurno.
En: Even though he was talented, he felt insecure.

Hr: Dubrovnik je imao mnogo umjetnika, a Luka se bojao da neće naći svoje mjesto među njima.
En: Dubrovnik had many artists, and Luka feared he wouldn't find his place among them.

Hr: Uz njega sjedila je Marina, njegova prijateljica iz djetinjstva.
En: Next to him sat Marina, his childhood friend.

Hr: Od djeteta je bila uspješna, sada je vodila vlastiti hotel u gradu.
En: Successful since her youth, she now ran her own hotel in the city.

Hr: "Kako ide s umjetnošću?
En: "How's the art going?"

Hr: " upitala je Marina, srkajući svoj espresso.
En: Marina asked, sipping her espresso.

Hr: Luka je oklijevao.
En: Luka hesitated.

Hr: "Dobro, ali," ispreplićući prste, "trebam mjesto za izložbu.
En: "Good, but," intertwining his fingers, "I need a place for an exhibition.

Hr: Ali teško je pronaći.
En: But it's hard to find one."

Hr: "Marina je znala da Luka ima potencijala.
En: Marina knew Luka had potential.

Hr: "Zašto mi nisi rekao ranije?
En: "Why didn’t you tell me earlier?

Hr: Mogla sam ti pomoći, poznajem vlasnika galerije.
En: I could have helped you, I know the gallery owner."

Hr: "Luki nije bilo lako zatražiti pomoć, no sada je znao da mora.
En: It wasn't easy for Luka to ask for help, but now he knew he had to.

Hr: Odvagnuvši situaciju, rekao je: "Znam, ali nisam želio da izgleda kao da iskorištavam tvoje veze.
En: Considering the situation, he said, "I know, but I didn’t want it to seem like I was taking advantage of your connections."

Hr: "Dok su pričali, pridružila im se Ivana, turista iz Zagreba.
En: As they talked, they were joined by Ivana, a tourist from Zagreb.

Hr: Voljela je umjetnost i kulturu.
En: She loved art and culture.

Hr: "Pročula sam da pričaš o umjetnosti, Luka.
En: "I overheard you talking about art, Luka.

Hr: Mogu vidjeti tvoje radove?
En: Can I see your work?"

Hr: "Luka je iz torbe izvadio svoj portfelj, malo nervozno ga naslonivši na stol.
En: Luka pulled his portfolio from his bag, nervously placing it on the table.

Hr: Ivana je pažljivo prelistavala stranice.
En: Ivana carefully flipped through the pages.

Hr: "Ovo je prekrasno.
En: "This is beautiful.

Hr: Kontaktirat ću galeriju prijatelja u Zagrebu.
En: I'll contact a gallery friend in Zagreb.

Hr: Možda budu zainteresirani.
En: They might be interested."

Hr: "Marina se okrenula prema njemu.
En: Marina turned to him.

Hr: "Vidiš, ponekad malo pomoći može puno značiti.
En: "See, sometimes a little help can mean a lot."

Hr: "Luka se prvi put te večeri nasmiješio.
En: For the first time that evening, Luka smiled.

Hr: Osjećao je da može uspjeti.
En: He felt like he could succeed.

Hr: Uskoro, zahvaljujući Marini i Ivani, Luka je dobio mali prostor za izložbu u lokalnoj galeriji.
En: Soon, thanks to Marina and Ivana, Luka secured a small space for an exhibition in a local gallery.

Hr: Bila je to mala pobjeda, ali za Luku početak nečeg velikog.
En: It was a small victory, but for Luka, it was the beginning of something big.

Hr: Navečer, vraćajući se kući, Luka je shvatio koliko je važno vjerovati u sebe i prihvatiti pomoć prijatelja.
En: That night, as he was heading home, Luka realized how important it is to believe in oneself and accept help from friends.

Hr: Dubrovnik je te večeri svjetlucao, kao znak novih početaka, a Luka je bio spreman suočiti se s izazovima umjetničkog svijeta.
En: Dubrovnik shimmered that evening, a sign of new beginnings, and Luka was ready to face the challenges of the art world.

Vocabulary Words:
  • setting: spuštalo
  • bathing: osvjetljavajući
  • bustling: vrvio
  • terrace: terasa
  • insecure: nesigurno
  • intertwining: ispreplićući
  • potential: potencijala
  • gallery: galerije
  • considering: odvagnuvši
  • advantage: iskorištavam
  • tourist: turista
  • overheard: pročula
  • portfolio: portfelj
  • carefully: pažljivo
  • flipped: prelistavala
  • pages: stranice
  • shimmered: svjetlucao
  • victory: pobjeda
  • challenges: izazovima
  • emotion: emocija
  • exhibition: izložbu
  • among: među
  • contact: kontaktirat ću
  • successful: uspješna
  • secure: dobio
  • nervously: nervozno
  • space: mjesto
  • accept: prihvatiti
  • beginnings: počeci
  • art: umjetnost
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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