
Swap Suits & Smiles at Lake Bled!

May 7, 2024 · 15m 8s
Swap Suits & Smiles at Lake Bled!

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 16s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Swap Suits & Smiles at Lake Bled! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Bilo je toplo poletno jutro, ko...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Swap Suits & Smiles at Lake Bled!
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Bilo je toplo poletno jutro, ko so Maja, Luka in Zvonko odšli na izlet ob Blejsko jezero.
En: It was a warm summer morning when Maja, Luka, and Zvonko went on a trip to Lake Bled.

Sl: Maja, s soncem obsijana deklica s kodrastimi lasmi, je bila polna pričakovanj za dan poln plavanja in sončenja.
En: Maja, a girl with sun-kissed curly hair, was full of anticipation for a day of swimming and sunbathing.

Sl: Luka, visok in športen fant, je želel preizkusiti svoje plavalne sposobnosti v hladni vodi jezera.
En: Luka, a tall and sporty boy, wanted to test his swimming abilities in the cold lake water.

Sl: Zvonko, najstarejši in najmodrejši od njih treh, pa je s seboj prinesel svojo staro kamero, da bi ujel trenutke njihovega smeha in veselja.
En: Zvonko, the oldest and wisest of the three, brought along his old camera to capture the moments of their laughter and joy.

Sl: Ko so prispeli ob jezero, je sonce že visoko žarelo na nebu.
En: When they arrived at the lake, the sun was already shining high in the sky.

Sl: Razprostrli so svoje brisače in Maja je se hitro odpravila v garderobno kabino, da bi se preoblekla v kopalke.
En: They spread out their towels, and Maja quickly headed to the changing room to put on her swimsuit.

Sl: V naglici pa je zgrabila napačno vrečko.
En: In her haste, she grabbed the wrong bag.

Sl: Ko se je vrnila, je odkrila, da je namesto svojih kopalk, v roke dobila Lukove.
En: When she returned, she discovered that instead of her own swimsuit, she had grabbed Luka's.

Sl: Njegove kopalke so bile seveda prevelike za njo in povsod okoli je bilo čutiti zmedo.
En: His swimsuit was obviously too big for her and confusion was evident all around.

Sl: "Ojoj," je vzkliknila Maja in se zavila v brisačo, "pomotoma sem vzela tvoje kopalke, Luka!
En: "Oh no," exclaimed Maja, wrapping herself in a towel, "I accidentally took your swimsuit, Luka!"

Sl: "Luka se je ob tem počutil nelagodno, a je bil hkrati zabavan.
En: Luka felt uncomfortable but also found the situation amusing.

Sl: Smejal se je in rekel: "No, tudi jaz ne morem v tvoje kopalke!
En: He laughed and said, "Well, I can't fit into your swimsuit either!"

Sl: "Zvonko, ki je vse to opazoval, je predlagal, da Luka posodi majine kopalke neki prijazni gospe, ki jih je sončila v bližini, Maja pa naj si za ta čas sposodi Lukove.
En: Watching all this, Zvonko suggested that Luka lend Maja's swimsuit to a kind lady sunbathing nearby, and meanwhile, Maja could borrow Luka's.

Sl: S tem bi vsaj začasno rešili nenavadno situacijo, ki je nastala.
En: This would at least temporarily resolve the unusual situation that had arisen.

Sl: Maja se je strinjala in z rdečico na licih odšla do prijazne gospe.
En: Maja agreed and, with a blush on her cheeks, approached the friendly lady.

Sl: Ko je razložila situacijo, se je gospa nasmehnila in ji z veseljem posodila svoje rezervne kopalke.
En: When she explained the situation, the lady smiled and gladly lent her spare swimsuit.

Sl: Luka in Maja sta se končno lahko sprostila in dan nadaljevala v užitkih, ki jih jezer nudi.
En: Finally, Luka and Maja were able to relax and enjoy the rest of the day, indulging in the pleasures the lake had to offer.

Sl: Plavala sta, smejala se in uživala v toplih sončnih žarkih.
En: They swam, laughed, and basked in the warm sunshine.

Sl: Ko je dan prehajal v večer, so se naše trije junaki zbrali ob obali in podelili še zadnje smehljaje.
En: As the day turned into evening, our three heroes gathered by the shore, sharing their final smiles.

Sl: Zvonko je s kamero ujel mirnost jezera in veselo krohotanje prijateljev.
En: Zvonko captured the tranquility of the lake and the joyful laughter of friends with his camera.

Sl: Vsi trije so se strinjali, da je bil to dan, poln nepricakovanih dogodivščin, ki se ga bodo vedno radi spominjali.
En: All three agreed that it was a day full of unexpected adventures that they would always fondly remember.

Sl: Na koncu so si obljubili, da bodo svoje pripomočke za plavanje naslednjič bolj skrbno pazili, da ne bi prišlo do podobnih zapletov.
En: In the end, they promised to be more careful with their swimming gear next time to avoid similar complications.

Sl: Maja, Luka in Zvonko so se poslovili od jezera s toplimi spomini in z obljubo, da se bodo še vrnili na to čarobno mesto, kjer so preživeli eno najbolj smešnih in nepozabnih poletnih pustolovščin.
En: Maja, Luka, and Zvonko bid farewell to the lake with warm memories and the promise to return to this magical place where they had experienced one of the funniest and most unforgettable summer adventures.

Vocabulary Words:
  • anticipation: pričakovanje
  • tranquility: mirnost
  • laughter: smeh
  • sun-kissed: obsijana s soncem
  • curly: kodrasti
  • uncomfortable: nelagoden
  • amusing: zabaven
  • borrow: posoditi
  • blush: rdečica
  • unexpected: nepričakovan
  • complications: zapleti
  • indulging: uživanje
  • promised: obljubili
  • fondly: radi
  • gathered: zbrali
  • farewell: slovo
  • experienced: izkusili
  • pleasures: užitki
  • sharing: podelili
  • heroes: junaki
  • randomly: naključno
  • camera: kamera
  • conversations: pogovori
  • stumbled: spotaknil
  • arrivals: prihodi
  • confusion: zmeda
  • situation: situacija
  • gentleman: gospod
  • resolved: rešiti
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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