
The Barcelona Blunder: A Tale of Tapas and Snails

Mar 25, 2024 · 14m 41s
The Barcelona Blunder: A Tale of Tapas and Snails

01 · Main Story

11m 5s

02 · Vocabulary Words



Fluent Fiction - Catalan: The Barcelona Blunder: A Tale of Tapas and Snails Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Ca: La ciutat de Barcelona...

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Fluent Fiction - Catalan: The Barcelona Blunder: A Tale of Tapas and Snails
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Story Transcript:

Ca: La ciutat de Barcelona es presentava viva i esplèndida com sempre en el capvespre. Enmig de tot el bullici, una parella es divertia en una de les seves terrasses llepant-se els dits amb les delicioses tapes.
En: The city of Barcelona was lively and magnificent as always in the evening. Amidst all the hustle and bustle, a couple was having fun on one of its terraces, licking their fingers with delicious tapas.

Ca: Els dos amics, Jordi i Laia, tan diferents com l'aigua i l'oli, es trobaven vivint el que anomenaven el seu petit "tast de la vida". Jordi, amb la seva barba de tres dies, somreia mentre assenyalava amb un raig d'excitació a la carta del bar de tapes. Laia, els cabells relliscants com la seda al vent, mirava ara la carta, ara la gama d'aperitius colorits disposats a la vitrina del bar.
En: The two friends, Jordi and Laia, as different as water and oil, were experiencing what they called their little "taste of life". Jordi, with his stubble, was smiling as he pointed with excitement at the tapas bar menu. Laia, her silky hair flowing in the wind, was now looking at the menu, now at the colorful array of appetizers displayed in the bar's showcase.

Ca: Jordi, amb la vista posada en un plat ple de petites boles negres que semblaven olives, cridà al cambrer.
En: Jordi, fixated on a plate full of small black balls that looked like olives, called the waiter.

Ca: -Cambrer, podem tenir aquest plat ple de "olives", si us plau!
En: "Waiter, may we have this plate full of 'olives', please!"

Ca: Laia, una mica sorpresa, ja que Jordi no era gaire amant d'olives, no digué res i esperà, pensant que potser li venia de gust provar alguna cosa nova.
En: Laia, slightly surprised as Jordi was not a big fan of olives, said nothing and waited, thinking maybe he wanted to try something new.

Ca: El cambrer, a la vegada sorprès i divertit, s'afanyà a complaure el robust Jordi. Quan els dos amics van començar a formigar amb aquests petits trossos ovoides, van arribar a una sorpresa plena de sabor.
En: The waiter, both surprised and amused, hurried to please the robust Jordi. As the two friends began to nibble on these small oval pieces, they came across a surprising burst of flavor.

Ca: Amb la primera "oliva" en la seva boca, Jordi reaccionà com un nen que s'enduu una pilota mullada a la boca esperant que sigui una goma de xiclet. Laia, veient la cara de Jordi, no pogué evitar d'esclatar a riure.
En: With the first "olive" in his mouth, Jordi reacted like a kid who had put a wet ball in his mouth expecting it to be gum. Seeing Jordi's reaction, Laia couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Ca: Embarrassat i amb una mica de ràbia, Jordi cridà al cambrer i li va preguntar que havien estat aquests "cargols".
En: Embarrassed and a little annoyed, Jordi called the waiter and asked him what these "snails" were.

Ca: -Ei, cambrer! Podries explicar-me per què aquestes olives són tan...diferents?
En: "Hey, waiter! Could you explain why these olives are so...different?"

Ca: El cambrer, amb un somriure al rostre i fregant-se les mans, es girà cap a la seva preguntadora audiència i digué:
En: The waiter, with a smile on his face and rubbing his hands, turned to his inquisitive audience and said,

Ca: -Bé, de fet, senyor, aquests no eren olives. Això són cargols!
En: "Well, actually, sir, those weren't olives. These are snails!"

Ca: Jordi i Laia intercanviaren mirades d'horror i diversió. El cambrer es posà a riure també, encoratjat per l'expressió espantada a la cara de Jordi.
En: Jordi and Laia exchanged looks of horror and amusement. The waiter also burst into laughter, encouraged by the shocked expression on Jordi's face.

Ca: Després de la vergonya inicial i algunes rialles al voltant de la taula, la tarda es convertí en una de les més memorables per a la parella. Va ser una lliçó apresa d'una manera inesperada: no tot el que brilla és or, i definitivament, no totes les boles negres són olives!
En: After the initial embarrassment and some laughter around the table, the evening turned into one of the most memorable for the couple. It was a lesson learned in an unexpected way: not everything that glitters is gold, and definitely not all black balls are olives!

Ca: Encara que ara sempre li recordava el suculent incident dels cargols, cada vegada que Jordi demanava "olives", Laia queia en un atac de rialles, i no podia evitar però somriure amb ella. Aquest incident no només els proporcionà una anècdota divertida, sinó que també els va unir més com a amics, ja que reien junts de la memòria, mateixa què seguia sent tan fresca com si hagués passat just ahir.
En: Although she always reminded him of the succulent snail incident now, every time Jordi asked for "olives", Laia would burst into laughter, and he couldn't help but smile along with her. This incident not only provided them with a funny anecdote but also brought them closer as friends, as they laughed together at the memory, which felt as fresh as if it had happened just yesterday.

Vocabulary Words:
  • evening: vespre
  • hustle: bullici
  • couple: parella
  • fun: diversió
  • friends: amics
  • different: diferents
  • taste: gust
  • life: vida
  • menu: carta
  • smiling: somrient
  • silky: sedós
  • hair: cabells
  • menu: carta
  • colorful: colorits
  • bar: bar
  • olives: olives
  • surprised: sorpresa
  • waited: esperà
  • plate: plat
  • small: petit
  • black: negre
  • balls: boles
  • oval: ovoides
  • burst: burst
  • flavor: sabor
  • wet: mullada
  • gum: xiclet
  • laughter: rialles
  • snails: cargols
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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