
The Fortuitous Order: A Surprising Twist at a Traditional Valencian Restaurant

Feb 17, 2024 · 13m 5s
The Fortuitous Order: A Surprising Twist at a Traditional Valencian Restaurant

01 · Main Story

9m 36s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 24s


Fluent Fiction - Catalan: The Fortuitous Order: A Surprising Twist at a Traditional Valencian Restaurant Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Ca: En el...

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Fluent Fiction - Catalan: The Fortuitous Order: A Surprising Twist at a Traditional Valencian Restaurant
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Story Transcript:

Ca: En el cor de la vital i vibrant ciutat de Barcelona, hi havia un petit grup d'amics.
En: In the heart of the vibrant and lively city of Barcelona, there was a small group of friends.

Ca: Els noms eren Martí, Jordi i Laia.
En: Their names were Martí, Jordi, and Laia.

Ca: Els tres estaven plens d'aventura, somrient a la vida amb ulls brillants.
En: The three of them were full of adventure, smiling at life with bright eyes.

Ca: Aquell dia, estaven a un restaurant valencià famós pel seu menjar autèntic.
En: That day, they were at a famous Valencian restaurant known for its authentic food.

Ca: A Jordi li agradaven els mariscs, a Laia li agradava l'arròs i Martí no era gaire selectiu.
En: Jordi liked seafood, Laia liked rice, and Martí wasn't very picky.

Ca: Quan van arribar al restaurant, estaven més que per a gaudir de la famosa tradicional paella valenciana.
En: When they arrived at the restaurant, they were more than ready to enjoy the famous traditional Valencian paella.

Ca: Però Martí, el més descarat del grup, va fer una equivocació inusual.
En: But Martí, the boldest of the group, made an unusual mistake.

Ca: Ho va fer sense voler, però va ser consistent i divertit.
En: He did it unintentionally, but it turned out to be consistent and amusing.

Ca: Es preparava per llegir l'ordre.
En: He was getting ready to read the menu.

Ca: Però, sense ulleres, no podia veure bé el menú.
En: But without his glasses, he couldn't see it clearly.

Ca: Llavors, accidentalment, va demanar una paella vegetariana en comptes de la tradicional.
En: So, accidentally, he ordered a vegetarian paella instead of the traditional one.

Ca: "Ei, servei, una de paella vegetariana si us plau!
En: "Hey, waiter, one vegetarian paella, please!"

Ca: ", Va cridar Martí.
En: Martí shouted.

Ca: Tot el restaurant es va quedar en silenci.
En: The whole restaurant fell silent.

Ca: La idea de demanar una paella sense carn ni peix en un restaurant valencià semblava incomprensible.
En: The idea of ordering a paella without meat or fish in a Valencian restaurant seemed incomprehensible.

Ca: Tots miren a la seva taula, inclòs els amics de Martí, Jordi i Laia.
En: Everyone looked at their table, including Martí's friends, Jordi and Laia.

Ca: Jordi i Laia es van riure, mentre Martí semblava sorprès.
En: Jordi and Laia laughed, while Martí looked surprised.

Ca: Per tal de dirigir l'atenció de tota l'estona del restaurant cap a un altre lloc, Jordi va començar a somriure i aplaudir.
En: In order to divert the attention of the entire restaurant away from Martí, Jordi started to smile and applaud.

Ca: Després de poc temps, tots van reprendre les seves converses i el restaurant es va tornar a omplir de xerrameca i rialles.
En: After a short while, everyone resumed their conversations, and the restaurant filled up with chatter and laughter again.

Ca: La paella vegetariana va arribar i, en lloc de menjar-la recelós, Martí va decidir provar-la.
En: The vegetarian paella arrived, and instead of eating it reluctantly, Martí decided to give it a try.

Ca: I això va ser una sorpresa.
En: And it was a pleasant surprise.

Ca: Era deliciosa!
En: It was delicious!

Ca: "Està boníssima!
En: "It's amazing!"

Ca: ", Va exclamar Martí.
En: Martí exclaimed.

Ca: Jordi i Laia, encara que també volien provar la paella, van menjar amb interès de la de Martí i també els va agradar.
En: Jordi and Laia, although they also wanted to try the paella, ate with interest from Martí's plate, and they liked it too.

Ca: Al final de la nit, encara que Martí hagués comès una equivocació, van passarlo bé.
En: At the end of the night, even though Martí had made a mistake, they had a good time.

Ca: Martí es va adonar que fer coses noves podia conduir a resultats sorprenentment agradables.
En: Martí realized that trying new things could lead to surprisingly pleasant outcomes.

Ca: I així, la seva aventura es va acabar amb somriures i rialles, recordant l'equivocació afortunada de Martí per demanar una paella vegetariana en un restaurant valencià.
En: And so, their adventure ended with smiles and laughter, remembering Martí's lucky mistake of ordering a vegetarian paella in a Valencian restaurant.

Vocabulary Words:
  • In: En
  • the: el
  • heart: cor
  • of: de
  • vibrant: vibrant
  • and: i
  • lively: vital
  • city: ciutat
  • Barcelona: Barcelona
  • there: hi
  • was: havia
  • a: un
  • small: petit
  • group: grup
  • friends: amics
  • Their: Els
  • names: noms
  • were: eren
  • Martí: Martí
  • Jordi: Jordi
  • Laia: Laia
  • The: Els
  • three: tres
  • them: ells
  • full: plens
  • adventure: aventura
  • smiling: somrient
  • life: vida
  • with: amb
  • bright: ulls
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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