
The Language of Laughter: Finding Joy in Pronunciation

Jan 21, 2024 · 13m 48s
The Language of Laughter: Finding Joy in Pronunciation

01 · Main Story

10m 3s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 7s


Fluent Fiction - Catalan: The Language of Laughter: Finding Joy in Pronunciation Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Ca: En els carrers estrets del...

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Fluent Fiction - Catalan: The Language of Laughter: Finding Joy in Pronunciation
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Story Transcript:

Ca: En els carrers estrets del cor de Barcelona, tres amics es reunien sempre. Eren Jordi, Marta i Arnau. Tots compartien una cosa: estimaven la llengua catalana.
En: In the narrow streets at the heart of Barcelona, three friends would always meet. They were Jordi, Marta, and Arnau. They all shared one thing: they loved the Catalan language.

Ca: Un dia de sol radiant, amb la Sagrada Família marcant l'horitzó i els crits distants dels venedors dels Encants, Jordi i Marta es van proposar una missió. Volien ensenyar a Arnau a pronunciar paraules difícils en català.
En: On a sunny day, with the Sagrada Família marking the horizon and the distant shouts of the Encants market vendors, Jordi and Marta proposed a mission. They wanted to teach Arnau how to pronounce difficult words in Catalan.

Ca: Jordi, un home de paraula ràpida i ment enèrgica, va començar. "Arnau, intenta dir 'desenrotllar'", va dir, amb un somriure al rostre.
En: Jordi, a man of quick words and an energetic mind, started. "Arnau, try saying 'desenrotllar'," he said with a smile on his face.

Ca: Arnau va respirar profundament, els seus ulls es van estretar, i va dir: "Rulli...rucar... ronrutar... Ai, no!".
En: Arnau took a deep breath, his eyes narrowed, and he said, "Rulli...rucar... ronrutar... Oh, no!"

Ca: Amb un riure, Marta va intentar següent. La Marta era una dona suau i pacient. "Arnau", va començar, "prova de dir 'capgrossos'".
En: With laughter, Marta tried next. Marta was a gentle and patient woman. "Arnau," she began, "try saying 'capgrossos'."

Ca: Arnau va clavar fortament la vista a l'horitzó, concentrat, i va respondre: "Cargapos... capgrasos...gospecap?".
En: Arnau fixed his gaze on the horizon, concentrated, and replied, "Cargapos...capgrasos...gospecap?"

Ca: Fos pel fet que estaven asseguts al Passeig de Gràcia, amb les onades de rialles del turistes passant, o perquè Arnau n’havia fet massa gracieta, Jordi i Marta no podien parar de riure.
En: Whether it was because they were sitting on Passeig de Gràcia, with waves of laughter from passing tourists, or because Arnau had made too many jokes, Jordi and Marta couldn't stop laughing.

Ca: Van passar tot el dia d'aquella manera, amb l'Arnau intentant pronunciar paraules difícils enmig d'una munió de rialles. Paraules com 'menyscabo', 'ametlla', 'aeroport', cada vegada amb un resultat més divertit que l'anterior.
En: They spent the whole day like that, with Arnau trying to pronounce difficult words amidst a flood of laughter. Words like 'menyscabo' (hurt), 'ametlla' (almond), 'aeroport' (airport), each time with a more amusing result than the previous.

Ca: Però mentre es posava el sol i el mite aroma de paella omplia els carrers, Jordi i Marta es van adonar que, encara que Arnau no havia après a pronunciar correctament les paraules, havien passat un dia ple de rialles i alegria.
En: But as the sun set and the enticing aroma of paella filled the streets, Jordi and Marta realized that, even though Arnau hadn't learned to pronounce the words correctly, they had spent a day filled with laughter and joy.

Ca: "Potser no és tan important pronunciar les paraules correctament", va dir la Marta, "si podem compartir tants bons moments".
En: "Maybe it's not so important to pronounce the words correctly," Marta said, "if we can share so many good moments."

Ca: Jordi va assentir, va mirar l'Arnau i va dir: "Crec que tens una forma molt especial de parlar català, Arnau. No la canviis!".
En: Jordi nodded, looked at Arnau, and said, "I think you have a very special way of speaking Catalan, Arnau. Don't change it!"

Ca: L'escoltant, Arnau, va somriure de gratitud. Es van aixecar tots tres, caminant junts cap a l'horitzó amb la ciutat com a teló de fons, mentre Arnau intentava dir "ensobrat" i ells esclataven en rialles un cop més.
En: Listening to them, Arnau smiled gratefully. The three of them stood up, walking together towards the horizon with the city as their backdrop, while Arnau attempted to say "ensobrat" (packed) and they burst into laughter once again.

Ca: En aquell moment, entenien quelcom important: el riallada junts era més important que qualssevol paraula ben pronunciada. I aixo, només podia passar en un lloc com Barcelona.
En: In that moment, they understood something important: laughing together was more important than any well-pronounced word. And that, could only happen in a place like Barcelona.

Vocabulary Words:
  • narrow: estret
  • streets: carrers
  • heart: cor
  • meet: reunir
  • friends: amics
  • shared: compartit
  • one: una
  • language: llengua
  • sunny: radiant
  • day: dia
  • horizon: horitzó
  • distant: distant
  • shouts: crits
  • mission: missió
  • teach: ensenyar
  • pronounce: pronunciar
  • difficult: difícil
  • words: paraules
  • quick: ràpid
  • energetic: enèrgic
  • smile: somriure
  • face: rostre
  • breath: respiració
  • eyes: ulls
  • narrowed: estretats
  • laughter: riure
  • patient: pacient
  • gentle: suau
  • fix: fixar
  • gaze: mirada
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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