
The 'Live' Garden Decor Fiasco!

Jan 19, 2024 · 14m 36s
The 'Live' Garden Decor Fiasco!

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 52s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: The 'Live' Garden Decor Fiasco! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Yn y pentref hir-enw hwnnw, lle mae'r wyddor...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: The 'Live' Garden Decor Fiasco!
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Yn y pentref hir-enw hwnnw, lle mae'r wyddor yn reidio drwy'r gwyntoedd yn hirach na milgi ar rediad, roedd Gwen yn cerdded ar hyd y strydoedd tawel gyda chymylau'n nythu uwch ei phen.
En: In that long-named village, where the wind whispers longer than dogs bark, Gwen walked along the quiet streets with clouds nesting above her head.

Cy: Gwen, merch sy'n enwog am ei breuddwydion mawr a'i phenderfyniadau di-synwyr, aeth am dro i'r farchnad leol.
En: Gwen, a girl known for her big dreams and reckless decisions, went for a walk to the local market.

Cy: "Rhys," meddai hi wrth ei chyfaill, "mae gen i'r syniad gorau erioed!
En: "Rhys," she said to her friend, "I have the best idea ever!

Cy: Beth am brynu addurniadau i wneud ein gerddi'n brydferthach?
En: What about buying decorations to make our gardens more beautiful?"

Cy: "Rhys, dyn ifanc gyda llygad am fusnes, chwarddodd ac aeth yn ei blaen i helpu Gwen gyda’i chynllun.
En: Rhys, a young man with a business mind, chuckled and went ahead to assist Gwen with her plan.

Cy: Efo gwên, gyrrwyd Gwen a Rhys tuag at farchnad lle gwelodd Gwen y casgliad mwyaf rhyfeddol o addurniadau.
En: With a smile, Gwen and Rhys were driven to a market where Gwen saw the most extraordinary collection of decorations.

Cy: Yn ei llygaid hi, roedden nhw'n gelfi i ardduno'r lawnt.
En: In her eyes, they were a masterpiece to adorn the lawn.

Cy: Heb feddwl am eiliad, cyfnewidiodd Gwen arian am yr holl 'addurniadau'.
En: Without thinking for a moment, Gwen exchanged money for all the 'decorations'.

Cy: Nid tan iddi ddod â'r 'addurniadau' hyn adref a geisio eu gosod yn ei gardd y sylweddolodd bod y casgliad hwn o ddefaid go iawn!
En: Not until she brought these 'decorations' home and tried to place them in her garden did she realize that this collection was of real live sheep!

Cy: Gwen, yn y pen draw gyda'i hwyneb dan gloch o bryder, dechreuodd redeg rownd a rownd, yn ceisio dal y defaid difyr a oedd yn pigo ar ei blodau a neidio dros ffensys.
En: Gwen, in the end with her face under a cloud of worry, began to run around and around, trying to catch the playful sheep that were nibbling on her flowers and jumping over fences.

Cy: Rhys, er mwyn ei helpu, dechreuodd chwibanu a hwylia, fel bugeiliwr.
En: In order to help her, Rhys began to whistle and play, like a shepherd.

Cy: O'r diwrnod hwnnw 'mlaen, y pentref gyda'r enw hiraf yn y byd, a enwyd yn "Llanfair­pwllgwyngyllgogery­chwyrndrobwll­llantysilio­gogogoch", a adnabyddwyd hefyd fel lle gwelwyd yr helynt defaid mwyaf doniol erioed.
En: From that day forward, the village with the longest name in the world, known as "Llanfair­pwllgwyngyllgogery­chwyrndrobwll­llantysilio­gogogoch", also became the place where the funniest sheep incident ever occurred.

Cy: Efo llawer o chwerthin a rhwygo gwallt, dyfalodd Gwen a Rhys sut i reoli'r praidd sydyn yma.
En: With lots of laughter and hair pulling, Gwen and Rhys figure out how to manage this sudden flock.

Cy: A chyda chymorth y pentrefwyr, dysgodd Gwen sut i ofalu am y defaid yn hytrach na'u gweld fel baich.
En: And with the help of the villagers, Gwen learned how to care for the sheep rather than seeing them as a burden.

Cy: Gwen, nawr â chefnogaeth ei ffrind da Rhys a'r cymuned, a drodd y digwyddiad anffodus yn fusnes llewyrchus.
En: Gwen, now with the support of her good friend Rhys and the community, turned the unfortunate event into a successful business.

Cy: Creu bwr pasiant yn yr ardal, lle mae pobl yn dod o bell ac agos i weld y 'Addurniadau Byw'.
En: Creating a petting zoo in the area, where people from near and far come to see the 'Living Decorations'.

Cy: O'r digwyddiad hwn, dysgodd Gwen na ddylai pethau gael eu cymryd yn wyneb eu gwerth ac mae hi nawr yn edrych ar bob 'camgymeriad' fel cyfle i ddysgu a thyfu.
En: From this event, Gwen learned that things should not be taken at face value and now sees every 'mistake' as an opportunity for learning and growth.

Cy: A dysgodd Rhys fwynhau anturiaethau ei ffrind heb beryglu ei fusnes ei hun.
En: And Rhys learned to enjoy his friend's adventures without jeopardizing his own business.

Cy: Ac felly, gyrhaeddodd Gwen a'i defaid newydd diwedd hapus, yn y pentref sydd â'r enw hir, lle mae pob stori'n cael cychwyn diddorol a diwedd cyflawn.
En: And so, Gwen and her new sheep reached a happy end, in the village with the long name, where every story begins interestingly and ends perfectly.

Vocabulary Words:
  • long-named: hir-enw
  • whispers: yn reidio
  • bark: rediad
  • walked: cerdded
  • quiet: tawel
  • clouds: cymylau
  • nesting: nythu
  • above: uwch
  • head: pen
  • reckless: di-synwyr
  • decisions: penderfyniadau
  • local: leol
  • market: farchnad
  • best: gorau
  • idea: syniad
  • buying: prynu
  • decorations: addurniadau
  • make: wneud
  • gardens: gerddi
  • beautiful: brydferthach
  • young: ifanc
  • man: dyn
  • business: fusnes
  • chuckled: chwarddodd
  • assisted: helpu
  • extraordinary: rhyfeddol
  • collection: casgliad
  • masterpiece: gelfi
  • adorn: ardduno
  • lawn: lawnt
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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