
Tram Troubles: An Unlikely Excursion

Feb 10, 2024 · 16m 39s
Tram Troubles: An Unlikely Excursion

01 · Main Story

1m 39s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 50s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Tram Troubles: An Unlikely Excursion Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Hustý dav sa tlačil vo vozni električky v...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Tram Troubles: An Unlikely Excursion
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Hustý dav sa tlačil vo vozni električky v Bratislave.
En: The crowded tram pressed on in Bratislava.

Sk: Miroslav si pevne držal poručník, zatiaľ čo na zastávke SNP stretol Jany a Lukáša.
En: Miroslav tightly held onto the handrail, while at the SNP stop, he met Jana and Lukáš.

Sk: Obe tváre boli ožiarené jarným slnkom, ktoré len lakomne prenikalo cez okná električky.
En: Both of their faces were lit up by the spring sun, which eagerly penetrated through the tram windows.

Sk: "Budeš dnes večer na koncerte?" pýtal sa Lukáš Miroslava, jeho dlhoročného priateľa.
En: "Will you be at the concert tonight?" Lukáš asked Miroslav, his longtime friend.

Sk: Miroslav pokrčil ramenami. Miloval hudbu, ale tá daviaca sa masa ľudí bola čoraz ťažšie znášateľná.
En: Miroslav shrugged. He loved music, but the suffocating mass of people was becoming increasingly unbearable.

Sk: Jana, ktorá bola novou kolegyňou v ich firme, sa potichu usmievala, sledujúci vzťah tých dvoch.
En: Jana, a new colleague at their company, quietly smiled, observing the dynamics between the two.

Sk: Bol rozdiel v miere ich energie, no nejak dosiaľ spolu vychádzali.
En: There was a difference in their energy levels, but so far, they got along.

Sk: "S týmto davom to bude vždy náročné," zamyslene konštatovala, keď si hľadala miesto, kde by bola menej zatlačená.
En: "With this crowd, it's always going to be challenging," she remarked thoughtfully as she looked for a place where she wouldn't be as crowded.

Sk: Miroslav prikývol a neisto sa pozrel na Lukáša. Ten akoby sa odpútal od rozpráv, sledoval neznámu tvár v davu.
En: Miroslav nodded and glanced uncertainly at Lukáš, who seemed to have tuned out of the conversation and was watching an unfamiliar face in the crowd.

Sk: Električka zamaskená hlukom rozhovorov a cinkotu koľají, plula ku kraju mesta.
En: The tram, filled with the noise of conversations and the clinking of the tracks, glided towards the edge of the city.

Sk: Ťažko sa dýchalo a každý nový závan vzduchu bol vzácnosťou.
En: Breathing was difficult, and each new gust of air was a rarity.

Sk: V jeden okamih však zavládlo ticho. Miroslav, Jana aj Lukáš si všimli, že električka zastala v poli. Nikam nevedúca koľaj.
En: However, at one moment, silence fell. Miroslav, Jana, and Lukáš noticed that the tram had stopped in the middle of a field, not on its usual track.

Sk: Všetci sa navzájom zmätene pozerali.
En: They all looked at each other in confusion.

Sk: Vodič nervózne vysvetľoval, že je to technický problém.
En: The driver nervously explained that it was a technical problem.

Sk: Mimo svojich zvyčajných trás, cestujúci sa museli rozhodnúť, čo ďalej.
En: Travelers had to decide what to do outside of their usual route.

Sk: Niektorí začali vystupovať, iní zostávali a čakali.
En: Some began to get off, while others stayed and waited.

Sk: Miroslav sa rozhodol konať.
En: Miroslav decided to take action.

Sk: Navrhol, že môžu ísť pešo popri trati a nájsť nejakú reštauráciu alebo miesto, kde by si mohli trochu oddýchnuť od tohto náhleho zastavenia.
En: He suggested that they could walk alongside the tracks and find a restaurant or a place to rest from this sudden stop.

Sk: "Je to dobrý nápad," súhlasila Jana s úsmevom a Lukáš len pokrčil ramenami, s očami ešte vždy upretými na električku, akoby hľadal odpovede.
En: "That's a good idea," Jana agreed with a smile, and Lukáš just shrugged, with his eyes still fixed on the tram as if seeking answers.

Sk: Rozhodli sa teda v trojici odísť.
En: So, they decided to leave as a trio.

Sk: Počas cesty spoznali krásu okolia Bratislavy, ktoré doposiaľ nepozorovali.
En: During the journey, they discovered the beauty of the surroundings of Bratislava that they had not noticed before.

Sk: Rozprávali sa o hudbe, práci aj živote.
En: They talked about music, work, and life.

Sk: Cesta, ktorá začala ako nelichotivá situácia, sa premenila na príjemný výlet.
En: What began as an unpleasant situation turned into a pleasant excursion.

Sk: Po niekoľkých kilometroch našli príjemnú kaviareň.
En: After a few kilometers, they found a cozy café.

Sk: Usadili sa na terase s výhľadom na rieku.
En: They settled on the terrace overlooking the river.

Sk: O koncerte, na ktorý sa Lukáš doteraz pýtal, už nikto nehovoril.
En: No one mentioned the concert Lukáš had asked about.

Sk: Nie je dôležité, kde skončíte, ale s kým a ako, pomyslel si Miroslav, keď si sorboval horúcu kávu a počúval smiech Jany a zabudol na ruch električky.
En: It's not important where you end up, but with whom and how, Miroslav thought as he sipped his hot coffee and listened to Jana's laughter, forgetting about the tram's commotion.

Sk: A na Lukášovom tvári sa objavil prvýkrát ten deň úsmev.
En: And for the first time that day, a smile appeared on Lukáš's face.

Sk: Všetko dôležité bolo práve tu a teraz, medzi novými a starými priateľmi, v malom odpočinku na okraji veľkého mesta.
En: Everything important was right here and now, among new and old friends, in a small break on the outskirts of the big city.

Vocabulary Words:
  • crowded: tlačil
  • tram: električka
  • Bratislava: Bratislave
  • tight: pevne
  • handrail: poručník
  • SNP stop: zastávka SNP
  • met: stretol
  • faces: tváre
  • lit up: ožiarené
  • spring: jarný
  • penetrated: prenikalo
  • windows: okná
  • concert: koncerte
  • longtime: dlhoročného
  • shrugged: pokrčil ramenami
  • suffocating: daviaca
  • mass: masa
  • increasingly: čoraz
  • unbearable: ťažšie
  • observing: usmievala
  • dynamics: vzťah
  • energy levels: miere ich energie
  • challenging: náročné
  • remarked: konštatovala
  • thoughtfully: zamyslene
  • looked for: hľadala
  • crowded: zatlačená
  • glanced: neisto sa pozrel
  • uncertainly: neisto
  • tuned out: odpútal
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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