Trapped! A Spinning Escape in Ljubljana
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Trapped! A Spinning Escape in Ljubljana
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Trapped! A Spinning Escape in Ljubljana Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nekega lepega pomladnega dne je sredi Ljubljane,...
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Nekega lepega pomladnega dne je sredi Ljubljane, v bližini Prešernovega trga, zadišalo po svežih rožah.
En: On a beautiful spring day in the middle of Ljubljana, near Prešeren Square, the scent of fresh flowers filled the air.
Sl: Maja, deklica s svetlimi kodri, se je veselo sprehajala s svojima prijateljema Luko in Anjo.
En: Maja, a girl with bright curls, happily strolled with her friends Luka and Anja.
Sl: Maja je bila znana po svojih smešnih šalah, Luka je bil vedno poln zanimivih zgodb o mestu, Anja pa je rada opazovala oblake in si izmišljevala zgodbe o njihovih oblikah.
En: Maja was known for her funny jokes, Luka always had interesting stories about the city, and Anja enjoyed watching the clouds and making up stories about their shapes.
Sl: Vstopili so v ogromno stekleno stavbo, kjer je bila pisarna, kjer je Maja želela prevzeti neke pomembne dokumente.
En: They entered a huge glass building, where Maja needed to pick up some important documents from the office.
Sl: Preden so se zavedali, so prispeli do veličastnih vrtečih vrat iz stekla.
En: Before they knew it, they arrived at magnificent revolving glass doors.
Sl: Brez omahovanja so stopili vanje, a kaj kmalu so ugotovili, da ne morejo ven.
En: Without hesitation, they stepped in, but soon realized they couldn't get out.
Sl: Vrata so se nehalo vrteti!
En: The doors had stopped spinning!
Sl: OH, NE!
En: Oh no!
Sl: Bili so ujeti kot ribe v mreži.
En: They were trapped like fish in a net.
Sl: Maja je prva poskušala potisniti vrata, a brez uspeha.
En: Maja was the first to try pushing the doors, but to no avail.
Sl: Luka, ki je bil malce močnejši, je prav tako poskusil s silo odpreti vrata, vendar se ni zganilo niti za milimeter.
En: Luka, who was a little stronger, also tried to force the doors open, but it didn't budge even a millimeter.
Sl: Anja, ki je bila tiha in mirna, je le opazovala in razmišljala.
En: Anja, quiet and calm, simply observed and pondered.
Sl: Maja je začela panično govoriti: "Kaj če nikoli ne pridemo ven?
En: Maja began to panic, "What if we never get out?"
Sl: " Luka je poskusil ostati miren in je dejal, "Moramo biti pametni.
En: Luka tried to stay calm and said, "We need to be smart.
Sl: Gotovo obstaja način.
En: There must be a way."
Sl: " Anja, ki še vedno ni izgubila glave, je predlagala, "Poglejmo, če je tu kakšen gumb ali stikalo.
En: Anja, who hadn't lost her head, suggested, "Let's see if there's a button or a switch here."
Sl: "V tem zapletu je počasi minulo nekaj minut, ko so Maja in Luka postajala vedno bolj razburjena.
En: As the dilemma slowly unfolded, and minutes passed, Maja and Luka became increasingly agitated.
Sl: Medtem pa je Anja, ki ni prenehala preučevati situacije, opazila majhno ploščico z navodili ob robu vrtečih vrat.
En: Meanwhile, Anja, still studying the situation, noticed a small plate with instructions on the edge of the revolving doors.
Sl: Bila je navodila za izhod v sili.
En: It was the emergency exit instructions.
Sl: "Tu piše, da moramo potegniti ta ročaj navzdol in potiskati vrata naprej," je razložila Anja.
En: "It says we have to pull this handle down and push the doors forward," explained Anja.
Sl: Maja in Luka sta ji pomagala, saj niso imeli kaj izgubiti.
En: Maja and Luka helped her, with nothing to lose.
Sl: Kot po čudežu so se vrata zlahka odprla, ko so skupaj potegnili ročaj.
En: As if by magic, the doors easily opened when they pulled the handle together.
Sl: Za hihi in hoho so se naši trije junaki osvobodili iz nevarnega objema vrtečih vrat.
En: With laughter and smiles, our three heroes freed themselves from the dangerous embrace of the revolving doors.
Sl: Spokojno so zakorakali ven na sončno ljubljansko ulico, kjer so se sprehajali kolesarji, otroci so lovili milne mehurčke, in stari prijatelji so klepetali na klopcah.
En: They strolled out onto the sunny streets of Ljubljana, where cyclists rode by, children chased soap bubbles, and old friends chatted on benches.
Sl: Maja se je nasmehnila in dejala, "Anja, ti si naša herojina!
En: Maja smiled and said, "Anja, you're our hero!
Sl: Zbrala si se, ko smo to najbolj potrebovali.
En: You kept your cool when we needed it most."
Sl: " Anja je skromno skomignila z rameni in odgovorila, "Nekdo mora ohraniti mirno kri, kajne?
En: Anja modestly shrugged and replied, "Someone had to keep a level head, right?"
Sl: " Luka se je smejal, "No, prav gotovo je bil to dan poln dogodivščin!
En: Luka laughed, "Well, it certainly was a day full of adventures!"
Sl: "Od takrat naprej so Maja, Luka in Anja vedno pripovedovali to zgodbo kot opomin, da ko se znajdeš v težkem položaju, je ključnega pomena mirnost in razmišljanje.
En: From that day on, Maja, Luka, and Anja always told this story as a reminder that when faced with a difficult situation, keeping calm and thinking clearly is crucial.
Sl: Z vedrimi obrazmi so nadaljevali raziskovanje čudovite Ljubljane, kjer je vsak kotiček skrival novo pustolovščino.
En: With cheerful faces, they continued to explore the wonderful city of Ljubljana, where every corner held a new adventure.
Vocabulary Words:
- beautiful: lep
- spring: pomlad
- middle: središče
- scent: vonj
- fresh: svež
- flowers: rože
- air: zrak
- bright: svetel
- curls: kodri
- strolled: sprehajala
- friends: prijatelji
- interesting: zanimiv
- stories: zgodb
- watching: opazovala
- clouds: oblaki
- making up: izmišljevala
- huge: ogromno
- glass: steklo
- building: stavba
- important: pomembne
- documents: dokumenti
- office: pisarna
- revolving: vrteče
- doors: vrata
- trapped: ujeti
- fish: ribe
- net: mreža
- pushing: potiskati
- force: silo
- noticed: opazila
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