
Umbrella Mix-Up: An Unexpected Friendship

Nov 22, 2023 · 15m 35s
Umbrella Mix-Up: An Unexpected Friendship

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 57s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Umbrella Mix-Up: An Unexpected Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Na sivem jutru v starem mestu Ljubljana, ko...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Umbrella Mix-Up: An Unexpected Friendship
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Na sivem jutru v starem mestu Ljubljana, ko so kaplje dežja počasi a vztrajno padale na tlakovane ulice, sta Luka in Ana, vsak zatopljen v svoje misli, hodila po živahnem tržišču.
En: On a gray morning in the old city of Ljubljana, as raindrops slowly but persistently fell on the cobbled streets, Luka and Ana, each lost in their own thoughts, walked through the bustling market.

Sl: Luka, ki je bil vedno raztresen, je občudoval pisane stojnice, Ana pa je hitela skozi množico, zamujala je na pomemben sestanek.
En: Luka, who was always scatterbrained, admired the colorful stalls, while Ana hurried through the crowd, running late for an important meeting.

Sl: Luka je ob eni stojnici obstal in premišljeval, ali bi kupil ročno izdelan zvonec za svoje kolo, medtem ko je Ana z roko iskala prostor, da bi se prebila skozi gnečo.
En: Luka stopped at one stall and pondered whether to buy a handmade bell for his bike, while Ana used her hand to find a way to push through the crowd.

Sl: In v tistem trenutku, ko je Luka odložil svoj črn dežnik ob stojnico, da bi si bolje ogledal zvonec, je Ana svojega, prav tako črnega, leno oprla ob bližnjo steno.
En: At that moment, as Luka leaned his black umbrella against the stall to get a better look at the bell, Ana lazily propped her own black umbrella against a nearby wall.

Sl: Odhitela je naprej, Luka pa je še vedno preudarjal o nakupu.
En: She hurried on, while Luka still contemplated the purchase.

Sl: Ko sta se oba odločila, da je čas, da najdeta zavetje pred vse močnejšim deževjem, sta se po pomoti prijela za tuji dežnik.
En: When they both decided it was time to seek shelter from the increasingly heavy rain, they accidentally grabbed each other's umbrella.

Sl: Nista opazila zamenjave in vsak je odšel svojo pot.
En: They didn't notice the switch and each went their separate ways.

Sl: Ana je korakala čez Tromostovje s tujim dežnikom, ne da bi vedela, da ji Luka, nekje daleč, odpira njenega.
En: Ana marched across the Triple Bridge with the unfamiliar umbrella, unaware that somewhere far away, Luka was opening hers.

Sl: Bila je zatopljena v svoje skrbi o sestanku, ki ga ne sme zamuditi.
En: She was engrossed in her worries about the meeting she must not miss.

Sl: Luka pa je sanjaril pod novim dežnikom, ne vedoč, da ne drži svojega.
En: Meanwhile, Luka daydreamed beneath the new umbrella, unaware that it wasn't his.

Sl: Stečaj okoliščin je poskrbel za zmešnjavo, saj sta oba srečala znanca, ki sta ju poznala tudi po izbiri dežnikov.
En: A series of coincidences led to confusion, as both encountered acquaintances who also recognized them by their choice of umbrellas.

Sl: Lukov prijatelj je bil zmeden, ko je videl Luka z ženskim dežnikom, ki je imel na robu prikupno čipko.
En: Luka's friend was baffled when he saw Luka with a women's umbrella adorned with cute lace around the edge.

Sl: Prav tako se je Anin sodelavec začudil, ko mu je nasproti prišla Ana z velikanskim moškim dežnikom.
En: Likewise, Ana's colleague was surprised to see Ana with a huge men's umbrella.

Sl: Z zanimanjem in smehom so ju spraševali o novi modni izbiri, a Luka in Ana sta bila preveč zaposlena s svojimi opravki, da bi opazila nenavadnost.
En: With interest and laughter, they inquired about their new fashion choices, but Luka and Ana were too preoccupied with their errands to notice the peculiarity.

Sl: Šele ko je dež popoldne ponehal in so se ljudje umikali iz sobotne gneče tržnice, je Luka začutil, da nekaj ni prav.
En: Only when the rain stopped in the afternoon and people dispersed from the Saturday market, did Luka feel that something was amiss.

Sl: Pogledal je dežnik in opazil, da ta vsekakor ni njegov.
En: He glanced at the umbrella and realized that it definitely wasn't his.

Sl: Ana je istočasno stala pred steklenimi vrati pisarne, ko je opazila čipko na robovu njenega dežnika, in se zavedela, da ne drži svojega.
En: At the same time, Ana stood in front of the glass doors of her office, noticed the lace on the edge of her umbrella, and realized she wasn't holding her own.

Sl: Oba sta se v trenutku odločila, da se vrnejo na tržnico in poiščeta svoj pravi dežnik.
En: In that instant, they both decided to return to the market and find their respective umbrellas.

Sl: Ko sta se Luka in Ana naključno srečala ob isti stojnici, kjer se je zamenjava zgodila, sta nemudoma vedela, kaj se je zgodilo.
En: When Luka and Ana randomly met at the same stall where the switch had occurred, they immediately knew what had happened.

Sl: Nasmejala sta se, izmenjala dežnika in si povedala o svoji zabavni izkušnji.
En: They laughed, exchanged umbrellas, and shared their amusing experience.

Sl: Naključno srečanje je preraslo v prijateljstvo, ki je vodilo do mnogih skupnih deževnih sprehodov po Ljubljani, tokrat z lastnimi dežniki v rokah.
En: The chance encounter blossomed into a friendship that led to many shared rainy walks in Ljubljana, this time with their own umbrellas in hand.

Sl: Kajti včasih mala zamenjava ne prinese le zmešnjave, temveč tudi nove začetke.
En: Because sometimes, a small mix-up brings not only confusion but also new beginnings.

Vocabulary Words:
  • gray: siv
  • morning: jutro
  • old: starem
  • city: mestu
  • raindrops: kaplje dežja
  • slowly: počasi
  • persistently: vztrajno
  • fell: padale
  • cobbled: tlakovane
  • streets: ulice
  • Luka: Luka
  • Ana: Ana
  • lost: zatopljen
  • thoughts: misli
  • walked: hodila
  • bustling: živahnem
  • market: tržišču
  • scatterbrained: raztresen
  • admired: občudoval
  • colorful: pisane
  • stalls: stojnice
  • hurried: hitela
  • crowd: množico
  • running: zamujala
  • late: zamuditi
  • important: pomemben
  • meeting: sestanek
  • stopped: obstal
  • stall: stojnici
  • pondered: premišljeval
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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