
Unexpected Connections: A Serendipitous Encounter in Snowdonia

Jun 2, 2024 · 15m 18s
Unexpected Connections: A Serendipitous Encounter in Snowdonia

01 · Main Story

1m 44s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 28s


Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Unexpected Connections: A Serendipitous Encounter in Snowdonia Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Cy: Gigodd haul y bore dros dir...

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Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Unexpected Connections: A Serendipitous Encounter in Snowdonia
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Story Transcript:

Cy: Gigodd haul y bore dros dir prydferth Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri.
En: The morning sun rose over the beautiful landscape of Snowdonia National Park.

Cy: Roedd Gwyneth yn teimlo'r gwynt ysgafn ar ei hwyneb wrth iddi ddechrau dringo'r mynydd.
En: Gwyneth felt the gentle breeze on her face as she began to climb the mountain.

Cy: Roedd mor heddychlon bod hi bron yn anghofio pryderion ei bywyd.
En: It was so peaceful that she almost forgot her life's worries.

Cy: Wrth i Gwyneth ddynesu at dop y môr o goed, gwelodd rywun arall yn cerdded ar y llwybr cul.
En: As Gwyneth neared the top of the sea of trees, she saw someone else walking on the narrow path.

Cy: Gwelodd dyn tua'i henoed, Dafydd.
En: She saw a man around her age, Dafydd.

Cy: Roedd yn gwenu'n gynnes wrth iddi agosáu.
En: He smiled warmly as she approached.

Cy: "Helo," meddai Gwyneth yn swil.
En: "Hello," Gwyneth said shyly.

Cy: "Shwmae," atebodd Dafydd.
En: "Hi," answered Dafydd.

Cy: "Mae'n ddiwrnod braf i gerdded, tydi?
En: "It's a fine day for a walk, isn't it?"

Cy: ""Ydy," meddai Gwyneth, "rwy'n cerdded yma yn aml ond erioed wedi cwrdd â chi o'r blaen.
En: "Yes," said Gwyneth, "I walk here often but have never met you before."

Cy: ""Amazing, dim ond fy ail dro i yw hwn," chwarddodd Dafydd.
En: "Amazing, this is only my second time," laughed Dafydd.

Cy: "Dwi'n goresgyn fy ofnau o uchder.
En: "I'm overcoming my fear of heights."

Cy: "Cerddon nhw am ychydig yn dawel, dim ond sŵn y natur o'u cwmpas.
En: They walked quietly for a while, surrounded only by the sounds of nature.

Cy: Ar ôl peth amser, dechreuon nhw siarad eto.
En: After some time, they started talking again.

Cy: Roedd sgwrsio'n dod yn haws fel hen ffrindiau.
En: Conversation became easier, like old friends.

Cy: "Mae fy nheulu'n dod o'r ardal yma," meddai Gwyneth.
En: "My family comes from this area," said Gwyneth.

Cy: "Ti'n dod o'r ardal hefyd?
En: "Are you from around here too?"

Cy: ""Ydw, fy nheulu wedi bod yma ers cenedlaethau," atebodd Dafydd.
En: "Yes, my family has been here for generations," replied Dafydd.

Cy: "Mae hanes gyda ni yn ardal yr Wyddfa yma.
En: "We have a history in the Snowdon area."

Cy: ""Siwrio?
En: "Really?"

Cy: " synnodd Gwyneth.
En: Gwyneth was surprised.

Cy: "Mae rhaid dweud rhywbeth am fy nheulu fi hefyd.
En: "I must tell you something about my family as well."

Cy: "Wrth iddynt sefyll i eistedd wrth ben mynydd, sylwodd Gwyneth llyfr bach oedd gan Dafydd.
En: As they stopped to sit at the mountain's peak, Gwyneth noticed a small book that Dafydd had.

Cy: "Be' sy' yn y llyfr yna?
En: "What's in that book?"

Cy: " gofynnodd hi.
En: she asked.

Cy: "Hen hanesion y teulu," atebodd Dafydd.
En: "Old family stories," replied Dafydd.

Cy: Dechreuodd agor y llyfr ac roedd lluniau yn llyfr.
En: He began to open the book, and there were pictures inside.

Cy: Gwelodd lun a oedd yn edrych yn adnabyddus.
En: She saw a picture that looked familiar.

Cy: "Disgrifiad mae yma o enw 'Ryneth.
En: "There's a description here of someone named 'Ryneth."

Cy: " Gwyneth sobodd, "Dyna fy nain i!
En: Gwyneth gasped, "That's my grandmother!"

Cy: "Canfyddodd eu bod nhw'n rhannu'r un cyndeidiau.
En: They discovered that they shared the same ancestors.

Cy: Roedd eu hanes teulu'n cydblethu.
En: Their family histories were intertwined.

Cy: "Pwy fyddai'n meddwl, parhaus llwybr gerdded yn arwain at gysylltiad ddwfn fel hyn," meddai Gwyneth.
En: "Who would have thought that a simple walking path would lead to such a deep connection," said Gwyneth.

Cy: "Tydi bywyd yn ddi-ryddid," gwenuodd Dafydd.
En: "Life is unpredictable," smiled Dafydd.

Cy: "Mae'n rhaid iddo ni gadw'r hanes yn fyw, a'r cysylltiadau'n gryf.
En: "We must keep the history alive and the connections strong."

Cy: "Wrth iddynt sefyll, roeddynt yn gwybod byddai'r berthynas newydd hon yn parhau dros amser.
En: As they stood up, they knew that this new relationship would continue over time.

Cy: Cerddasant nôl, law yn llaw, tuag at ddechrau newydd.
En: They walked back, hand in hand, towards a new beginning.

Cy: Roedd yr hanes wedi dod â hwy at ei gilydd, ac yn y tywyllwch roedd eisoes ar led, roedd bywyd newydd yn edrych yn llachar iawn.
En: The history had brought them together, and in the already spreading darkness, a new life looked very bright.

Vocabulary Words:
  • morning: bore
  • sun: haul
  • landscape: tir
  • gentle: ysgafn
  • breeze: gwynt
  • climb: dringo
  • peaceful: heddychlon
  • narrow: cul
  • shyly: yn swil
  • amazing: Amazing
  • second time: ail dro
  • fear: ofnau
  • heights: uchder
  • nature: natur
  • conversation: sgwrsio
  • old friends: hen ffrindiau
  • area: ardal
  • generations: cenedlaethau
  • history: hanes
  • ancestors: cyndeidiau
  • book: llyfr
  • family stories: hanesion y teulu
  • pictures: lluniau
  • try: lluniau yn llyfr
  • description: disgrifiad
  • grandmother: nain
  • connection: cysylltiad
  • unpredictable: ddi-ryddid
  • relationship: berthynas
  • new beginning: dechrau newydd
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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