
Unlocking Sustainability: Adam and Zuzana's Eco-Farm Adventure

Jul 9, 2024 · 18m 11s
Unlocking Sustainability: Adam and Zuzana's Eco-Farm Adventure

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

14m 28s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unlocking Sustainability: Adam and Zuzana's Eco-Farm Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Adam a Zuzana stáli na kraji...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unlocking Sustainability: Adam and Zuzana's Eco-Farm Adventure
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Adam a Zuzana stáli na kraji mesta.
En: Adam and Zuzana stood at the edge of the city.

Sk: Pred nimi sa rozprestierala udržateľná energetická farma.
En: In front of them stretched a sustainable energy farm.

Sk: Slnečné panely sa leskli na letnom slnku a veterné turbíny sa pomaly otáčali v jemnom vánku.
En: Solar panels gleamed in the summer sun, and wind turbines slowly turned in the gentle breeze.

Sk: Okolo nich boli domy postavené z ekologických materiálov.
En: Around them were houses built from eco-friendly materials.

Sk: Adam mal v rukách zošit, v ktorom si zapisoval poznámky o farme.
En: Adam held a notebook in which he jotted down notes about the farm.

Sk: Bol plachý a tichý, ale miloval environmentálnu vedu.
En: He was shy and quiet but loved environmental science.

Sk: Zuzana, jeho spolužiačka, bola opakom.
En: Zuzana, his classmate, was the opposite.

Sk: Bola zvedavá a plná energie.
En: She was curious and full of energy.

Sk: Pri vchode do farmy ich privítal sprievodca.
En: At the entrance to the farm, they were welcomed by a guide.

Sk: Ukazoval študentom rôzne technológie a vysvetľoval, ako fungujú.
En: The guide showed the students various technologies and explained how they worked.

Sk: Adam mal v hlave veľa otázok a poznámok, ale váhal.
En: Adam had a lot of questions and notes in his mind, but he hesitated.

Sk: Zuzana behala od jedného projektu k druhému, zvedavo skúmala všetko okolo seba.
En: Zuzana ran from one project to another, curiously exploring everything around her.

Sk: Bola z toho všetkého nadšená, ale aj trochu ohromená.
En: She was excited but also a bit overwhelmed by it all.

Sk: Skupina sa zastavila pri veľkom solárnom systéme.
En: The group stopped at a large solar system.

Sk: Sprievodca začal vysvetľovať, no Adam vedel, že môže doplniť viac informácií.
En: The guide began explaining, but Adam knew he could add more information.

Sk: Zhromaždil odvahu a zdvihol ruku.
En: He gathered his courage and raised his hand.

Sk: "Môžem niečo povedať?
En: "Can I say something?"

Sk: " opýtal sa nesmelo.
En: he asked timidly.

Sk: Všetky oči sa otočili na neho.
En: All eyes turned to him.

Sk: Zuzana bola prekvapená, ale usmiala sa povzbudivo.
En: Zuzana was surprised but smiled encouragingly.

Sk: Adam začal vysvetľovať princípy fungovania solárneho systému.
En: Adam began explaining the principles of how the solar system worked.

Sk: Hovoril o premene slnečného svetla na elektrickú energiu, o efektívnosti a o tom, ako tento systém prispieva k udržateľnosti.
En: He talked about converting sunlight into electrical energy, efficiency, and how this system contributed to sustainability.

Sk: Jeho hlas bol spočiatku neistý, ale postupne nabrali jeho slová istotu.
En: His voice was initially uncertain, but gradually his words gained confidence.

Sk: Zuzana počúvala so záujmom, očividne nadšená z toho, čo sa dozvedela.
En: Zuzana listened with interest, clearly excited by what she was learning.

Sk: Keď Adam skončil, celé to publikum mu zatlieskalo.
En: When Adam finished, the entire audience applauded him.

Sk: Zuzana k nemu pristúpila a povedala: "To bolo skvelé, Adam!
En: Zuzana approached him and said, "That was great, Adam!

Sk: Nikdy som nevedela, že sa o toľko vecí zaujímaš.
En: I never knew you were interested in so many things."

Sk: "Adam sa usmial.
En: Adam smiled.

Sk: "Ďakujem, Zuzana.
En: "Thank you, Zuzana.

Sk: Rád by som ti ukázal ešte viac.
En: I'd love to show you more."

Sk: "Zuzana súhlasila a od toho momentu trávili zvyšok školského výletu spolu.
En: Zuzana agreed, and from that moment, they spent the rest of the school trip together.

Sk: Rozprávali sa o rôznych technológiách a projektoch na farme.
En: They talked about the various technologies and projects on the farm.

Sk: Adam sa cítil stále istejší a otvorenejší.
En: Adam felt increasingly confident and open.

Sk: Spoločne plánovali, ako by mohli pracovať na vlastnom projekte.
En: Together, they planned how they could work on their own project.

Sk: Cesta domov bola príjemná.
En: The trip home was pleasant.

Sk: Adam a Zuzana sedeli vedľa seba v autobuse, obaja spokojní a plní nových nápadov.
En: Adam and Zuzana sat next to each other on the bus, both content and full of new ideas.

Sk: Adam už nebol len plachý chlapec, ktorý stál v tieni.
En: Adam was no longer just a shy boy standing in the shadows.

Sk: Mal dôveru vo svoje vedomosti a na Zuzane videl, že ho počúvala s rešpektom.
En: He had confidence in his knowledge and saw that Zuzana listened to him with respect.

Sk: Keď sa školský autobus vrátil do mesta, obaja vedeli, že ich čaká nová kapitola.
En: When the school bus returned to the city, both knew that a new chapter awaited them.

Sk: Začali pracovať na svojom projekte a stali sa z nich skvelí priatelia a partnery.
En: They began working on their project and became great friends and partners.

Sk: Adamova vášň pre environmentalnu vedu rástlo a Zuzana si cenila jeho perspektívu a hlboké znalosti.
En: Adam's passion for environmental science grew, and Zuzana valued his perspective and deep knowledge.

Sk: Spoločne verili, že dokážu zmeniť svet k lepšiemu.
En: Together, they believed they could make the world a better place.

Sk: A tak sa z mladej utopistickej spoločnosti, ktorá stavila na udržateľnú budúcnosť, vynoril nový silný tím.
En: And so, from a young utopian society that bet on a sustainable future, a new strong team emerged.

Sk: Adam a Zuzana vedeli, že ich čaká mnoho výziev, ale boli pripravení im čeliť.
En: Adam and Zuzana knew many challenges awaited them, but they were ready to face them.

Sk: Spoločne.
En: Together.

Vocabulary Words:
  • sustainable: udržateľná
  • energy: energetická
  • farm: farma
  • gleamed: leskli
  • panels: panely
  • turbines: turbíny
  • breeze: vánok
  • eco-friendly: ekologických
  • materials: materiálov
  • notebook: zošit
  • jotted: zapisoval
  • environmental: environmentálnu
  • science: vedu
  • classmate: spolužiačka
  • guide: sprievodca
  • hesitated: váhal
  • exploring: skúmala
  • overwhelmed: ohromená
  • convert: premene
  • efficiency: efektívnosti
  • sustainability: udržateľnosti
  • confidence: istotu
  • applauded: zatlieskalo
  • principles: princípy
  • content: spokojní
  • project: projekt
  • perspective: perspektívu
  • challenges: výziev
  • courage: odvahu
  • gradually: postupne
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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