
Vedran's Hospital Misadventure: Lessons in Laughter & Friendship

Aug 29, 2024 · 14m 24s
Vedran's Hospital Misadventure: Lessons in Laughter & Friendship

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 42s


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Vedran's Hospital Misadventure: Lessons in Laughter & Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Hr: Vedro ljeto obasjalo je bolničko...

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Vedran's Hospital Misadventure: Lessons in Laughter & Friendship
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Story Transcript:

Hr: Vedro ljeto obasjalo je bolničko dvorište, a miris mora lagano se miješao s mirisom sredstva za dezinfekciju.
En: The bright summer sun lit up the hospital courtyard, and the smell of the sea subtly mingled with the scent of disinfectant.

Hr: Vedran i Petra ušli su u čistu bolnicu u malom primorskom gradiću.
En: Vedran and Petra entered the clean hospital in a small coastal town.

Hr: Vedran je bio optimističan, uvjeren da će sve proći glatko na pregledu.
En: Vedran was optimistic, convinced that the check-up would go smoothly.

Hr: "Petra," rekao je Vedran s osmijehom.
En: "Petra," Vedran said with a smile.

Hr: "Danas ću ti pokazati da sve mogu sam obaviti!"
En: "Today I'll show you that I can handle everything by myself!"

Hr: Petra se nasmijala.
En: Petra laughed.

Hr: "Vedrane, samo se opusti i sjetit ćeš se koliko su pregledi jednostavni."
En: "Vedran, just relax, and you'll remember how simple check-ups are."

Hr: Ipak, Vedranov um bio je u vrtlogu misli.
En: However, Vedran's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts.

Hr: Prvo što je trebao učiniti bilo je posjetiti kupaonicu.
En: The first thing he needed to do was visit the restroom.

Hr: Ulazio je užurbano, ali nije gledao i slučajno je zatvorio vrata tako da su kliknula, a brava se zaključala.
En: He entered hurriedly, but without paying attention, he closed the door behind him just enough to hear the click of the lock.

Hr: Shvatio je što se dogodilo i naslonio se na vrata.
En: Realizing what happened, he leaned against the door.

Hr: Pomislio je: "Ne mogu ovo priznati Petri."
En: He thought, "I can't admit this to Petra."

Hr: Počeo je isprobavati različite načine da otvori vrata—koristio je papire, pokušao je grebati ključanicu noktom.
En: He started trying different ways to open the door—using papers and trying to pick the lock with his fingernail.

Hr: Ništa nije pomoglo.
En: Nothing worked.

Hr: Naposljetku, priznao je sebi da mu treba pomoć.
En: Finally, he admitted to himself that he needed help.

Hr: Sa stidom, potražio je svoj mobitel.
En: Feeling embarrassed, he reached for his phone.

Hr: Njegova poruka Petri bila je kratka: "Hej, mala nezgoda.
En: His message to Petra was brief: "Hey, small mishap.

Hr: U kupaonici sam.
En: I'm in the bathroom.

Hr: Pomozi."
En: Help."

Hr: Nekoliko trenutaka kasnije, Petra je bila tamo, s osmijehom na licu.
En: A few moments later, Petra was there, a smile on her face.

Hr: No, prije nego što je uspjela pomoći, Vedran je slučajno udario u crveni gumb na zidu.
En: But before she could help, Vedran accidentally hit a red button on the wall.

Hr: Zvuk alarma odjekivao je kroz hodnike.
En: The sound of the alarm echoed through the corridors.

Hr: Bolničko osoblje brzo je stiglo.
En: The hospital staff quickly arrived.

Hr: Vedran, crven u licu, imao je samo jedno rješenje—smijati se.
En: Vedran, red-faced, had only one solution—laughter.

Hr: Bolničari su ga izvukli, a Petra ga je dočekala s lagano podrugljivim osmijehom.
En: The paramedics got him out, and Petra greeted him with a slightly mocking smile.

Hr: "Pa, gospodine samostalni," rekla je, "jesmo li naučili nešto danas?"
En: "So, Mr. Independent," she said, "have we learned something today?"

Hr: Vedran je podigao glavu.
En: Vedran lifted his head.

Hr: Da, možda pomoć nije tako loša stvar.
En: Yes, maybe asking for help isn't such a bad thing.

Hr: Šetali su prema izlazu, Petra još uvijek uz njega, a Vedran, sada opušteniji, shvatio je da život uz smijeh i pomoć prijatelja ipak nije tako strašan.
En: They walked toward the exit, Petra still by his side, and Vedran, now more relaxed, realized that life with laughter and the help of friends isn't so bad after all.

Hr: Oblijepljen sunca, njihov izlazak iz bolnice izgledao je kao novi početak, Vedran je svijet gledao kroz prizmu humora i prijateljstva.
En: Bathed in sunlight, their exit from the hospital felt like a new beginning, and Vedran saw the world through a lens of humor and friendship.

Vocabulary Words:
  • courtyard: dvorište
  • subtly: lagano
  • disinfectant: sredstvo za dezinfekciju
  • optimistic: optimističan
  • convinced: uvjeren
  • whirlwind: vrtlog
  • restroom: kupaonica
  • hurriedly: užurbano
  • lock: brava
  • admit: priznati
  • embarrassed: stid
  • mishap: nezgoda
  • accidentally: slučajno
  • echoed: odjekivao
  • corridors: hodnike
  • paramedics: bolničari
  • slightly mocking: lagano podrugljivim
  • independent: samostalni
  • learned: naučili
  • bathed: oblijepljen
  • scent: miris
  • mingled: miješao
  • smoothly: glatko
  • thoughts: misli
  • leaned: naslonio
  • different: različite
  • solution: rješenje
  • beginning: početak
  • humor: humor
  • friendship: prijateljstvo
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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