
When Swans Steal: A Picnic Adventure

Jan 27, 2024 · 14m 4s
When Swans Steal: A Picnic Adventure

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 2s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: When Swans Steal: A Picnic Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Marko, Anja in Lucija so se na...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: When Swans Steal: A Picnic Adventure
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Marko, Anja in Lucija so se na sončen dan odločili za piknik ob reki Ljubljanici.
En: Marko, Anja, and Lucija decided to have a picnic by the Ljubljanica River on a sunny day.

Sl: V zraku je bilo čutiti svežino pomladi in otroški smeh je odmeval po mestu, ki je bilo polno življenja.
En: In the air, there was a hint of spring freshness, and children's laughter echoed through the lively city.

Sl: Naša trojica prijateljev je našla popoln prostor na travi, blizu starega mostu, kjer je pogled na reko bil naravnost čudovit.
En: Our trio of friends found the perfect spot on the grass near the old bridge, where the view of the river was simply magnificent.

Sl: Razprostrli so odejo in na njej razporedili košaro polno dobrot.
En: They spread out a blanket and laid out a basket full of goodies.

Sl: Marko je prvi vzel sendvič in ga z veseljem prinesel k ustom.
En: Marko was the first to take a sandwich and eagerly brought it to his mouth.

Sl: A ravno, ko je hotel ugrizniti, je nekaj priletelo mimo in ga prestrašilo.
En: Just as he was about to take a bite, something flew past and startled him.

Sl: Sendvič mu je zdrsnil iz rok in padel naravnost v Ljubljanico.
En: The sandwich slipped from his hand and fell straight into the Ljubljanica River.

Sl: Marko je osuplo gledal, kako njegov sendvič plava po vodi, potem pa se je zgodilo nekaj nepričakovanega.
En: Marko looked in amazement as his sandwich floated on the water, and then something unexpected happened.

Sl: Iz vode se je približala velika, bela labodja glava.
En: From the water emerged a large, white swan's head.

Sl: Labod je bil znan po svoji nagajivosti in hitro je plaval proti sendviču.
En: The swan was known for its mischievousness and quickly swam towards the sandwich.

Sl: "Ne, moj sendvič!
En: "No, my sandwich!"

Sl: " je vzkliknil Marko.
En: exclaimed Marko.

Sl: Anja in Lucija sta se smejali ob pogledu na nagajivega laboda, ki si je prisvojil sendvič.
En: Anja and Lucija laughed at the sight of the mischievous swan claiming the sandwich.

Sl: Marko je bil sprva razočaran, ampak nasmeh na obrazih prijateljic ga je kmalu spravil v dobro voljo.
En: Marko was initially disappointed, but the smiles on his friends' faces soon cheered him up.

Sl: Odločili so se, da bodo izkušnjo izkoristili za narediti nekaj dobrega.
En: They decided to make the most of the experience by doing something good.

Sl: Anja je predlagala, da bi lahko naslednjič prinesli posebno hrano za labode, da bi jih nahranili in tudi druge opozorili, naj delajo enako.
En: Anja suggested that next time they could bring special food for the swans to feed them and encourage others to do the same.

Sl: Lucija je prikimala in dodala, da bi lahko njihovo dejanje spodbudilo večjo skrb za živali in naravo v mestu.
En: Lucija agreed and added that their action could inspire greater care for animals and nature in the city.

Sl: Ko so pospravili piknik, so se odpravili na sprehod ob reki in opazovali, kako se labod z zadovoljstvom prehranjuje z ukradenim sendvičem.
En: After cleaning up the picnic, they went for a walk by the river and watched the swan enjoy the stolen sandwich.

Sl: Marko je ob tem pomislil, da je morda njegova izguba prinesla nekaj dobrega.
En: Marko thought that perhaps his loss had brought something good.

Sl: Smeh in veselje so odmevali v njihovem prijateljskem krogu, saj so spoznali, da ni pomembno, kaj izgubiš, ampak kaj ob tem pridobiš - družbo, smeh in nepozabno doživetje ob reki Ljubljanici.
En: Laughter and joy echoed within their circle of friends as they realized that it doesn't matter what you lose, but what you gain from it - companionship, laughter, and an unforgettable experience by the Ljubljanica River.

Sl: Sredi Ljubljane, mestu z zelenim srcem, so se Marko, Anja in Lucija naučili pomembne lekcije o deljenju, prijateljstvu in spoštovanju do narave.
En: In the heart of Ljubljana, a city with a green soul, Marko, Anja, and Lucija learned an important lesson about sharing, friendship, and respect for nature.

Vocabulary Words:
  • Marko: Marko
  • Anja: Anja
  • Lucija: Lucija
  • picnic: piknik
  • Ljubljanica River: reka Ljubljanica
  • sunny day: sončen dan
  • hint: namig
  • spring freshness: svežina pomladi
  • laughter: smeh
  • echoed: odmeval
  • lively city: polno življenja mesto
  • perfect spot: popoln prostor
  • grass: trava
  • old bridge: stari most
  • magnificent: čudovit
  • blanket: odeja
  • basket: košara
  • goodies: dobrote
  • sandwich: sendvič
  • eagerly: z veseljem
  • bite: ugrizniti
  • flew past: priletelo mimo
  • startled: prestrašilo
  • slipped: zdrsnil
  • amazement: osuplost
  • floated: plaval
  • unexpected: nepričakovan
  • emerged: približala
  • large: velika
  • swan's head: labodja glava
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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