
Autumn Encounters: A Market Stroll of Discovery

Sep 14, 2024 · 16m 42s
Autumn Encounters: A Market Stroll of Discovery

01 · Main Story

1m 43s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 50s


Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Autumn Encounters: A Market Stroll of Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sk: Staré mesto žiarilo farbami jesenných listov....

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Autumn Encounters: A Market Stroll of Discovery
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Story Transcript:

Sk: Staré mesto žiarilo farbami jesenných listov.
En: The old town glowed with the colors of autumn leaves.

Sk: V srdci tejto mestskej džungle, plnej vôní a zvukov, sa konal trh.
En: In the heart of this urban jungle, full of scents and sounds, a market was taking place.

Sk: Stánky stáli v rade a ponúkali rôzne poklady – od miestnych delikates po ručné výrobky.
En: Stalls stood in a row, offering various treasures—from local delicacies to handmade crafts.

Sk: Práve tam, medzi stánkami, stál Jakub.
En: There, among the stalls, stood Jakub.

Sk: Jeho stánok bol plný ručne vyrobených šperkov, ktoré odrážali jeho dušu.
En: His stall was full of handcrafted jewelry that reflected his soul.

Sk: Jakub bol umelec, ktorý túžil po inšpirácii a spojení s ľuďmi.
En: Jakub was an artist who longed for inspiration and connection with people.

Sk: Dnes ale pociťoval neistotu.
En: But today, he felt uncertain.

Sk: Pýtal sa sám seba, či jeho práca niekoho zaujme.
En: He wondered if anyone would be interested in his work.

Sk: Na druhej strane trhu, Sofia, ktorá bola botanistkou, pomaly prechádzala od stánku k stánku.
En: On the other side of the market, Sofia, a botanist, was slowly making her way from stall to stall.

Sk: Prišla si oddýchnuť od rutiny svojho života.
En: She had come to take a break from the routine of her life.

Sk: Zvedavosť ju nútila obzerať šperky, kým jej oči nepadli na Jakubovo umenie.
En: Curiosity made her browse the jewelry until her eyes landed on Jakub's art.

Sk: Na okamih sa ich pohľady stretli a Jakub cítil, akoby našiel stratenú časť skladačky.
En: For a moment, their gazes met, and Jakub felt as if he had found a missing piece of a puzzle.

Sk: Sofia cítila vnútornú túžbu po niečom spontánnom.
En: Sofia felt an inner longing for something spontaneous.

Sk: Ale keď urobila krok k Jakubovi, jej vnútorná neistota ju zabrzdila.
En: But as she took a step toward Jakub, her inner uncertainty held her back.

Sk: Nebola si istá, či sa dokáže nechať uniesť a opustiť svoje každodenné pevné zvyklosti.
En: She wasn't sure if she could let go and abandon her daily fixed habits.

Sk: „Ahoj,“ povedal Jakub s úsmevom.
En: "Hi," Jakub said with a smile.

Sk: „Toto je môj obľúbený kúsok.
En: "This is my favorite piece."

Sk: “ Ukázal na náhrdelník.
En: He pointed to a necklace.

Sk: Bol jemný, s malým srdcom uprostred.
En: It was delicate, with a small heart in the center.

Sk: Symbolizoval jeho odvahu otvoriť sa svetu.
En: It symbolized his courage to open up to the world.

Sk: Bol nervózny, či to Sofia pochopí.
En: He was nervous about whether Sofia would understand.

Sk: Sofia pozrela na náhrdelník.
En: Sofia looked at the necklace.

Sk: „Je nádherný,“ povedala úprimne, v očiach záblesk pochopenia.
En: "It's beautiful," she said sincerely, with a flash of understanding in her eyes.

Sk: „Máš krásne šperky.
En: "You have lovely jewelry."

Sk: “Srdce mu poskočilo.
En: His heart leaped.

Sk: Mal pocit, že našiel niekoho, kto skutočne rozumie jeho umeniu.
En: He felt he had found someone who truly understood his art.

Sk: „Chceš sa prejsť po trhu?
En: "Would you like to walk around the market?"

Sk: “ spýtal sa, nádejou v hlase.
En: he asked, hope in his voice.

Sk: Sofia váhala len na okamih.
En: Sofia hesitated for just a moment.

Sk: Veď čo sa môže stať?
En: What could happen?

Sk: Možno tentokrát jej svet nepadne do chaosu.
En: Perhaps this time, her world wouldn't fall into chaos.

Sk: Prikývla a prijala náhrdelník.
En: She nodded and accepted the necklace.

Sk: „Rada sa prejdem,“ súhlasila a na tvári sa jej rozlial úsmev.
En: "I'd love to," she agreed, a smile spreading across her face.

Sk: Jakub si oddýchol.
En: Jakub relaxed.

Sk: Jeho neistota sa pomaly rozpúšťala.
En: His uncertainty slowly melted away.

Sk: Spolu sa pomaly prechádzali po trhu.
En: Together, they walked leisurely through the market.

Sk: Svetlá mesta hrali okolo nich ako hviezdy.
En: The city lights played around them like stars.

Sk: Ich smiech sa miešal s hlasmi davu a šumením listov.
En: Their laughter mingled with the voices of the crowd and the rustling of leaves.

Sk: Nakoniec, ako večerná hmla klesala a festival utíchal, obaja si uvedomili, že sa zmenili.
En: In the end, as the evening mist descended and the festival quieted, they both realized they had changed.

Sk: Jakub našiel dôveru v seba a svoje umenie.
En: Jakub found confidence in himself and his art.

Sk: Sofia začala objavovať krásu neznámeho, nechávajúc kontrolu za sebou.
En: Sofia began to discover the beauty of the unknown, leaving control behind.

Sk: Pod rúškom jesennej noci, obaja vedeli, že našli niečo výnimočné.
En: Under the veil of the autumn night, they both knew they had found something special.

Sk: A tak začala ich spoločná cesta, krok po kroku, pod žiarivými mestskými lampami.
En: And so their journey together began, step by step, under the glowing city lamps.

Vocabulary Words:
  • glowed: žiarilo
  • urban: mestská
  • jungle: džungle
  • stalls: stánky
  • treasures: poklady
  • delicacies: delikates
  • handcrafted: ručne vyrobené
  • jewelry: šperky
  • reflected: odrážali
  • longed: túžil
  • uncertain: neistotu
  • botanist: botanistka
  • curiosity: zvedavosť
  • browse: obzerať
  • gazes: pohľady
  • puzzle: skladačka
  • spontaneous: spontánny
  • abandon: opustiť
  • routine: rutina
  • delicate: jemný
  • symbolized: symbolizoval
  • courage: odvahu
  • sincerely: úprimne
  • understanding: pochopenie
  • leaped: poskočilo
  • hesitated: váhala
  • chaos: chaos
  • leisurely: pomaly
  • rustling: šumenie
  • mist: hmla
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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